
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

what do you want to say?

Robin, "I am not kidding. I will have my rest after finishing my work. Are you safe?" asked her while sitting on his head chair...

Adia was stunned for a moment, "ya I am. Okay I am in the company will call you later," said him...

Robin, "Oh, then take care," saying it cut the call...

Adia, "Hello hello Robin Robin," she stared at her mobile screen to see the call got disconnected. 'He thought work is important to me more than him and cut the call. Why is he a child sometimes?' thinks in her mind. 'You know he is a child yet you said him that,' her mind mocked her back...

Adia sighed heavily how tired she is now. She does want to share this with him. She holds her tears back as she has no one to share how is she feeling right now. She worked hard to finish the file, yet that was gone without any trace. Here her computer also not working, if manager Ao did what he said later, she has no face to live more. Why her fate is so bad for her...

Someone came to call her when she thinking.

"Miss Manager Ao is calling you," tells her...

Adia turns her head after wiping her tears away from her eyes and sees the office boy. Then nod her head, and went to see the manager...

Manager Ao saw her, "Come with me," saying it he walks first. Behind him, Adia walked...

Both of them reached the CEO's office, she hung her head down and she did not hear what are they talking about either...

Manager Ao knocked CEO's cabin before entering.

Aaron, "Come in" he heard his cold tone...

Manager Ao's face twisted upon hearing his tone. He entered alone with Adia who tailed him like a kitten, "Good morning sir," he greets him...

Aaron lifted his face to look at him from his laptop screen and stared at him later his eyes went back to him and looked at Adia whose face turned pale. He knitted his eyebrows together in his confusion. Then it become normal...

Manager Ao, "Sir, I -" he started to speak...

Aaron, "meeting is going to happen, why are you here?" asked him in his bossy tone...

Manager Ao grits his teeth in anger, "My presence won't do good in this meeting," tells him...

Aaron looked at him sharply...

Manager Ao felt threatened by his sharp eyes, "the file is not in my hand," said him looking around...

Aaron, "What do you want to say?" asked him calmly knowing what is he saying clearly...

Manager Ao, "She said she finished it but I have not received the file. But I think she playing with our company," tells him...

Aaron looked at Adia whose head still down looking at the floor not him. 'this stupid girl landed in trouble as expected,' thinks in his mind before focusing his attention on Manager Ao's back...

Adiis an on her world for hurting Robin. And the blame that is thrown on her, she has nothing to do or say to defend herself...

Aaron, "Why do you think?" asked him normally...

Manager Ao, "She is saying her computer is not working. Yesterday was fine today morning it got corrupted, and the file is missing from the place she put it. She gives excuses. she must have given it to someone for whom she is working," said looking at Adia...

Aaron, "She is your employee, you only appointed her. What are you thinking to do?" asked him...

Manager Ao left in a stunned state seeing him speaking to him normally not panicking at all about the news, he did not care about thinking something on his mind, "I am planning to file a case on her if she did not convey the truth," tells him...

Aaron fisted his hand in anger keeping a straight face, he has no trust in Adia yesterday, yet here he is getting angry hearing him, "You can leave," orders him...

Manager Ao sighed nodding his head at him, "let's go," tells Adia...

Adia turned her body to leave with Manager Ao...

Aaron, "I said leave only you. Not her Manager Ao, and who do you think to order here in my place?" asked him coldly...

Manager Ao froze, "Sorry for my ignorance, then I will take my leave," saying turns his body left his cabin. He smiled in his mind...

Ivan sees him leaving, and thinks in his mind, "Why is he here?".

Inside the CEO's office, Adia has not lifted her head and looked at him.

Aaron waited for some minutes to see any reaction from her. But she stands still. He felt bored, "what are you going to explain for it, " asked her when she did not speak...

Adia looked down even more not having any word to say...

Aaron pinches his nose to keep himself calm, watching the silent serene, "Speak something, Adia," without his knowledge her name rolled out softly...

Adia lifted her head slowly and stared at him with a blank expression...

Aaron felt something stirring in his heart, "where is the file?" asked her ignoring that...

Adia, "I placed it on manager Ao's work table yesterday evening before leaving the company. I had not seen it after that," said him truly...

Aaron, "Where are you yesterday evening?" asked her...

Adia, "That is my personal," tells him...

Aaron glared at her, "did you see someone?" asked her again...

Adia said nothing back about it...

Aaron guessed it true with her silence...

Adia looked away from his scrutinized eyes at her...

Aaron clench his jaw tight seeing her ignoring him. He took a file from his drawer and placed it in front of her, "take a look here, Adia," said her...

Adia turns her head back to him, and file he sighed for her to look. She gets shocked and looked at him again...

Aaron, "Is this the file you worked on?" asked her...

Adia walked to his table, picked the file in her hand, and hurriedly flipped it to see that, after confirming that it same file, looked at him angrily, "Why did you do this? If you have a file in your hand why did not you tell him I did not do anything like he said," talked to him angrily...

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