
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · Urban
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34 Chs

I can gain lot of experience...

Adia looked straight at Manager Ao with a small smile, "because I wanted to give it a try, and it is a reputed company and has a strong foothold. I can gain a lot of experience working here," tells him in straightforward what she has inside her mind. And she is lying either, she can not go back like she used to. She had to get strong if she want to live more days on this earth.

She staying here was the best choice for herself from the information she gathered. She can not possibly get known by anyone. That is what she wanted to most...

Mr. Ao nodded his head for her reply to his question. "So, who referred you to this job?" asked her.

Adia, "No one, I came here after seeing the notice of vacant that was put online," said him.

Mr. Ao, "alright, let's get into the interview," saying it he started to ask her the questions he was supposed to ask. And he expects that she will fail at some point. Then he can reject her.

Adia did not give any chance like imagined. She answered every question that was thrown at her. She do not understand why is he giving her a hard time her, later she thought to herself, maybe getting a job here they wanted skilled people. She answered all questions...

Mr. Ao deep down in his heart burning in anger watching how fabulously this girl answered him back not even taking time to think. Not everyone who took interinterviewedim did not pass the question after seven or eight.

He rejected all of them using the same trick. Here she is giving a reply even after the hard question he has thrown at her. At some point, he does not know how to reject her. And, he has to select someone, he already finds a person to work for him. But before that person, she showed up to ruin his plan. He can not do anything now, as the interviews are being recorded. He has no way to stop her from working here.

Adia looked at the manager in her nervous state.

Mr. Ao, "You are selected Miss. Yang. You have to work here sincerely and for me as well," tells her...

Adia gets happy in that she failed to notice the hint he dropped her. "Thank you very much Manager Ao, I am really happy to hear this," chirped in her happy tone...

Manager Ao fell into a daze seeing how cheerful this girl is, as he do not understand if she came here on her own to take the interview or if she was sent by someone to spy on him. He gets doubt on her but did not let her know it. He smiled back at her sweetly before telling, "You can join from tomorrow, now you can take your leave, Miss. Yang," says her...

Adia nods her at him and left the cabin happily.

Manager Ao saw her leaving his sight, and called one person to talk, after the person take his call, "Where were you?" asked the person gritting his teeth in anger.

The person, "on the way, will reach soon," tells him back.

Mr. Ao, "to see the job gone," tells him...

That person gets stunned hearing him, "Why? I am almost there," tells him back not understanding why the plan get changed suddenly.

Mr. Ao, "Someone gets selected, what is the use of you coming here" yelled at him...

The boy gets surprised knowing it, "did not you plan well like before?" asked him back...

Mr. Ao, "That girl is intelligent, so, she passed the interview. And got the job, I can not even able to reject her," shouted at him. His all plans get ruined because of his late. Yet he is asking him this question...

That boy, "Should I kill her to get this job?" asked him...

Mr. Ao, "No need take the trouble, I will find a chance to make her leave the job, and you next time do not act like this. We won't have the opportunity every time we want," says him calming down himself.

The boy gets his point, "Alright then I will leave, take care," saying it cut the call. Looking at the Li company building. 'We have to wait for some more days,' thinks inside his mind before turning his car from there...

Adia went to a park to relax herself, she was stressed out for the interview. She gets a call, and looking at the caller ID she gets super happy and attends the call immediately. She talked to the person cheerfully and told them the things that happened, skipping the part about the accident and the attack he encountered. She does not want to make the person get worried for her and her safety.

At another end of the call heard her talk and finds it she is doing good. Sighed heavily, after separating from her, he worried to death for her safety. He wanted to keep her with him, but this is also not good for her. As she was not aware of his original identity. She does know what is he doing. But not fully.

Both of them talked for some time before ending the call. Adia fell into a dilemma she could give a call to the girl and him once. She knows they might be waiting for her call. She planned to not reveal anything to them after coming here. She does not want them to be anxious for her. Making up her mind, she sent the main about her being got a job...

She head to the small house she staying, then only she noticed the lonely puppy left in the street. She looked around and went near the puppy. That puppy looked at her and waved his tail vigorously. Adia smiled picked up the puppy, and went to her home.

Mrs. Cheng sees her taking the puppy, "Adia, I do not allow have a pet here," said her before she could enter the house...

Adia looked at the puppy then Mrs. Cheng, "Let me have it, I do not have anyone to accompany me," asked her earnestly...

Mrs. Cheng looked at her like she is mad, why is she comparing the puppy to a human? If she wants she can take in her family members. "Adia, this will wore you out if you keep this with you," tells her softly...

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