
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

electronatom · 書籍·文学
83 Chs

Chapter 7: Patrick

Patrick looked at his guest.

Seventeen or eighteen years old - too young.

Well-dressed - worth a lot of money.

Calm and composed - seems confident in what he is going to show.

He looked at his watch, "Five minutes, you have five minutes to tell me why you are here, and it had better be worth your breaking into someone else's office without permission."

Murphy smiled, "One minute is enough."

He waited for Patrick to pour him a glass of water, and was not in a hurry to speak.

"Young man, you don't have much time." Patrick reminded.

Murphy nodded, "Mr. Patrick, a reporter said you are the best drug salesman, you must have done a lot of research on drugs. So, what is the best drug for treating trauma you know?"

"Treat trauma?"

Patrick frowned, this statement was quite amateurish.

Trauma treatment involves too many aspects, is it suturing wounds, connecting bones, or anti-inflammatory and sterilizing, or stopping bleeding and relieving pain?

These steps use different drugs or medical devices. Simply asking the best drug for treating trauma is like asking what food is the healthiest. It is impossible to answer.

This kid is definitely a layman.

However, he still patiently said, "Do you mean antibiotics for disinfection and sterilization? For the treatment of traumatic infection, penicillin is still the most commonly used drug. Cephalosporins are also very good with few side effects..."

"You misunderstood." Murphy interrupted him, "I mean drugs that can help wounds heal."

Patrick glanced at Murphy, "Young man, I don't know if you have taken medical courses. If you have at least medical knowledge, you should understand that the main factor affecting wound healing is actually infection..."

"Is there no drug that can promote cell division and accelerate wound healing?"

"No! If you mean the so-called growth factor, it is true. In fact, last year's Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Stanley and Rita, but this substance is still a long way from medical use..."

"If I say that this bottle of potion in my hand can heal any wound in a few minutes or even seconds, do you believe it?"


Patrick insisted, "Such an effect cannot be achieved by drugs. What you said only exists in those science fiction novels."

Murphy smiled and pulled out a pair of scissors from the pen holder on the table, "Mr. Patrick, are you ready to witness a miracle?"

"What do you want to do?" Patrick was obviously nervous when he saw the scissors in Murphy's hand.

However, Murphy did not answer, and took the scissors and cut directly on his wrist.

Blood gushed out immediately.

"Oh! No! God! What are you doing!" Patrick screamed.

"Calm down! Patrick! Calm down! Then, watch carefully! I don't want to cut myself again!"

Murphy said as he used the white fresh essence. After a few seconds, the bleeding stopped and the wound disappeared.

Murphy wiped the blood with his hand, and then raised his wrist with only a faint bloodstain in front of Patrick.

"Did you see it?"

"This is impossible!" Patrick's eyes widened, "Magic?"

"There's more in the bottle, you can try it yourself."

A few minutes later, after stabbing himself and his assistant twice, Patrick believed it.

After driving out the assistant who was frightened by being stabbed twice in a row by the boss, Patrick paced back and forth in the office with a serious face.

While thinking, he asked several questions in a row, which were similar to David's questions at the time, asking about the source of the drug, whether it had a patent, and so on.

But he asked more questions, including whether the drug had been registered, the production method, the output, and whether it could be mass-produced.

Murphy answered truthfully, "The drug has not been registered yet, and I don't know much about the process. In terms of production, its preparation method is actually very simple. As long as there are enough raw materials, mass production will not be a problem."

Patrick nodded, "We need to arrange clinical trials as soon as possible to prove the safety of the drug, and then register the patent. At the same time, we can buy a factory. We can produce it first. As long as the clinical trial results are not too bad and the side effects are within an acceptable range, it will definitely sell well! Even if the results are not ideal, it still has many uses."


"You came here specifically to find me, you want to poach me." Patrick stared at him.

"I know my ability. Many people want to poach me, but Blue Mountain treats me well. I have no intention of leaving. However, you are different... This... You call it Baiyao? Baiyao is different!"

"Although it needs more verification, it has convinced me. In fact, no one in the pharmaceutical industry can refuse such a drug!"

"This is simply magic, a miracle! Just like the emergence of penicillin, it is a great invention that subverts people's cognition and changes the world!"

"I can't miss such an opportunity."

At this point, he asked, "How much start-up capital do you have?"

Murphy thought for a while, "About 1.5 million."

A Porsche 959 costs more than 200,000 US dollars, which is actually less than 150,000 pounds when converted into pounds. After a round of tossing around the previous 2 million, more than half is left.

Jim is right. 2 million pounds is indeed enough for him to live a life of ease.

Patrick was a little shocked, "It's a lot, enough for us to acquire some good pharmaceutical factories. I still have more than 500,000 here, which should be enough to cover various expenses in the early stage."

Murphy thought for a while, "Actually, I just want to hire you. I need to have absolute control over this drug."

Patrick nodded, "I understand. But please believe me, I deserve a part of your equity."

The slightly bald man looked directly at Murphy. He probably practiced this expression deliberately.

The focused and calm eyes made it easy for people to feel his sincerity and generate a sense of trust.

"I can't promise now, but I will seriously consider it." Murphy said.

Patrick was a little disappointed, but he quickly calmed down, "I need you to tell me roughly the production process of Baiyao. You don't need to disclose those confidential parts, but I need to know what process and equipment should be used to produce this drug in order to find a suitable factory."


In fact, there is nothing to keep secret. The production of Baixian essence is very simple.

Its original method of production was to boil it in a crucible and use a purification spell.

But after experiments, Murphy found that the purification spell was unnecessary.

He used the water solubility of Dictamnus essence to design an extraction experiment. He crushed fresh Dictamnus leaves, put them into a reactor, added water and glycerin, stirred, filtered, heated, controlled the temperature, and then condensed them. After repeating several times, the purity of the Dictamnus essence obtained was much higher than that obtained by the traditional crucible refining method.

Even a Muggle, as long as he has Dictamnus, can obtain Dictamnus essence through this simple extraction.

This is completely contrary to the basic principles Murphy learned in potions class.

Wizards believe that the production of any kind of potion must be mixed with the wizard's will and magic to a greater or lesser extent, intentionally or unintentionally.

Now it seems that this is probably just the wizard's wishful thinking.

Magic does not only exist in the wizard's body. The effectiveness of potions still depends mainly on the reaction between substances, not the wizard's will.

After explaining the experimental steps to Patrick, Murphy emphasized: "Raw materials are the key to Baiyao. Currently, only I can provide this kind of raw materials."

Patrick nodded, "It sounds like the key step in making Baiyao is extraction."

He searched on his desk and took out a piece of paper.

"Then the most suitable for us are not these chemical synthesis factories, but herbal manufacturers."

He crossed out most of the names on the list, and finally left three or four.

"These companies may meet the requirements. I will go and inspect them in person tomorrow and report to you tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"Are you ready to start now?" Murphy couldn't help but admire this initiative.

"Of course! I seem to be back to the time when I was young and just started the industry. It seems that the whole world is waiting for me to explore and conquer! I can't wait any longer!"

Murphy smiled, "I'm beginning to think that I should give you some shares."

Patrick also smiled, "Mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees requires blank checks. You are already on the right track, boss."

"So, what should I do?"

"Think of a good name, register a company, prepare money... I will handle the drug registration application approval, and the rest... not yet... Oh, by the way, you said that the key to Baiyao is raw materials. You may need to ensure the supply of materials."

"I have a hunch that we will soon face order pressure."

(End of this chapter)