
Chapter 27

Talmon stood by a corner with Edom.

She had obviously been dragged there by him and she looked like she could probably kill him if he didn't start talking.

"What are you doing here putting yourself in trouble?" Edom asks.

She glares at him and keeps Silent like he hadn't just said anything.

Frustration floods through him and it's obvious on his face.

"Talk to me Talmon,I don't want you getting hurt don't you understand?" He yells frustratedly.

"What kind of a man are you Edom?"Talmon glares


"And who gave you the right to touch me or Question me? listen,we Witches don't need the enemy's sympathy we can console ourselves" She sneers.

Edom stands still as the word sinks into him.


"What else are you? if you're not for us them you're against us and am certain you knew that when you let my parents, friends along with my people die because you respect your king" Talmon yells.

"it's not-"

"You lost me and you know you did. supporting the King meant you've drawn the line,I am a witch and I am proud to be one. I am your enemy"

"You are not,you cannot be my enemy"

Talmon's laughter booms the in the hallway that was once Silent.

"You are confused Edom,it disgusts me that I fell for a man like you" She spits.

"You changed Tal, you're not the Talmon I used to know,I thought you would understand me" Edom says.

"Understand you? why don't you understand me as well? all these years you didn't even dim it fit to search for me to know if I was even alive"

"I searched for you"

"You did? Edom do I look like a fool? do you know what I have lost because of the man you swore your loyalty to?"

Silence reigns.

"We can never be together....we will always be at war because our differences are much and it will only get higher every day so please excuse me" Talmon says walking off.

Edom had lost his love to serve his best friend and King and yet it wasn't worth it.

Even though he was the King's right hand and special adviser he never had any of those privileges,the King did what he wanted to do and no one could stop him.

He didn't take any advise not opinions,his where perfect and cunning.

Guards approach Edom to give him a message from the King.

"His majesty wants you to lead the witches to the palace he had built at the outskirts of the Kingdom and return for the next phase of the plan" One of the guards says.

"Very well I will do that" Edom says as they bow to show their respect to him and leaves.

Knowing where to find them his legs moves fast taking him to the room they both must be in.

He was more than relieved Sophia turned out to be smart and helpful. he was already scared when he had seen them both walk into the Lions den,had no idea how to save his Talmon because there was no way he would've let her die.

He was even more surprised to see Sophia in a Witch Queen's dress exerting so much authority. When he knew them years ago Sophia was a timid Powerless Witch.

"We leave now" Edom says.

Once the room's door creaks open Talmon steps out instead.

"My Queen wants to see her mother before she leaves to be certain she's okay" Talmon says.

"Am sorry-"

"I don't want to her it,we don't trust any of you so it's only understandable that we would want to see her" Talmon cuts in while gritting her teeth.

"Very well,I will get permission from the King and get back to you" Edom says.

"wow? aren't you the right hand and second in command? what Powe do you have if you still take orders and permission from him every time you want to do something?" Talmon asks wriggling her eyebrows before slamming the door shut.

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