
Hollywood: Stardom

Mateo Walker, a broadway actor from future woke up in the body of a 38th tier teenage star in Hollywood. When talent and opportunities collide, a new legend of Hollywood's last superstar will be be written. >> The story is fictional and is not related to real life people in any way.

Fiction_Novels · セレブリティ
2 Chs


A group of young girls stared at the boy intently. They approached the phone booth, laughing and shoving each other.

"Don't push me, I'll ask for the phone number when he comes out!" said the prettiest blonde among them, checking her makeup and throwing the scarf back to reveal her full breasts and cheerleader outfit underneath, "No boy can turn me down."

Minutes later, however, the proud cheerleader ran away crying.

The boy didn't even look at her, and the blond girl covered her mouth with tears in her eyes, but this didn't arouse even the slightest pity of the surrounding girls. In their eyes, if such a handsome boy can't be their, then no one should have the right to be with him. Such a perfect boy should only be admired, not tainted.

The little blonde girl couldn't stand the teasing eyes around her, so she ran away

quickly. The surrounding people also dispersed after seeing that the joke was over.

Mateo didn't pay any attention to the surrounding hussle, as it had become a part of his everyday life now. Anyway, he had more important things to do. He quickened his pace and moved toward his destination.


There is no doubt that Hollywood is the entertainment and cultural center of the United States, and of the world.

There are brokerage companies of all sizes gathered here, and there are also countless brokers who have emerged as the times require. They are the hub of all information and resources in Hollywood, and they are also the panacea for maintaining the smooth operation of this giant Vanity Fair.

There are currently four most powerful brokerage companies recognized. Creative Elite Agency is referred to as CAA, William Morris Agency is referred to as WMA, International Innovation Management Company is referred to as ICM, and United Elite Agency is referred to as UTA.

Among them, CAA has the largest scale, owning nearly two-thirds of Hollywood's celebrity clients. It has superstar actors like Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc and also many famous directors like Steven Spielberg and James Cameron are also contracted with the agency.

Just like the building where its headquarters is located, CAA's invincible "Death Star"' is in the centre of Hollywood.

It was in this famous Death Star building where Mateo came to meet his agent.

Mateo stood in front of the Caa building and looked around. There were many people coming in and out of the building. Today, he came to meet his agent Paul Mason, an entertainment broker associated with Caa. As an actor in both lives, he will obviously be an actor this time too. Therefore, he first needs to reconnect with his agent.

After taking a deep breath, Mateo entered the building.

The receptionist didn't stop Mateo and nodded to him lightly. Everyone at the reception counter knows that the handsome boy who comes often is an artist signed by Caa.

Mateo nodded back and moved toward the elevator, pressing the 14th floor button.

When he reached his agent's office, he knocked lightly.

"Come in."

After getting the permission, he entered the office.

Paul was walking on the phone when the was door knocked. He thought it was a clerk, but surprisingly, it was his one of the missing clients, Mateo Walker. He was quite surprised by it, but after nodding the kid to sit on sofa, he continued the conversation on phone.

After getting the signal, Mateo nodded and sat on the sofa, picking up a magezine to read while observing his agent.

Paul Mason is in his late thirties. He has an ordinary face and looks a little fat. Despite

not being handsome, he looks very professional. He was wearing a formal suit with the buttons of the shirt properly closed, and a blue tie was worn on neck. He was giving a perfect gentleman vibe, just like the vicious snakes of the Wall Street.

Of course, he's joking about the last part. From the memories he inherited, Paul Mason is quite a good person if compared to the usual blood sucking agents in hollywood. It can be seen from the fact that despite having extremely handsome appearance, the reason why Mateo has been safe physically till today is because of him. Paul protected the young boy quite well in a place like hollywood where young and beautiful children are considered specialities. As for the other bad habits like smoking, drinking, eyc, that was Mateo's own fault. It was his own weak will that lead to him falling for temptations.

After a while, Paul finished the call and sat on the office chair. He looked at his client who looked quite different from the past, both physically and mentally."What's the matter?"

From the moment the kid entered his office, he has been observing him carefully. The last time he saw Mateo was three months ago when the boy left his office with a big quarrel, after failing many auditions consecutively.

He didn't stop the boy at that time because he knew that he needed some time alone. He has been an agent for more than ten years now and there are many clients under him. And few of them are much more popular than this child star of the past, but he still hasn't given up on him because he was the first client he signed.

He understands Mateo's situation and has sympathy for him. He was popular in the past because of his overally cute appearence, but that formula can't be applied now. At this stage of life, one needs to have certain acting skills in order to be able to survive in this field as an actor. Therefore, he has been advising him continuously to either learn acting in a proper acting school or change his career. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to survive with his current prospects.


P.S. I hope everyone is liking the new version of the story. The previous story has been discarded.