
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · 映画
26 Chs


"So I talked with the owners of the other four buildings around the area and well I have stricken the deal. I got the contract here" Thomas gave the brown envelope to Jhon who immediately took it in his hands.

John opened the envelope where there are four contract papers and other paperwork and information about the other four buildings. "This is good, and the total price of the four buildings is 3,890,098 dollars"

John looked at the total amount, he glanced at Thomas who was munching on an apple.

Thomas who noticed John's stare put down the apple he was munching on. "It was hard to strike the deal with the owners of the buildings. Two of them wouldn't even sell their buildings. I needed to increase the price and they finally accepted to sell it to me"

"But this number?" John said as he couldn't help but grimace at the amount.

Thomas put his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat. "Sorry Jhon but I can't change the numbers" Thomas looked at the expression on John's face and he added. "I can't give you a discount man, that's the only price I can give"

"Come on Thomas we have been friends for years, can't you give me another discount?" John said as he gave the brown envelope to Liam who immediately opened it and saw the price.

Even Liam was surprised by the price.

"I already gave you a discount in this building alright?" Thomas said annoyed at John "I also have to make some money Jhon not only that I have to pay taxes as well"

"Fine but this number is too much. I need more time to fully pay you. Here is an advance payment" Jhon handed a brown envelope to Thomas.

"What I thought you already had the full cash in?" Thomas said but still took the envelope.

"Three million plus is hard to get, you think I can just shit the money here? I need time, give me some time and I'll pay you fully" Jhon said to Thomas who just sighed in defeat while counting the money inside the envelope.

"Hmm fine I'' give you two months besides the amount is hard to get, you better pay me Jhon," Thomas said as he put the envelope inside his suitcase.

After putting the envelope filled with cash inside his suitcase, Thomas couldn't help but be curious about why Jhon decided to buy five buildings which are all in the same area.

"What are you planning with all this building in the area anyways?" Thomas asked as he stared at Jhon. "Are you trying to maybe start a company or maybe one of the condos you can use as a hotel? Planning on making a restaurant?"

"Neither, it's something different," Jhon said vaguely to Thomas. Jhon looked at Liam who was watching him and Thomas with keen eyes.

"I'm just going to survey the newly renovated office and the interior of the employee's working place Dad," Liam said as he left the two alone, since the problem was settled he wanted to explore the newly renovated building. He was curious about what the construction workers did to improve the whole place.

"Be careful alright?! Stay away from debris!" John said and Liam nodded in response as he ran off.

"Why buy a newspaper company though? Are you trying to get in the newspaper business?" Thomas asked Jhon curiously. "If your trying to get in the newspaper gig word of advice since we have been friends for so long, it's not a good idea, the chances of your newspaper getting known and being forgotten is fifty-fifty Jhon"

"Well, It's neither a newspaper company nor any other stuff your thinking about," Jhon said as he walked outside of the open door to see the leader of the workers who oversee the construction. "I want you to put the sign real big," John said to the foreman.

"Of course Sir. Lockley my crew is already starting with that, tomorrow we will finally finish this thing." The foreman said.

"That's great the sooner it's finished the better" Jhon nodded his head and walked to the elevator, he was going to visit the other buildings.

Thomas followed him from behind and got inside the elevator. "Then what are you planning to do? strangely, you would buy another building the opposite to this one, not only that you even bought two bookstore buildings and one restaurant building what are you planning?"

Thomas who didn't hear an answer still kept following John. "Come on Jhon I'm not someone who would betray you, I'm good at keeping a secret you know that, just tell me"

"No your right your not a tattle-tale but even so this is strictly private no one can know about this" Jhon said as he waited for the pedestrian signal to turn green.

"Come on Jhon I'm curious!" Thomas still followed him from behind. "You always share every goddam brilliant plan you had with me, just because we haven't got to hangout these couple of years doesn't mean that I have changed"

"Anyways what's with the building sign too?" Thomas stopped as he stared at the top of the building. The sign had a Mar to it attached, and it looks like the other construction workers were still halfway finished with putting the sign on.

"Mar? The name of your company is Mar? Or am I still missing the other letters?" Thomas asked, he looked at his side to see that Jhon was holding the key to the opposite building and was busily trying to open it.

"What's with the naming sense Jhon?" Thomas asked as he looked at Jhon who was having trouble opening the door of the building.

"Can you help me first? It seems like something is blocking the door inside, I've already opened it but it doesn't budge so something is blocking it" Jhon said and started to push the door open.

"Fine but you have to tell e about this" Thomas also started to push the door helping Jhon. "God this is heavy"


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