
Threatening remark

"I was there all along in the cafe."

Landen spoke with a little smirk and a hint of mischievousness in his voice.

Kay realized what he wanted to say and coughed a little at which Landen smiled brightly and Kay said to him

"That Jude guy is fired. Tell him to go to the HR department to collect his last paycheck."

Just as he said that Zila's eyes widened and she stood up from her chair and went over to Kay's desk, she snapped her hands on the table so hard that Landen who was standing a few meters away from the table flinched at the sudden sound and Zila yelled at him

"You said, you will not fire him."

Kay was holding a pen on his right hand which he threw back on the table so hard he glared towards Zila and said in his calm voice maintaining his professional tone.

"I said, IF you will stay away from him, I will not fire him but no you never listen to me so be it be now."

He said while giving a little stress to "if". On seeing the tension in the room, Landen bowed his head towards Kay a little and said before leaving from there.

"I will take my leave now."

Kay nodded his head in approval and Landen left from there.

Zila was still glaring at Kay but he didn't even bother, he picked up the pen that he threw a minute ago and started checking the files while playing with the pen.

Zila was pissed off because of his behavior as he ignored her and started to work.

Zila looked here and there as to think what to do now? She can't let Jude lose his job because of her cut, she knew that Kay was really stubborn and that he will not agree with her and she will end up embarrassing herself more.

She was hopeless now, she can't do anything other than pleading, him to not fire Jude but the thought itself was making her disgusted. She didn't want to ask him a favor or something but she had to so she finally mustered up the courage to say something to Kay. Jude had already lost his girlfriend and if he were to lose his job too he would completely break and Zila didn't want that.

"Please don't fire him, I will do whatever you say."

Just as she said that Kay's grip on the pen tightened and he stood up from his chair not before throwing the pen on the table. He walked around the table and towards Zila. She gulped when she saw him getting closer to her, he took cautious steps towards her while she just stood there, playing with her fingers while looking down.

He moved, more closer to her and now he was just beside Zila.

He put his hands on either side of her, trapping her between the table and him.

Her back was touching his front and he moved the hair to the front so that he could have a better look at her cream, like neck.

Zila flinched when his hands made contact with her skin but she didn't even move because she didn't want to feel weak.

She didn't want him to see that he still had a good effect on Zila so she bit her lower lip to restrain herself from escaping a whimper from her mouth.

He finally said in his husky voice and Zila let go of her lower lip which was between her teeth.

"I don't want you to meet him again, stay far away from him and I will not fire him if you will stay away from him. This is my last warning and if i ever saw you talking with him again, you will be in great trouble and I will make sure that Jude's career is all ruined. Understand? "

Kay said while possessiveness dripping at his each word.

Zila abruptly turned around as she was now angry as to why Kay was interfering in her life now, he didn't have any right to do so now.

She turned around forgetting the fact that he was standing just on the back really close to her.

When she turned around, she stumbled a little and was just about to fall when Kay snaked an arm around her waist and restrained her from falling down.

Their eyes met and they looked at each other for a whole good minute. Kay's eyes went to her neck and he saw a chain wrapped around her neck with a little ring on its end. He moved a little more closer, to see how the ring looked like?

Zila realized and quickly moved back adjusting her dress so that he won't be able to see the necklace.

Kay was in her thoughts when Zila pulled his hand and got out of his grip successfully. She said with a little tear in her eye

"Why do you always do this with me?"

She left from there while stomping her foot like a child.

Kay felt guilty at first but he chuckled when he saw Zila throwing a tantrum.

She looked just like a bunny when she pouted and left from there while stomping her foot.

"You will be mine again!"

Kay said to himself while going back towards his chair, he picked up his phone and dialed Landen's number.

Kay - Don't fire Jude but keep an eye on him and keep on protecting Zila.

Landen - Okay Sir! I will!"

The call hung up and Landen said to himself while smirking and he thought about Zila getting angry at Kay a minute ago, he chuckled when he realized that Kay wasn't able to do anything in front of Zila and he except to her every request.

"No doctor can help when you are love sick."

~~At Zen's Hotel room ~~

In the car, Javi was quite angry at him for dragging her outside of the cafe like that and he didn't even let her greet anyone.

She first yelled at him but when she saw him not bothering her anger raised and she just sat back in the car with her arms crossed on her chest and a big pout resting in her lips.

Zen just kept on looking outside but he also looked at her from the corner of his eyes time to time.

They reached the parking lot of the hotel. Zen got out of the car while Javi also.

She started walking towards the exit while stomping her foot.

Kay just got out but when he realized Javi, walking towards the exit he took long strides towards her and in an instance he held her wrist. She wiggled but Zen said to her while gritting his teeth.

"Where are you going?"

"That's none of your concern. Let go of my hand."

She yelled at him causing him to narrow his eyes at her and in an instance he picked her up from the ground.

She gasped at his sudden reaction and again yelled at him to let her go but he didn't bother and started walking towards the elevator while still picking her up, bridal style.

She wiggled at first but when she realized that she could fall easily, she wrapped her arm around his neck and snuggled in his warmth.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw her obediently stopping wiggling but soon it vanished because of her yelling.

"Let me go otherwise I will yell."

He stopped in his track and gave a hard glare to her while saying

"I am picking my wife. Who will dare say something?"

Her face colored red as she looked down, feeling embarrassed in his arms. No man had ever come so close to her like this, she was raised in the most purest forms and here he was becoming her unforgettable scent.

At last they reached the room and Zen let go of her and made her stand on the floor while his arm, still around her waist. Just as her feet touched the ground she started wiggling again but Zen's death grip made it impossible for her to run away from there.

He opened the door through the card key and pushed Javi inside not before putting the card key back in his coat's pocket.

She stumbled because of his hard push but immediately straightened herself and looked back at him.

Zen also stepped inside the room while his eyes never leaving her, he closed the door with a thud and Javi flinched.

A click sound was heard as he locked the door and Javi gulped a lump in her throat.

He started talking long strides towards her, glaring at her hard and she took some steps back as a reflex.

Question of the day:

What is Zen going to do with Javi?

A) He will insult her.

B) He will abuse her.

C) He will not do anything and Javi will be the one getting angry.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PS Do Vote!!!!

ZOAcreators' thoughts