
Chapter 66

Amelia stared at the empty chair before her she had been awaiting her mother's presence for over an hour now but she obviously had stood her up.

Could she blame her for that? it was all her and her father's fault her mother had no trust for them or regards for them.

If only she knew the reason she had called her then she would have come...or maybe she was fufilling her vow to not step into the palace after her marriage.

Very well then of Mohammed couldn't go to the mountains then the Mountains would come to him.

She rose from her chair and left the room with one this in mind.

she was going to speak with her mother no matter what.

Glaring at the servants they quickly bowed their head down in respect as the followed behind her.

When they arrived at her parent's house it was quite quiet... nothing had changed since the time she left.

Even her mother hadn't changed,it pained her that she might have been right all along.

She knocked at the door...once.



No response was coming forth... Amelia felt fear grip her as she ordered the guards to break down the door.

Only then did the door open to reveal a petite beautiful woman.

It wasn't hidden that she was way beautiful than her daughter...

Chief Zadok married her for just that...to flaunt her beauty and make his pairs jealous back then.

Amelia looked alot like her mother although she couldn't compete with her...her father's genes was said to have spoilt her mother's good work on her.

"What do you want her? your father is in the court with that king" She spat


her mother hadn't gotten over her hatred for her,the king or her husband.

"I'm here to see you mother" She whispered.

Amelia didn't want her servants to watch her mother scream and insult her so she turned to them immediately after.

"Leave" She commanded.

"No need for that Queen Amelia....I will not see you so you can leave as well with your servants" She glared moving to lock the door at her face.

"if you don't mum,I will ask them to break down the door and tie you up so you listen to me" Amelia gritted her teeth.

Her mother turned around and Laughed hysterically before folding her arms.

"Go ahead my dear... I'm not in any least expecting anything less from you" She smiled.

"I want to talk about something very important mum...you need to listen" She began to panic at her mother's refusal.

"About what? your barreness?" her mother scoffed.

The servants behind her gasped while a lone tear fell from her face.

"You're my mother" She whispered.

"...And you're my daughter...when it was time to prove you were mine you decided to go against me...well now I'm doing the same" She shrugged.

"Witches" She says.

"What?" Her mother's eyes snapped to Amelia's immediately.

"I want to talk about the Witches there is something I saw you must know about" She says deciding to come clean.

I'm so sorry guys...the book is going slowly I know..but i just can't help it...there is barely time to sit and write...

i also have to attend to my other books here on Webnovel also...

please show me support by leaving a comment at the End of each chapter ...it matters alot to me.

Adeyinka_Stephaniecreators' thoughts