
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

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83 Chs

Chapter 53: I gave you a chance but you didn't use it

"Actually, we could have become friends." After beating the opponent with a stick, Murphy decided to give him a sweet date.

"Didn't we cooperate very well at the beginning? I bought so many materials at Slug and Jigs Pharmacy, so you earned a lot of Galleons, right?"

"Later, you wanted to earn more, want to participate in my business. Actually, it's not impossible."

"I have channels in the Muggle world, I know what they want, and you have resources here in the wizarding world, we can work together very well..."

"I asked Paped to talk to you just to talk about this, but you refused..." Lucius said.

"Are you talking about cooperation? You asked him to follow my people and threaten me with the clues! You are robbing Mr. Lucius!"

Lucius couldn't refute for a while. At that time, he thought he had caught me. Taking advantage of Murphy, he really planned to eat his butt by force.

"But you could have made your suggestion politely..."

"Ha." Murphy sneered, "Who do you think you are? You are mistaken, Mr. Lucius. It was you who asked me to cooperate, not me. You!"

That's it!

That's the attitude!

Too arrogant!

How have I, the Malfoy family, ever been so despised?!

What's more, the other party is still a down-and-out kid from the Darkholm family!

That anger rose again.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have money!" When he said this, Lucius didn't find it strange. "Don't underestimate the power of the Malfoy family! I can still kill you, boy! That damn dad of yours ..."

"Ah, a weak threat..." Murphy pretended to yawn, "Boring!"

"You!" Lucius angrily pulled out his wand and pointed it at Murphy, "I'll kill you if you dare to speak rudely again. You!"


Murphy looked at him lazily, but his eyes suddenly became sharp. "Kill me?"

He said, stepping forward and pressing his chest against Lucius's wand. Do you have the guts?"

"Come on." He grabbed the wand and moved it to his forehead. "Come here."

Murphy stared at Lucius, "You know the spell, right? Read it, and I will never look down on you again."

Lucius looked at the other party in shock, thinking that Murphy was crazy.

"Cant, coward. Coward. When you followed the Dark Lord, didn't you kill anyone?"


Lucius' hand holding the wand was about to break. He wanted to do it several times, but hesitated again. There was an Auror on the island, and he might have seen himself and Murphy. If he killed him here, he would definitely not be able to escape.

If he was caught in Azkaban again...

But would he be allowed to be humiliated?

He must be taught a lesson!

The Cruciatus Curse!

As long as they were not caught on the spot, it would be difficult for them to convict themselves...

Just as they were planning to recite the spell, Murphy suddenly slapped his wand to the ground.

"You can't do it, uncle." Murphy said, "You'll be useless if I give you a chance."

The wand fell to the ground, and Lucius suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

No more risking being caught in Azkaban.

"Admit it, uncle, I am better than you." Murphy said. He stood on a slightly higher slope and looked down at Lucius. "It has nothing to do with my family or my identity. I am better than you."

"If you still want to hold on to some unnecessary pride and overestimate your capabilities to provoke those who are stronger than you, then there will only be more failures and more humiliation waiting for you."

"Maybe the Dark Lord will leave. It has been so long that you have become too arrogant and have forgotten how to get along with stronger people."

"Then, I will teach you again. Recognize the reality and learn to be humble. If the other party is a beast that you cannot defeat, it is best not to block his way."

"Follow the trend and rely on the strong. This is not something you can do. The wisdom that lasts to this day?"

"You are not that strong yet!" Lucius said.

"Maybe." Murphy shrugged. "I don't want to be a 'master' anyway. I would rather provide cooperation opportunities that are beneficial to both parties, rather than unilateral exploitation and plunder."

"You want me to What to do?" Lucius asked.

Murphy smiled, this was the right attitude.

"First of all, let me tell you what I can give you." Murphy said, "Don't think about your pharmacy business, they are dead. But it doesn't matter, I will give you a lot more Galleons than that profit.

"And what I want you to do is very simple. It's no different from what you did in the past. Take the money I gave you, bribe it, and bring more people to our side. They know that I am a good friend, not an enemy."

"You want to tie me up on your pirate ship? To help you cover up your smuggling of potions to Muggles?"

"What, you don't want to be on board? A boat? Muggles have countless wealth. It's the 20th century, and Muggles' money is ten thousand times better than when your ancestors were prosperous."

Lucius was still hesitating. For a moment, he couldn't accept the fact that the person who had made him so miserable was going to become his partner - and the leader's kind of partner at that.

"I can understand your hesitation. After all, most fools can't control their emotions. But if you still choose to be my enemy, you must think carefully about it."

"Because next time, what I submit to the Inquisition will be It's not that forged evidence."

Murphy said, taking out a black notebook from his arms and raising it.

"It's almost time," Murphy looked at the darkening sky, "It's time for me to leave. Goodbye, uncle, please think about it carefully."

After saying that, he raised his head, waved his wand lightly, and suddenly his whole body It turned into a black smoke and rose into the sky. After spinning in the air, it disappeared in an instant.

But his words still rang in Lucius's ears, "I don't have much patience, so don't keep me waiting too long."

Lucius suddenly shuddered all over.

The moment he heard Murphy's voice transmission, he recalled the fear of being dominated by Voldemort.

How could he know this magic!

The flying spell and this sound transmission technique are spells developed by the Dark Lord himself! Only Snape had learned the former as a reward, while the latter had never been heard of by any Death Eater.

Lucius looked at the horizon in the distance in confusion for a long time, and then suddenly sighed.

Maybe, I am really old.


Murphy is flying.

He didn't mean to show off. After learning this trick from the diary, Murphy has always liked to use it.

Needless to say, it's convenient, and the feeling of flying is really addictive.

The spell recorded in the diary

 is not yet perfect, and it is also a magic linked to mana. The stronger the mana, the faster the flight speed. With Murphy's current ability, the maximum speed can only reach about the same as an ordinary passenger plane, about one hour per thousand kilometers per hour.

Far from being able to travel at supersonic speeds in the later stages of Voldemort's life.

But, even so, this speed is much faster than a Muggle sports car or a wizard's broom.

When Murphy felt the wind pressure at extreme speeds, whizzed across the sea, penetrated the clouds, and even flew side by side with falcons, the sense of freedom that he could go anywhere in the world made him want to stop.

He was flying happily when a phone suddenly rang.

He had to stop to ensure that Big Brother could continue to receive the signal.

After answering the phone, a voice came from the other side, "Boss, the warehouse you asked us to keep an eye on has just been invaded."


Is this big brother really cursed? Why does nothing good happen every time I pick it up?

(End of chapter)