
Hitman x Family

A reincarnated man gets dealt a crappy hand—no cliche life like those harem protagonists after his rebirth. Instead, he dives into the grind of a treacherous world, clawing his pitiful ass to earn the notorious code name 001, a legend in the underworld. Then things take an unexpected turn: out of the blue, his ex-girlfriend rings him up, revealing that he's the father of twin four-year-olds and he needs to step up and take responsibility. To protect his children, he has to shake off the grip of the organization that raised him. To do that, he's got to pull off one last hit—the kicker being he needs to swipe some crucial wills and eliminate an innocent high school girl named Shinomiya Kaguya. The issue? He's got an ironclad rule against taking out innocents and doing his job as a dad. So, how's he gonna execute the mission while playing happy families with his newfound twin kids, and nailing the role of perfect daddy and husband? Welcome to "Hitman x Family."

Livice · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

Chapter 68: Ai's Honest Feeling

There's Minoru, Ai, Mitsuha, and her grandma. When Minoru arrives, he decides he should talk about the location the ghost told him to Mitsuha's grandma. Before that, he also tells her what happened to Mitsuha and his son Aqua.

"Mitsuha and Aqua-chan switched bodies?" Her grandma seemed couldn't believe it.

"It might sound hard to believe, but I experienced the same thing as them both. However, Mitsuha and Aqua's chase… we don't know how to end it," Ai said as she worried.

Mitsuha then said, "That's right, grandma! You must have realized how different I am…"

Grandma held her breath as she thought about it, then looked at Minoru.

"Personally, I believe that they just switched bodies. However, there's no proof of it. So, for now, we could say this is still a claim that is not scientific at all. For this reason, I'm here to collect the data for the research I'll conduct. For that, please look at this, ma'am…" Minoru said, and then he put a sheet on the table, grandma then read it carefully.

"This place was, no doubt, Miyamizu's shrine we've protected for thousands of years. It's hard to believe that a young man from outside knows about this," Grandma said with a smile.

"I've to apologize that I never knew about this place before… until they gave me the exact coordinates."

"Then it must be Mitsuha?"

Minoru shook his head as he told her about the bookshelves and later sandbox who was 'telling him', the coordinate of this place within binary code. He knew that there was only him who understood it so that means they gave this message to him.

But then, Grandma became more shocked about this fact. She knew that it was hard to believe that a young generation like him from Tokyo knew about this shrine.

"Besides visiting Mitsuha, the reason for our visit here is to see where this message led us. Of course, this is more sound like a holiday for my family. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. Is there an old archive that I could read?"

Grandma smiled warmly, "You don't have to be sorry, young man. I'm the one who should be thankful for looking after my granddaughter. Since I'm not a well-educated woman, this is outside my capacity so I can't give you much help with the research. As the guardian of the shrine, I'm afraid we can't give you any since everything was burned a thousand years ago."

Grandma continued, "A thousand years ago, fire devoured Mayugoro Yamazaki's temple and turned all the temple, even ancient archives, into nothing but ashes. Later, we always remember this as Mayugoro big fire."

"Eh?" Mitsuha was confused about it, "So, the stories Grandma told me have some connection? I thought it was just a story."

"Of course not, Mitsuha." Grandma said then continued, "After that big fire, the meaning of the festival was unknown until now, what's left is only the tradition that we Miyamizu Shrine guardians preserve."

Minoru noticed something, "Ma'am, do you mean tomorrow's festival?"

Grandma nodded, "That's right."

"It sounds like a coincidence. The festival you mentioned is not held because of a comet?"

Minoru knew that because of the Tiamat comet, everyone also held festivals in every corner of the country.

"Comet? Maybe it's just a coincidence, but we always hold the same festival on the same day every year. But this comet seems to make tomorrow's festival feel special in my opinion," Grandma said.

Minoru hummed as he thought that there was a chance that a coincidence like this could happen.

"As the guardian of this shrine, we never forbid people to visit the shrine. However, if you want to visit it, you must make an offering first."

Well, Minoru didn't mind about it since this was important research; he wanted to make sure if the phenomenon that his family felt had something to do with magic. It'll be important data to explain the same energy source that made a wormhole in Mars like Rachel told him before.

"Grandma! I don't think this is—"

"Mitsuha, tradition is tradition. We must respect that."

"Hmm... grandma, what kind of offering should we make exactly?"

After seeing Mitsuha's reaction, Ai became curious.

"It's okay, you just have to make some sake, Ai-chan."

"Ah… I understand."

Ai nodded as if it was just an easy task.


16:15 PM

"Here, young man," Minoru accepted two bottles of sake from Grandma.

According to Grandma, these two bottles were prepared as a sacrifice when they entered the temple they would go to. Minoru thought that it was just the custom and he didn't mind it at all.

"Make sure you put these in the chamber," the old lady smiled at him as he nodded.

"I'm sorry, Yanagi-san, Ai-san. I should have come as well but…"

"It's okay, Mitsuha." Ai smiled at Mitsuha as she understood.

After that, they went to the camp.

The sun had not yet set on the horizon. They were currently walking through the woods to the nearby camping site, even though it was behind schedule. Anyhow, they were going as they planned before.

Ichigo, with fishing equipment, walked with a broad grin as he said, "Kuhahaha! It's said that there's a river not far from the camp site. Alright then, it's decided! I'll fish to my heart's content then~~~~"

Miyako sighed, "Before that, you were the one who was against this trip, but now you're the one who enjoys it the most."

"Well, I'm an honest man after all. I'm going crazy since Tokyo is such a packed and stressful place, therefore I have to enjoy this before we go back."

Aqua hummed at this, then he looked to Alisa on his side.

"Oi, are you sure this is the right way?"

Alisa nodded with a stoic face.

"You don't have to give me that skeptical look, Aqua-kun. Different from you, I'm a local here."

"Well, I'm worried since we have a kid as our tour guide."

Alisa's mouth twitched at Aqua's comment.

"May I suggest you look in the mirror?"

Alisa said as the blood vein appeared on Aqua's face.

"Nah, different from you, I'm a child prodigy."

"Huh? Don't look down on me, kiddo. As expected, the moment I met you, I didn't like you that much, but you kept behaving like that. Give me a break. Unlike you, who only lived as Mitsuha shortly, I've often gone around the village, and the Shrine was placed."

"What?" Ruby didn't know that Alisa knew about it. "Since when did you know that Aqua swapped places with Mitsuha?"

Alisa flicked her hair with a smug, "Well, it's easy. Because Mitsuha didn't act edgy like him. After some observation, I noticed that Mitsuha always seems to have a flipping different personality. The moment I saw Aqua-kun, I understood what happened."

"Heeeeeeeeeeeh~ I think I understand your feeling. Pupu… puhahaha! Must be shocking to see Mitsuha become so gloomy. I kinda relate to that."

As the two made fun of Aqua and laughed together, Aqua's face twitched as he thought he knew that they were both just kids, so he prevented himself from beating them up.

"That's rare…"

A bit far from them, Ai looked at them.

"I never saw Aqua lose an argument before. Right, Minoru-kun?"

Beside her was Minoru. As Alisa and Ruby made fun of Aqua, Ai, and Minoru silently watched them from behind. The two were wearing outdoor mountain hike outfits as they piggybacked a bag.

"I think it's because Alisa is mature for her age. She's two years older, right?"

Ai hummed then sighed, "It's a shame that Mitsuha can't join us. She's been busy preparing for tomorrow's festival. Huh… must be hard being the eldest daughter. Though, I'm happy that she's coming with us."

Minoru glanced sideways at Ai and noticed her smile. He looked at the trio again as he said, "Do you like the brat?"

"Hmmf… I think so. It feels like she's the big sister taking care of her cute little twins' brother and sister."

Somehow, Minoru knew where this talk would lead.

"Uh! That's right… I remember that Rachel wants more grandchildren. But, I'm still an idol, so we can't have another kid. How about we adopt her instead?" As Ai said this, Minoru noticed that Alisa flinched her shoulder as if she heard it.


Minoru hummed as he thought about it.

Tsukuyomi Alisa.

When he had talked with this little brat with bluish hair and eyes, Minoru was impressed with her maturity.

He had heard several times when Mitsuha and her grandma talked about how she was a genius in her school or how she often helped at the Miyamizu Temple as a shrine maiden. Alisa is not honest about her feelings; however, she's actually a good older sister to both of them.

Even though she's the type of person called tsundere, Minoru was only interested when she could put that brat, Aqua, in his place and make him humbler.

"How is it? Does she have a green light?" Ai smiled.

"I'm not against it, but it depends on Alisa's decision. I heard that it's not her first time getting adopted too."

"R-Right… of course, I don't want to force her either."

Minoru sigh, "Putting that aside, you seem depressed."

"I—I'm not depressed! Why should I be, when we're on vacation now~ Hum~ hum~"

Minoru fell silent in response; he thought that she didn't want to talk about it. Well, he didn't want to talk about it since it could ruin the vacation mood.

"That's right. I'm so surprised that you have something like this. I've never worn or seen a wig of this quality before. Usually, they're uncomfortable and hot. But this one is really comfortable even while I'm walking with bags like this." Ai said as she touched her wig.

"I have everything I need. I never thought there would be a drone we should take care of. The news already spread and a lot of media is coming to Itomori. If not for the military, I'm sure they'd crowd this village."

Ai laughed helplessly, "It seems I can't take this holiday lightly. Anyway, how do I look? Don't I look pretty much like you and my kids now? Kyaahaha~ so happy that I have the same hair color as my family~"

Yes, she's wearing a disguise.

Minoru looked at her as she was now wearing the silver long-hair wig he gave her. That wig had the same technology as the one he always wore when he was 001. That's why she felt comfortable wearing it.

"Ouch! That hurts! Don't pinch my cheeks that hard. H-Huh? Why all of a sudden with you?! It's enough for you to say that I'm pretty with this silver wig—"

Ai blushed when he suddenly wrapped his hand in hers.

"Hmmph! Such tsundere aren't cha? How cute... but I'll let this slide."

The air was cold, and his hand was really warm too. So, she didn't mind it.

"Nah, just cold. Why so serious? I'm just holding this hand."

Ai grinned at him, "Hiyaaaaa~ what a boring, stoic reaction. You know? How about a little test to see if you're human? At least, I want you to be embarrassed too, like 'Do-Dont be mistaken, Ai. I'm just using this hand to warm me from the cold.' Like that! But I just got this boring reaction again. Why am I always the only one who acts this way? Well, considering lucky you can have such a person as your wife, the famous... Ai-sama~"

She said with a smug as her chest puffed out proudly.

Minoru just silently look at her.

Famous? That famous Ai-sama, right now is walking and swinging her and his hands like some idiot kids on an outdoor trip.

"Idiot. Cut the crap. You'll wake up the wild animals."

"Shhh-Shuu-Shuud up! Are you making fun of me, huh? Just stop teasing me!" Ai pouted and then quickly looked at him. "…wait, what did you just say before?"

"Nothing. That's right when we made that sake before, did you brush your teeth first?"

"Of course I did! Seriously, what do you think of me? Anyway, are all sake made like that? I'm not trying to be rude but… gross."

"Technically, it's alcohol made from fermented rice. It sounds gross, but back in the day, it was normal. Some people even crushed grapes with their bare feet to make delicious wine."

Ai shivered, "Thank god I live in the modern era." But then she smiled, "Thank you, Minoru-kun."

"That's so sudden. For what anyway?"

"Hehe... you know… I always dreamt about this moment. I never thought I'd have a good time like this. I'm still an idol and I never had the chance to go out with kids without worry like this, I never even dared to go out with you and hold our hands like this outside home."

Minoru felt her tighten her grip on his hand.

"For the sake of protecting us, I thought you'd never come back. When people in military uniforms started to come around the drone you took over before, I started to think they might not like it when you touched something we shouldn't have. But you came back as if nothing happened and what important was you kept your promise to Ruby, so… thank you."

Minoru hummed, "Well, there's no way I'll forget my promise to my cute daughter."

Ai giggled, "Because you're working so hard, I have this moment I've always dreamt of. I know that Hoshino Ai. The me right now would not be so happy if it weren't for the security you give us. I'm glad… really. You work hard for us, and I didn't know how to repay you, knowing how hard it was. I know this means nothing, but please wait for my turn so I can repay what you've done for us… for now, thank you Minoru-kun."

Ai smiled as she looked ahead and saw her kids laughing.


a silence.

"Say something, please. You know what? It's so embarrassing when I say those things but you only stay silent."

"I stayed silent because I didn't want to ruin it. Well, speaking of it." Minoru said then grinned, "Since we're here, why not do that later."

"Hm… you mean by that—" Ai blushed, "Huh?! No way! No! We're outside! We can't do THAT!"

"Shut it, the not-so-friendly neighborhood bears might be awake."

"Who cares?!" Ai flushed even more when she saw him smiling like that.


Where you go, I go

What you see, I see

I know I'd never be me

Without the security

Of your loving arms

Keeping me from harm

Put your hand in my hand

And we'll stand




Sorry about the late updates. I hope you'll give me feedback like before. Don't forget to give power stones and reviews!

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