
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six

Ilham and her two babies, sat before Omar on her bed. She stared at him while he stared at her, like they'd never look away. Many Huda and Mardiya were getting along just fine and were playing together beside Omar.

"So what are you going to do now?"Ilham asked him. Her eyes looking straight into his with no sense of emotions. Just staring at him blankly.

" I have to destroy my father and Jamal now. And I have to leave as soon as possible. " he said with hope in his voice. Hope that he would come back alive.

Ilham merely nodded and turned her attention back to her babies.

"What about them? What are they going to do if their father is not back like he ought to?" She asked with deep emotion in her tone.

Omar smiled at that. She had called him the father of their adopted kids. That meant she also needed him.

"I promise you baby. Our children are not going to miss their papa for too long, because I'm going to be back." He assured her as he caressed her cheeks gently.

She just smiled and got up.

"I'll be back. Keep them for me. I'm going to get some groceries" she announced.

Omar had a feeling that all wasn't right.

"Are you going alone?" He asked her. She nodded and picked up her bag.

"You can't go alone dear. Anything can happen" he protested.

"I'm going alone Omar! Take care of the kids. I'll be back in a wink." She snapped at him. He knew better than argue with her.

"Take care hun" he said as she left. He was going to follow her and he didn't care if she didn't like it.

Ilham walked out of the house and hopped into her car leaving Omar with the two kids.

He quickly called Hayat who was downstairs. She arrived in a flash.

"Hey can you take care of the kids for me? I'm going to make sure that Ilham is alright" he announced.

She didn't even get to answer when Omar rushed out of the room like a raging bull. He hopped into his car and followed behind Ilham's car.

He drove slowly to avoid drawing attention to himself. Ilham got to the grocery store. After waiting for about an hour in his car and seeing no sign of Ilham coming out of the store, he begun panicking. He got out of his car and rushed into the store. He saw no sign of Ilham.

Attractions the attention of the sales girls and other customers. They were all drooling over him. All he could do now was use his charisma to get the information he needed.

"Hello sugar" he called out to one of the red haired sales girls. She blushed and begun batting her eyes at him. He was inwardly disgusted by this gesture but had to keep a calm face.

"Umm..hey?" She answered in a fake soft voice. He smirked at


"You haven't perhaps seen any curvy hijabi come by this way. Have you?" He asked. She smiled and answered.

"Well, I saw a hijabi in a black hoodie and clingy black skirt being carried towards the back by some man I believe to be her boyfriend"

Omar's green eyes turned a deeper shade of green. He was angry. He glared at the sales girl and she backed away from fear of his wrath.

He smirked sinisterly at her and walked away. She was very lucky he didn't harm her. She eve tried to look sweet at him.

He barged towards the back and all he could see was the traces of skid marks from about three cars and her purse on the ground and one of her earrings.

He growled loudly and stomped back to his car. His woman had been kidnapped. This meant war and he knew who had kidnapped her.

His ol' foe Jamal.He wasn't going to spare Jamal now. He was going to feed his alive body to Piranhas and there was nothing no body could do you stop him.

"Amir?! The princess has been kidnapped!" He growled into the phone as he drove like a maniac back to Amir's home. Amir didn'tt even respond before he hanged up. He was very furious.

He begun preparing. He packed up all the weapons he would need. From Glocks, to Macs, to Aks, UZIs, to sniper rifles, machine guns and so many other weapons. He had already organised the fighters. They were approximately 400 fighters.

His best cyberpunk has already used the satellites and CCTVs to find out Ilham's location.

This was the fastest he had ever located Ilham. He was as furious as ever. Hayat on the other hand was appalled by what was going on. Now she was left alone with three kids to take care of.

"Please come back safely Love. We're waiting for you. And bring Ilham safely" Hayat cried into her husband's chest. Amir the big bad alpha male calmed down when his woman hugged him.

He gave her a quick peck on her head and assured her to be back.

Hayat nodded as she was left with Mrs. Bailey and the 3 kids at home. Amor left to meet Omar who had already armed himself and was waiting for Amir.

When Amir arrived , they all drive in their fleets to the Wyman Gordon Power Plant in Illinois. It was an abandoned power plant factory, that was rescinded about century ago.

Omar and Amir pulled up about a mile away from there, to avoid being detected.

"Amir, this may be our most dangerous battle. Let's say our prayers. I know it's been almost 15 years since we said our prayers. But it's better to don't now" Omar suggested.

Amir nodded in complete agreement. All the other members who were Muslims similarly agreed. They found some water and after performing wudhu, they all prayed on a clean grassy area.

Omar suddenly felt something in his heart that he hadn't felt for the past 15 years. He felt enveloped in the arms of his Maker. He felt some strength he had never felt before. The faces on the members behind him also showed same

They had also been filled with some strength from some Upper Entity they never knew of.

"Let's go save her now!" Omar commanded.


Ilham was in chains in the dark room she was kept in. Jamal sat before her with a sinister smirk on her face. She was not scared on the least. In fact she smirked back at him.

Blood was oozing out of her forehead as a result of the fall she had when Jamal slapped her when she refused to kiss him back. She smiled at him and saw the animosity in his gaze.

"You're going to have to do worse than that my dear. I'm never going to let you have your way with me. Unless you kill me " she spat at him with excitement and deadly happiness in her voice.

He frowned at her and tightened his grip on her jaw.

"It's going to be fun taking you baby girl. I can almost visualize your body under mine moaning" he cussed.

Ilham smirked and cussed

"Oh, I don't mind that. I've been used and dumped before. I don't mind if you use me as your whore sugar"

Jamal was very much surprised by her imprudence.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard and Jamal fell to the ground grabbing unto his shoulder.Ilham's head snapped to the sound of the gunshot and saw Omar standing in his black armed bullet proof vest, looking like the good he already is.

He probably had heard the part when she said she'd been used and dumped before, because his expression was an angry yet sad one.

"How dare you touch my wife Jamal?!!" Omar roared at Jamal who lay on the ground clothing onto his shot shoulder.

His men were besieged by Omar's men. He had no escape out of this. All he could do now was plead.

"I'm sorry for underestimating your prowess Omar" he pleaded. But Omar was having none of that crap. He paced to Ilham and unshackled her without sparing her a glance.

His glare turned to Omar who was on the ground trying to get up.

"Look at how weak you are you fool! Just a bullet and you're struggling like a lost fowl! How dare you even try to come against a King like me?!!" Omar roared as he tightened his grip on Jamal's hair.

"Please Omar" Jamal pleaded.

"Say your last prayers you fool!" Omar spat at him as he placed a cold metal on Jamal's temple, which he discovered yo be a gun.

"Let go of him son, or else?!" Omar heard the voice of his father.

He turned round and found Amir and his men surrounded by his father's men. Omar was enmeshed in his enemies grasp.

His father held baby Huda in his hand by her hair as she tried out loud. Ilham burst out in tears.

Hayat and Mrs. Bailey and their children were also in the hands of this wicked man.

Six bulgy men paced to Omar and tackled him to the ground at Ilham's feet.

"You bastard!" Omar spat at his father , as he helped Jamal get up.

"No Omar! You're the bastard! You see, there's a lot you don't know about your past" his father said calm with venom in his voice.

Omar loomed at him with a satanic glare.

"Look at this video clip Omar" his father showed him something that made Omar's heart break.

Omar's mother was in shackles that were pertained to the ground with blood on her face.

'My dear little boy Omar. I'm very happy to have been your mother and the fact that today may be my last speaking to you, breaks me. I have a secret I never told you and now, I want you to know.

You were born at a time when your father had a lover he wanted at all cost. He came home one night very drunk and violated me. I got pregnant with you and all I could do was just pray that he recovered from his madness. He was very much attracted to younger ladies. I was just 20 at the time you were born.

I never loved your father. I was forced to marry him by my father. I never wanted you to go through that same thing, but as they say 'Man proposes and God disposes' .

Your father never loved you. All he cared about was power and young lovers. He started taking an interest in you when he realised you were into the mafia business.

He wanted to control the trade routes from Turgistan to Slovakia because it would give him more power over those two countries. He was very envious of you, so he plotted with the brother of the King of Libya to get his niece Iqra to fall in love with you and try to beguile you .

Iqra dell for you but she was more interested in your father because he was also into her. I know this is disturbing to take in. And know you'll be mad at me for not telling you all this, but your father, he swore to kill the angel whom you told me about when you came home from America that night.

Though I've never met her, I love her like the daughter in law, I never had. Please forgive me. I really wanted you to be happy and I curse the day, I got married to that bastard.

If I should ever come back to this world, I'd think twice before agreeing to marry such an imbecile.

I wish I was courageous like you, to not give up and to fight for my love. I'm sorry for letting you down. I hope you forgive me my son.

And thank you for risking everything to save my life. But trust me, your father was going to kill me anyway. Since the day, I hit pregnant, he swore to kill me, but I was surprised he didn't kill me until now.

In love you so much my son. And I pray that you accept me as your mother when we meet again someday in a place of happiness.

Mama Loves You'

With that said, a gunshot was heard and his mother's lifeless body fell to the ground.

Omar dropped a tear. He couldn'believe she was gone.

Everyone looked petrified except for Omar's father

"Hahaha King of Turgistan. You're really a courageous one. I see where your son got his courage from." Ilham laughed as tears gushed down her eyes. Everyone turned to wards her direction and found her eyes red with anger, craze, pain and hope.

"What do you mean you bitch?!" The king spat at her.

"I mean exactly what I mean King" she said as she clapped her hands.

"Such a well played act" she praised.

Before he could speak a sharp growl was heard from him. There lay his head. Decapitated. Who had done that? Ilham smirked as Jamal looked around in terror.

The next thing he knew it, Levent was in front of him. Levent punched the guts out of him. Baby Huda begun crying as the bastard of a King's body begun collapsing. Ilham rished to ave the many, when a bang was heard. Luckily she had caught the baby right on time.

Ilham fell down as she sheilded her baby from hitting the ground. She had been shot in the chest.

Jamal had shot her. Levent gaped at Jamal in horror. Without any second thought, he threw Jamal onto the ground as his and Omar's men massacred Jamal's men brutally.

Omar pulled Jamal up and without a second thought, snapped his neck brutally. Jamal was dead.

Ilham lay on the ground, losing her life. Everyone rushed to her as she held unto her baby tight.

Baby Huda was crying in her mother's hold.

"Baby please don't leave me " Omar pleaded. Ilham looked away from him.

"Amir? Thank you for being the best brother ever. Thank you for always being there for me. I wish I could have been here with you for long and been a better sister. I love you"

"Hayat? My beautiful bestie. Since I moved here, I've known oh one lady. That was you. Thank you for standing up for me always and giving me a purpose in life. I love you"

"Levent? I know we've met oh recently but if seems as though we've known each other forever. I know you have feelings for me. But I'm sure you will find someone better than me. I love you too"

"My dear Mrs. Bailey. I've always wondered how co.e you're a Muslim but your name is Bailey. I guess that's a story I'll look forward to listening to in another world. Thank you for be g a mother figure to me. I love you"

"Mardiya. You were one of my first loves. I really am happy to have met you and even had time to spend with you. Be a good girl and love your dada always. I love you"

"Mr. Cry baby Rauf. You're one of the cutest boys I've met. Your father is undoubtedly very cute too. Please be good and don't worry mama and dad okay? I love you "

"My dear baby Huda. I know I promised to take care of you from the start. I guess this is our cross roads. I love you just like I loved my own daughter that I never met, Shamsiya. Be a good girl to Daddy. I love you"

"And Mr. Omar? I know we have had a rough relationship but I can tell you. It was the best. Thank you for loving me like never before and thank you for fighting for me, even though I never saw it. When I see your mom, I'll be sure to tell her how much of a darling you are. And please do me a favour and tell my father that I love him regardless okay?. Remember our vow, that night and if you ever feel the pain in loving me, just talk to that star. I love you forever" Ilham whispered with her last breaths and closed her eyes.

That was the last and that was the end. Their love story had ended and she died in the arms of her Lover.

Everyone but Omar burst into tears. Omar couldn't cry. Because if the heart could show what he felt, he would probably just open his chest and show her dead body how he felt.

Omar picked her body whilst Mrs. Bailey picked up the kids. Omar walked to his car and drove to his home. To the home where he kept Ilham when he kidnapped her. The room, where they shared her first kiss. The room where they first planted a seed. The room where all their memories together lay in.

He lay her on the bed and lay beside her. The tears gushed out of his eyes.

"Please come back to me baby. Please. Come back to me " he repeated in her ears several times before he fell asleep beside his lovers dead body.

Of words could bring back the dead, he had spoken many and if tears could show them how much they're grieving, he had shed a lot.

But they can't. The pain never stops. Just get numbed. And that is what he did. He got numbed. He buried his sorrow in the numbing sensation of sleep.

Sad chapter

I'm here to announce that this book has about 3 more chapters to complete.

I hope you enjoyed? Or maybe not?

Let's see what will happen  next

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Ig:@Elham Dhul Qanayn 💞