
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

what are you doing here?.

Adia looked at the two people with her widened eyes in a shocked state.

Well, not only she is in a shock state, but the two persons are also in shock seeing her here. They do not understand what on earth is she doing here. And, working under the company as the same as them.

Adia, "you-you," she could not say further after that word. What can she ask them? She is not close to them, they helped her. Nothing more. They ended with thank you. She thought she is not going to meet them after that. Yet she standing in front of the people who saved her life...

"You are Adia, right? What are you doing here?" he asked her to confirm who is she?...

Adia, "Yes, I am working in this city, Ivan," said before shifting her eyes to the figure who is standing near him. 'He still looks cold,' thought in her mind...

She never wanted to see this aloof guy, why is she so unlucky to run on them right now? If her friend heard it she will laugh until her stomach started to hurt due to laughing. She made a crying face inside her mind.

As Aaron stared hard at her, making her breath stuck in her lungs.

Ivan sensed how is he scaring her with his eyes, "can you act like a human sometimes, at least spare the poor girl from eyes," whispered in his low tone moving near him. So that she won't hear him.

Aaron glanced at him angrily. Thinking that both she and Manager Ao fooled him. That accident was also part of their plan? "Go and check the file Rossy brings to us with her details," tells him...

Ivan obliged his words turned his heels went to fetch the file Aaron asked him. They are the ones who ignored that if they would have checked the file at that time. Maybe the situation today turned out to be in their favor. They had the chance in their hand earlier, but they did not get it. She would have worked for them if that happened.

He does not know what Aaron is going to do with her. They did not get any proof against her. He is worried for the girl whom he saved two months ago. As Aaron won't leave her alive if she has joined hands with Manager Ao. "What the hell is this all," mutter under his teeth in anger...

He thought for a moment before making the call to someone, nevertheless, he can not handle Aaron alone, it is better to have a person who can talk to him other than him, he called Rossy immediately.

Inside the apartment, Rossy came back to her sense hearing her mobile ringing, looked at the screen of her mobile which is placed on her table, and seeing is showing Ivan as caller id she hesitated to take this call thinking about Adia, she shook her head, she can not be muddle-headed, pick up the call, "hello," said in her whispering tone...

Ivan, "Why do you have time to pick up the call," scolds her angrily...

Rossy, "What is wrong?" asked him when she heard his angry tone. Even though he is not angry with her and did not mean it to her, then there must be something she has to know...

Ivan, "Can you come to our secret office, I think I will need your help," tells her worriedly...

Rossy, "Can you tell me what is going on," asked him, searching her car key, she does not remember where she put that. She was so lost in thought, she did not see where is she dropping the key...

Ivan, "You will come after knowing it only, can not you come if I ask you," yells at her in his low tone...

Rossy paused a second hearing his yell, and later resumed her searching, "I won't come then," saying about cutting the call. She is just pretending but she finds the key to leave where he asked her to come.

Ivan, "No no, Rossy. Come here as soon as possible you could," asked her...

Rossy, "alright I will be there, I am hanging up now," tells him reaching her car...

Ivan, "Wait," sounded in a hurry...

Rossy, "what else?" asked him opening the car door and slipping inside it.

Ivan, "I am sorry," tells her softly...

Rossy, "stupid," said she cut the call. And start the engine and left her apartment...

Ivan, "Huh," looked at the mobile he sees it ended the call. "What did she say before cutting it," asked himself. By now he reached his office of Aaron, he opened it and went inside looked around his table to get a glimpse of the Rossy dropped here that day. But he could not remember where she left it and which color was that.

While looking for the file, he noticed the green file like that was carelessly thrown away. He felt odd seeing that, cause Aaron is a neat person he will never tolerate this all. So, walked and picked up the file from the floor that is lying back of Aaron's head chair.

He was about to place that file back with the other files, while placing he sees a small thing, hurriedly opened the file in his hand bring that to himself. He goes through the file again and again. It is Adia's file and inside that are all her details of hers. Rossy did work to gather everything about her. But, there is no other name other than hers and her mother's name. No father's name or a gradients name.

Other than her studies nothing is there. And all the information is here only for a few years. Not before that. "What is this all?" thought in his mind. And there is no connection between Adia and Manager Ao, as she lived in a different country. Suddenly came here for work, it is strange, but after checking her qualification he won't say she just get into this work because of manager Ao...

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