
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

Omar glared at Iqra and violently grabbed her wrist. He picked up her phone and commanded her to speak. She was feeling reluctant to, but the looks in his eyes told her that she could lose her life now, if she didn't open up.

"H-Hello?" She called out into the phone. The voice of Omar's father came.

"Iqra..Omar is in the country. Go back and collect the baby back from Mrs. Bailey and send her to the airport. There's a man waiting there. He's called Rafiq. Give him the baby and say my name. He knows what to do with that ugly bitch! And when you're done, come over and let me give you another show of an energetic old man's man power " Omar's father said shamelessly.

Omar gaped at Iqra. So she was with his father all along? And she had even been having intimate affairs with his father? What kind of con artist and shameless lady is she?

He signalled her to reply. She replied with tears dropping down her eyes.

"No problem Daddy. I'll discard that shit as soon as possible"

"Good girl. Say my name again?"

"Daddy" with that said Omar hanged up.

"My dear Iqra. You messed with the wrong Omar dear. No one touches my things and you just touched my daughter. You're going to be castigated harshly hoe. And my father is not going to be able to do anything save you" he whispered so calmly.

Iqra gulped as Omar brushed his tongue, along her earlobe. She moaned a little. She was in fear and at the same time, sexual excitement.

"You're going to be fucked. But I'm not going to fuck you!" He spat at her as he groped her ass. She gulped as he pulled her to him.

"Have you ever heard of a horny horse?" He asked. Iqra knew that she was going to suffer in a very brutal way.A horse? Isn't that beastialism?

"P-Please Omar?" She pleaded.

"Oh don't worry, it's only 6 horses. Six horny horses and you're free to go" he whispered.

"Karan? Select 6 of your best horses with very big dick sizes. I have an experiment to undertake" Omar spat sinisterly at the caretaker of his Farmhouse.

Iqra cried, begged, collapsed. But all that didn't save her from the wrath of Omar.

Within 2 hours, six gigantic horses were brought and had been injected with Horny Goat Weed drugs. Iqra was stripped naked and was also forcefully given the Horny Goat Weed to take. Soon she became as horny as fuck.

Omar watched how Iqra got fucked by these animals. It was a very horrible sight to watch. But Omar didn't mind. He didn't go round playing with his family. Especially his love, Ilham and his new daughter Huda.

After hours of her getting fucked by these animals, she was left bleeding on the ground. Her winners had been scattered so much that she would hardly survive. Or even if she did, the trauma would be great and to top it all, she would be barren till she died.

Omar took a video of the whole event and sent it to Iqra's father and his own father. Iqra's image would be tarnished and soon Omar would make sure that his father's image would also be tarnished.

The doctors carried Iwra away in her collapsed state. That would teach her never to mess with Omar.

Omar set off to Mrs. Bailey's home. He met her feeding the little baby. The baby giggled when she saw Omar.

"Oh Omar! Your father is a wicked man! and that female dog. They kidnapped this poor angel and brought her here" Mrs. Bailey cried into Oamr's chest. Omar had to coddle her and assured her that everything would be alright.

Omar's eye caught sight of another baby who sat near baby Huda. It was baby Mardiya.rs. Bailey saw Omar's attention had shifted to her.

"My sister died last week Omar, and so I had to adopt the baby" Mrs. Bailey said sadly as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"It's alright Mrs. Bailey. Come on, we have to get back to America. " he said hurriedly as he licked up the two babies and Mes. Bailey picked up her large hijab.

They walked to his car outside and soon arrived at the jet station.

Within 4 hour, they were in America and had reached the hospital. Hayat and Amir were there.

"OMG she found the baby. Thank you so much Omar" Hayat thanked him.

Amir patted his back while he hugged Mrs. Bailey. It had been quite long since they last met. She looked happy to see him and his wife Hayat.

"It's alright Hayat. Where's Ilham?" Omar asked as he saw no sign of her?

"She's at Levent's. Let's leave immediately. She must be worried sick" Hayat said as she grabbed her son and her bag.

Omar growled. He was unhappy with Ilham for being ag another man's house.

"Yeah let's go" Amir added. Once again, they all boarded their cars and soed off to Levent's house, with Amir's car leading the way.

Levent's house was very big but not as big as Omar's. Omar stomped into the house, not minding the fact that he was a guest. He saw Ilham sitting down on the ground with tears in her eyes and a blanket around her small frame.

"Baby?" Omar called. Ilham's eyes went wild when she saw Omar with her baby in his arms and Mrs. Bailey with the bang Mardiya in her arms.

"Omar!" She screamss as she rushed to him and hugged him and her baby. She kissed all over his face and her baby's face.

"Thank you so much for finding my baby" she acknowledged as she took her baby from him. He hugged her and kissed her once more. Not caring that Levent was behind her glaring at him.

She turned to Mrs. Bailey and baby Mardiya.

"Oh Mrs. Bailey. How I've missed you and Mardiya" she screamed as she hugged them both and collected Mardiya too and showered her with kisses all over her face. The two many in her arms and Omar towering over them and holding them on his possession, looked like the perfect family picture.

Ilham thendd to Omar was once more and hugged him tight.

"Thank you so much Omar. I don't know how to thank you enough" she whispered.

"It's alright baby. Ill do everything on this world for you and our now, two daughters" he whispered back. Ilham gaped at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Mrs. Bailey's sister died a week ago and I'm planning on us adopting Mardiya too. " he announced. The joy in Ilham's eyes was so intense that if looks could blind people. Hers would have blinded everyone there.

"But what about your wife?" Ilham asked sadly. Omar frowned as he announced what transpired. Ilham looked shocked. The rest looked very angry including Levent who had finally been noticed.

"How do we know she's safe with you?!" Levent snapped at Omar. They both glared at each other. The tension they were making was making Ilham scared. She backed away slowly as she bumped into Amir's chest. He held his sister protectively and took her away.

"She's not staying with any of you. You're both going to settle your animosity before we come to a conclusion who she gets to stay with" Amir snapped at them before Hayat held Mrs. Bailey and walked out with her to her car outside.

They drove off to Amir and Hayat's home. Ilham didn't know what to do now. These men were quarrelling like Aunties, instead of seeing to the safety of herself and her tots (babies). She couldn't trust no one now. Woman or Man! No!

She knew that this hadn't ended yet. It was just the beginning.


Omar glared at Levent.

"Look here Levent or whatever the fhck you call yourself. Ilham is mine and only mine. You better get that in your fucking head!" He spat at Levent.

"She used to be yours Omar! Soon, she'll being only! I will make sure of it!" Levent spat back at him.

Omar growled at this man and turned away to leave.

"Pray you live to see that day, because soon Levemt, your days are numbered" Omar spat.

Levent chuckled and said

"Let's see who goes first Omar".

Omar stomped out of the house. He would kill this man if he ever proposed love to his woman. He swore it.

Now it was time for him to get rid of his bastard of a father.

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Ig:@Elham Dhul Qanayn💞