
Highthorn: The Gatekeepers

After achieving their fifth clan advancement, Highthorn the rank one clan In the very popular VR MMORPG Swordmasters, are met with exciting news about a new game expansion regarding the "Eastern continent", and a portal opening to the new continent soon. Shockingly massive portals open In the real world, connecting both the eastern continent and earth, with former game players awakening as "Players", gaining special powers and skills. Highthorn diving into the new world, discover how chaotic and unsafe it is, they pledge to keep it safe for their fellow earthlings, rising in power and involving themselves in the eastern continent's politics in order to create a safe haven for everyone.

HorusCrown · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Proving Talent

"Hey have you heard, prince Caspian is forming a royal guards squadron accepting people our age" One of the academy students murmured to his friend as Cedric rushed by holding his notebooks, he was late to class because he had to finish his sister's admission to the academy as well.

"Commoners? what is he thinking?" Another student said as Cedric turned around a corner slowing down and taking a deep breath before knocking on the door and stepping into the class.

The students' whispers trailed off as Cedric entered the classroom, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished floor. He offered a quick apology to Professor Jean, who was busy scribbling notes on the blackboard, before slipping into his seat beside Taliyah and Lucas.

Taliyah shot him a sympathetic glance, her eyes full of concern. "Are you alright, Cedric? You look like you've been running a marathon"

Cedric managed a weak smile, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly at the sight of his friends. "Just a hectic morning" he murmured, pulling out his notebook and pen.

Lucas nudged him gently with his elbow. "What was so urgent that you couldn't make it to orientation?"

Cedric hesitated, unsure how to broach the topic. "It's... complicated" he replied cryptically, hoping to steer the conversation away.

But Taliyah's curiosity was piqued. "Come on, Cedric, spill the beans" she urged, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Before Cedric could respond, Professor Jean's sharp voice cut through the chatter. "Alright, settle down, everyone" she announced, her gaze sweeping over the classroom. "The academy has a very important announcement"

Lucas leaned in towards Cedric, whispering under his breath, "This has got to be about Prince Caspian's new royal guards squadron, right?"

Cedric nodded, his brow furrowing with curiosity as he waited for the professor to continue.

"As you've all undoubtedly heard" Professor Jean began, "Prince Caspian has indeed announced the formation of a royal guards squadron, open to youths of your age. However" she paused for emphasis, "what you may not know is that he's extending this opportunity to both commoners and nobles alike"

Murmurs rippled through the classroom, the students exchanging intrigued glances as they absorbed the news.

"Silence" The professor hushed the students once more before continuing, "Initially, the royal palace was going to accept the new royal guards based on letters of recommendation, but two prominent otherworld faction leaders suggested that this would lead to lots of favoritism and almost give no chance to the commoners, so Lord Valerian Highthorn and Lord Adrian Von Frankfurt volunteered to supervise a torunament that is going to be held in a month's time in the academy"

"But isn't Lord Valerian currently stationed in Oakbrook?" one student piped up, directing the question towards Cedric. "Seems like a pretty clear invitation, wouldn't you say?"

Cedric's expression tightened slightly at the mention of Oakbrook, a flicker of sadness crossing his features before he composed himself.

"If my father was still alive, perhaps I would have considered it" Cedric replied evenly, his tone tinged with a hint of weariness. "But now, as the baron of Oakbrook, my responsibilities lie elsewhere. I have a duty to oversee my estate, and thus, I'm not pursuing a position in the royal guards"

The revelation caught the room off guard, the students exchanging surprised glances as they processed Cedric's unexpected announcement. A sense of guilt lingered in the air, mingling with the shock of realization.

Taliyah and Lucas shared a concerned look, their sympathy evident as they reached out to comfort their friend in his moment of vulnerability.

Professor Jean, noting the sudden focus on Cedric, cleared her throat pointedly before continuing, "Now, onto the specifics of the selection process for the royal guards. They will be handpicking only eight students from the tournament: four from the swordsmen division and four from the mages division"

Her eyes swept across the room, ensuring she had everyone's attention before she proceeded. "It goes without saying that only the top four in each division will secure a spot" She allowed a moment for the weight of this information to settle among the students before pressing on. "However, there's an additional opportunity for two more students to be accepted. The highest-scoring student in alchemy and the highest-scoring student in enchanting will also earn coveted positions"

With that, she concluded her announcement, leaving the students to digest the implications of the selection criteria for the royal guards.

"Cedric.. I'm so sorry.." Taliyah held Cedric's shoulder apologetically, before they could exchange another word, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Dorian Monroe.

Dorian, the epitome of arrogance and entitlement, sauntered into their midst with a smirk playing on his lips. As a son of the esteemed Monroe family, he wielded his noble status like a cudgel, using it to belittle and bully those he deemed beneath him. Cedric, in particular, bore the brunt of his cruel taunts and jibes.

"So, Cedric, you're a baron now, huh?" Dorian's voice dripped with derision as he addressed Cedric, his tone laced with mockery. "Congratulations, I suppose. Let's hope you can clean up the mess your useless father left behind in that shithole you call home"

The venom in Dorian's words stung Cedric like a lash, his jaw clenching with suppressed anger. Beside him, Lucas bristled with indignation, his fists clenched at his sides as he glared daggers at Dorian.

"Shut your mouth, Dorian" Lucas growled, his voice low but charged with fury. "Or I'll shut it for you"

Dorian recoiled slightly, caught off guard. But he quickly regained his composure, his smirk morphing into a sneer as he turned his attention to Lucas.

"Ah, Lord Lucas, the noble knight defending his peasant friend" Dorian taunted, his words dripping with disdain. "Perhaps you should consider the company you keep. Associating with a mere baron might tarnish your illustrious reputation"

Lucas's eyes narrowed into slits, his jaw clenched with barely restrained rage. But before he could respond, Dorian spun on his heel and strode away.

"Fucking coward" Lucas mumbled.

Elena watched the tense exchange unfold with a heavy heart, her own experiences with Dorian's cruelty echoing in her mind. As a commoner amidst a sea of nobility, she had always felt like an outsider, subjected to ridicule and scorn simply for her lack of noble lineage, she hailed from a wealthy merchant's guild, maybe wealthier than most of the nobles within the academy combined, but she was still not a noble, and to the nobles, lineage was more important than gold.

Cedric had always been a beacon of hope for Elena, a reminder that one's worth was not determined by one's birthright. She admired him for his resilience, his ability to rise above the prejudices and bullying he faced from Dorian and his likes on a daily basis.

But now, with Cedric's newfound status as a baron, the divide between them seemed wider than ever. No longer bound by the constraints of their respective stations, Cedric was now a member of the nobility, while Elena remained firmly rooted in the lower echelons of society.

As Cedric, Taliyah, and Lucas abruptly left the classroom, Elena felt a pang of disappointment wash over her. She had wanted to offer her condolences for Cedric's loss, to express her sympathy for the pain he must be feeling. But now, it seemed that opportunity had slipped through her fingers, leaving her alone amidst a group of fellow commoners who had become her only source of companionship in the unforgiving halls of the academy.

With a heavy sigh, Elena slumped into her seat, her frustration palpable as she buried her face in her arms. A gentle tap on her shoulder roused her, she peered up to see Noah's comforting smile.

"Still thinking about Cedric?" Noah settled beside her, his tone laced with sympathy.

"How can I not?" Elena's voice carried a heavy weight of disappointment. "He's not just a lesser noble anymore; he's a baron. How could someone like me even think of befriending him now?"

Noah's expression softened with understanding. "Elena, Cedric has always been different from the other nobles. He, along with Lucas and Taliyah, have treated us with kindness, despite their status surpassing even the academy's dean"

Elena let out a frustrated sigh. "Talking to Cedric? With my luck, rejection is practically guaranteed"

"C'mon, Elena, don't sell yourself short" Noah encouraged, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Elena's retort was sharp. "Easy for you to say. Baroness Ava is mad in love with you"

After a moment of shared silence, they decided to leave the classroom, heading towards the main hall. "Let's see which group we're in for the practical exam" Noah suggested, and Elena nodded in agreement.

Approaching the bulletin board, they scanned the papers pinned there. Elena's eyes widened in disbelief as she spotted something unexpected. "C-CE.." she stammered, her voice catching in her throat.

Noah's laughter, genuine and heartfelt, filled the air. "Looks like fate has a sense of humor" he remarked, lightening the mood.