
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

I have nothing to say about it

Rossy informed the result of the interview to Ivan.

Rossy, "Ivan, like I said one of the candidates got selected," said smirking at him. As soon as she get to know that Adia got selected. She came to inform him...

Ivan rolled his eyes seeing it, "so, what?" asked her back.

Rossy hits his head, she was relieved that they are going to execute their plan this time making Manager Ao feel the taste of betrayal...

Ivan, "Cannot you act like a girl," chided at her...

Rossy glared at him.

Ivan, "You" he abruptly stops when Aaron walked into the cabin...

Rossy, "Hello Mr. Li," greets him...

Aaron nods his head at her response. After taking his seat, he stared at the duo, he do know without any reason Rossy won't show up to his cabin. It may be a reasonable one that is why she is here, thinks in his mind.

Rossy, "I came to drop some good news to you. One of the candidates got selected for the post of assistant under manager Ao," tells him...

Aaron, "How is the candidate? Did he make it easy for that person to pass the interview? Or is one of his workers?" asked her with a straight face.

Rossy, "As much as I looked into that girl's background. She has no connection with him," said him back. Remembering the time when she checked Adia's details.

Ivan, "What? Girl?" asked her in his surprised tone. It is new for them to know Manager Ao, selected a girl. As he mostly chooses the man to be his side. What is the new turn now?...

Aaron also gets surprised knowing it, but he cares less about who worked...

Rossy, "Even I am surprised like you Ivan," tells him back. She has also left in shock not only her. The department of finance is also in a daze knowing that a girl gets selected for their department. And Manager Ao himself selected her...

Ivan, "Is she brilliant?" asked her calculating something on his mind. Girls are witchy when it has come to their desire...

Rossy, "No, more than you could think she is intelligent. Not only she is intelligent, she is a beauty also," said him. She was stunned to see her when she showed it to her. She was working on her work she did not realize when Adia came to her she lifted her head after she stands in front of her. Her voice only brought her back. She looked like an untrained rose who was dragged into the wolf's place...

Ivan, "What if they have a connection without anyone noticing. We can not simply sit and see it all happen again," tells her seriously...

Rossy, "but she looked like an innocent girl," mused them...

Aaron narrowed his eyes at her as this is the first time Rossy talked to someone. He is not saying her judgment is wrong. But that can not be true also. There must be a facade to fool everyone.

Ivan, "Come on Rossy do not fall on the innocent face. You would have seen many of the things by the experience you have. I have nothing to say about it," said her back softly. He does feel Rossy is not composed when she talks about that girl.

Rossy, "I have placed the details about her on your table. Please take a look," tells Aaron and Ivan getting back to herself. Even she has a nagging feeling in her heart regarding Adia being innocent. She can not let her guard down when she knows what responsibility she has...

Aaron, "alright," tells her...

Rossy, "I will go back to work," saying it she left the cabin...

Once leave Ivan walked up to take a looked at the candidate file. Before his hand could the file his mobile started to ring...

Ivan takes his mobile from his pocket and swallowed hard after looking at the mobile display. He glanced at Aaron...

Aaron raised his eyes at Ivan seeing the reaction on his face..

Ivan, "It is you Your mother, Mrs. Li," said him...

Aaron, "Oh attend it," tells him shifting his eyes to his laptop...

Ivan, "Why not you talk to her? She will be asking about you me," asked him going near him...

Aaron, "She has my number," tells him not even having the slightest feeling to save his man...

Ivan cursed him in his mind, he know he should not have asked him that knowing what will he say to him back. He does know his mother has his number and why is calling him now. "Hello Mrs. Li," greets her politely attending the call...

Mrs. Li, "Hello Ivan, is he with you?" asked him...

Ivan, "Yes madam, Mr. Li is here as always," tells her back not knowing why is she asking when she know her son would be here only. Not knowing what the son and mother talked to themselves in the morning...

Another side, Aaron clenched his jaw right in his anger, today his mother called in the morning to inform him about the date she arranged for him. He refused her in the face telling her he is going there. Yet his mother called Ivan to check on him. Does his mother think he is playing with her...

Mrs. Li, "What is he doing there? When I told him the important thing has to attend," yelled at Ivan over the phone...

Ivan jerked from his place hearing the sudden yell. He almost dropped his mobile. Thankfully his grip on his phone was tight which saved it. Ivan looked at Aaron widening his eyes at him, as still, Mrs. Li shouting...

Aaron pinches his eyebrow looking at Ivan's troubled face, sighed him hand over the mobile to him...

Ivan hurriedly gave the mobile to Aaron and slips away letting the two talk privately...

Aaron, "mother," called his mother...

Mrs. Li, "What mother? Did I really teach you

not to hear your elders? What are you thinking of yourself?" asked him in her anger...

Aaron, "Mother I told you in the morning I am not going anywhere," said her back...

Mrs. Li, "you," she was so angered to speak anything to him back...

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