
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Adia attended the call she received from Jack, "hello Jack," said him...

Jack, "where are you, Adia?" asked her...

Adia, " I am inside the company, Why?" asked him...

Jack, "hmm, why are you soon?" asked her confusingly...

Adia, "that," she stops immediately as she has no reason to say him. "I came to soon because I wanted to come," tells him back...

Jack felt weird hearing her, "oh, then go and see Manager Ao, as he looking for you. He asked me to tell you since he can not vale to reach you last night," tells her the reason why he called her.

Adia gets confused hearing him, "why did he call me? Do you know anything?" asked him back...

Jack, "I do not either, and ya I will be late for today. So take care," tells her...

Adia, "Alright, bye," says him back...

Jack, "bye," both of the hang up the call after that...

Adia wondered why is Manager Ao looking for her, that to from last night. Her mobile was alright then why it is not reachable to him, thinking it, she went her department and head to meet manager Ao...

Manager Ao doing something on his computer, he heard the knocking sound, "come in," said him looking at the screen in front of him...

Adia entered in his cabin, "good morning Mr. Ao," greets him normally...

Manager Ao looked up at him, then his gaze turn in to angry one, "What are you here for?" asked her...

Adia looked at him getting confused, is not he looking for her, why is he asking her like this after seeing her here, could it be that Jack played a prank on her, thinks in her mind worried for disturbing Mr. Ao, "Are not you looking for me, sir?" said him...

Manager Ao glared at her, "I am asking for what purpose you are here in this company?" asked her leaning back on his chair...

Adia, "I am here for work sir," said him back in her confused tone...

Manager Ao, "then where is the file I asked you to work and submit to me?" asked her...

Adia, "I had submitted that yesterday evening before leave the company sir," tells him scanning his work table where did she kept the file yesterday...

Manager Ao, "oh, then where is it?" asked her in his mocking tone...

Adia, "I place it on your table sir," said him still looking around. Thinking that he would have miss place it...

Manager Ao slammed the table in his anger, "if so where is it? I have not seen that," yells at her...

Adia gets tensed hearing his yell, "sir, I have placed it on your table, believe me," said him again...

Manager Ao, "do not lie Adia, I have not seen the file till now that you were saying. Do you how much that important to company?" shouts at her...

Adia finger start to shake, "I know sir, but-" she try to tell him...

Manager Ao, "enough, do not lie again. Today I have meeting with the CEO, what I am going to do there without that? I gave work to you can not you do that?" shouts at her again...

Adia, "believe me sir, I have finished that file work," said him back...

Manager Ao, "do not make me angry more, Adia," shits at her...

Manager Ao, "you finished it, right?' asked her...

Adia nod her head...

Manager Ao, "fine I will you three hours, redo the work. And submit it to me before the meeting could start," orders her...

Adia stands there looking at him not believing what she heard, how can she work for the that file. She need more than three hours to finish it even if she want to redo that work, "how can I work on it with in three hours?" asked him in her flat tone...

Manager Ao, "that is your problem not mine. I want the file here with the hour I said," said her...

Adia, "but how-" she did not computer sentence...

Manager, "are you working for this company or someone from outside?" asked her...

Adia, "I am not like that person. I am sincere a girl," rebukes at him...

Manager Ao, " if so okay, Otherwise I will have to take a legal action on you," warned her...

Adia gets scared hearing him, "I did not do anything wrong," said him angrily...

Manager Ao, "you can leave, remember the three hour," said her before looking at his computer screen again...

Adia stands there for a few seconds before walking out of his cabin.

Manager Ao smirked evilly...

Adia do not know what to do either. She goes and sit on her place like lost soul...

She remembered that she made a copy before taking the print out of that file, she power on her computer, but to her dismay the computer not working properly. She gets nervous not knowing what is happening in her life from yesterday. Her hand went to take her mobile, and she almost called Robin to seek his help. But she stopped just when she was about to hit the call button.

She should not call him right now. Cause she know what will happen next moment if she made a call, he won't even think of anything before doing something with this company and the manager who gave her opportunity to work here. And she do not won't to trouble him either.

She jerked from her thoughts and her place when her mobile suddenly rang, she placed a hand her heart which accelerate speedily, seeing the caller id her heart almost jumped to throat, "hello," she barely had the voice to talk right now...

"What is wrong with your voice, are you okay?" asked her confusingly...

Adia took a steady breath before speaking, "I am alright Robin. How are you? Did you reach your place?" asked him acting normal, so that he won't get any doubt on her...

Robin, "ya, but I reached my office," tells her getting inside his cabin...

Adia, "what? You did not take rest? Are you kidding me?" asked him back shockingly...