
Highthorn: The Gatekeepers

After achieving their fifth clan advancement, Highthorn the rank one clan In the very popular VR MMORPG Swordmasters, are met with exciting news about a new game expansion regarding the "Eastern continent", and a portal opening to the new continent soon. Shockingly massive portals open In the real world, connecting both the eastern continent and earth, with former game players awakening as "Players", gaining special powers and skills. Highthorn diving into the new world, discover how chaotic and unsafe it is, they pledge to keep it safe for their fellow earthlings, rising in power and involving themselves in the eastern continent's politics in order to create a safe haven for everyone.

HorusCrown · Fantasy
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32 Chs

A Pact And A Seal


Main Quest - Restore The Empire's Glory (SSS+)

Jude the fallen emperor entrusted you with his past and promised to work with you

to restore the glory of the Eastern Empire.

Aid Emperor Jude and the second prince Caspian against the crown prince Adrian.




"Looks like we are bound to help you both now" Rage looked up from his status window extending a hand to Emperor Jude.

"I have nothing more to lose, so please don't make me regret this" Jude replied shaking Rage's hand.

As Jude's hand touched Rage's, Jimmy waved his hand over them drawing a magic circle in the air that floated overhead, the circle sent out two violet chains, chaining both Rage and Jude as shadows coiled around them like serpents, Jude's heart started to glow in his chest, visible to all who were present, the shadows engulfing them surged into Jude's heart as he experienced warmth, not pain, his face started slowly transforming into a younger version that looked 10 no 20 years younger than he is, his long white hair grew whiter and purer as the curls formed by his old age started to disappear straightening it, his beard retracting until it was only down to the top of his chest.

As Jude was taken aback by all that was happening, he felt his mana core expanding gradually, as his body absorbed the mana surrounding him, a small portion of Rage's aura breaking off and joining Jude's before the shadows disappeared followed by the magic circle.

"Congrats" Rage smiled, "You're a dark mage now"

"I never thought the day would come when I would be a dark mage" Jude replied looking down at both his hands, "I don't feel as tired or weighed down by my age as I used to, can I borrow your sword?" He asked Rage before Rage took out one of his daggers.

"You can borrow this one" He handed it to Jude who gracefully took it in his hand and started swinging, at first it looked like his body was off balance and his posture was incorrect, but gradually it started becoming smoother and smoother until it looked like Jude was dancing.

"Looks like the talks about your past weren't all talk" Rage clapped his hand, "That's some fine swordplay"

"Don't forget that you can also use dark magic, it's similar to using normal magic so you shouldn't have an issue if you used dark magic before" Jimmy pointed out, as he looked back at the book he took off the shelf earlier, "We need to discuss something soon, anyways, what's the plan for now?"

"You were the last of the prominent clans we invited, I believe other empires sent out invitations as well, one of the clans that resided within the free state of Frostholm said that they had a close relationship with you and decided to meet us instead of the alliance of the free states, I don't think they would take that lightly" Emperor Jude remarked looking back at Caspian, "And Caspian suggested we hold a ball to welcome the other-worlders and maintain a good relationship with them, so that was the next thing on the schedule"

"The ball would be a perfect place to announce that Caspian will be forming a Royal Guards squadron of young people his age, the nobles will spread the news like wildfire, we will say that the trials will be held in the imperial academy and will be available for both commoners and nobles who are between the ages of 12 and 16" Rage stated.

"The nobles are going to bark at him about accepting commoners into the palace" Jude replied looking at Caspian.

"All the reason to filter out the bad guys, you don't want racists or classists in your royal guards, if a noble hates commoners, he is a bad influence on the empire as a whole since his job is to manage and make commoners life easier in the first place" Rage answered.

"I know of a few nobles that are bullied among the noble society for their positive relationships with commoners, I bet they'd encourage this initiative that Caspian is starting" Jude replied smiling at his son.

"And you, Caspian, I can't form a pact with you since you're still weak and would most likely crumble, your father endured it due to his old mana core still existing even if it was depleted of mana, but again I'm not willing to give you an easy head start by forming a pact, prove to me that you ware worthy of my aid" Rage said to Caspian whose eyes were full of determination.

"I won't disappoint you, Your Majesty" Caspian replied.

"Well then, shall we party?"

In the opulent grandeur of the palace, Emperor Jude hosted a lavish ball for representatives of the otherworld factions. Among the esteemed guests were twelve prominent factions, including Highthorn and the Azure Knights.

"Excuse me, Sir Adrian" the noble began, "I couldn't help but notice your esteemed title as the first knight of the Western empire. Does that mean you serve under Prince Valerian?"

Adrian smiled politely, accustomed to addressing this question. "Ah, you see, in the wake of our world's upheaval, traditional hierarchies dissolved. My knight order, the Azure Knights, now operates independently. However" he added with a nod of respect, "Prince Valerian and I maintain a close relationship"

A hushed murmur rose through the crowd as a voice echoed from the stairs above. "His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Jude Ironhelm, the radiant sun of the empire!"

Nobles exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of disdain and amusement. While some remembered Jude the Conqueror fondly for his past accomplishments, others scoffed at his perceived incompetence.

The nobles looked up to see a young Jude who looked twenty years younger descending the staircase, his eyes were no longer filled with weariness but rather fired with determination, he descended the stairs step by step eyeing the room and taking note of friend and foe present, his aura commanded respect unlike his usual self as he finally stopped in his steps clearing his throat.

"I extend a warm welcome to the esteemed nobles of our empire and our honoured guests from other worlds" Jude declared, his words resounding throughout the ballroom. "May this gathering mark the beginning of a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship between our people"

Behind him, Prince Caspian emerged, a genuine smile adorning his face as he approached Rage and the Highthorn representatives, despite the lingering tension among the nobles as they deliberately avoided Rage and his party due to their distinct racial features.

Rage glanced at the Emperor raising his glass as Jude returned his cheer before he was swarmed by nobles questioning his unusual demeanour, his rejuvenated appearance and newfound stamina took most of the nobles off guard.

"Your father seems to be enjoying himself" Rage pointed out to Caspian looking to the Emperor as he conversed with the local nobles.

"It's not every day that you grow 20 years younger" Caspian replied with a chuckle.

"Did you prepare the announcement for the royal guards squad?" Rage questioned taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes, but I'm still nervous" Caspian replied, looking down. "I'm sure my brother won't let it slide"

"Speaking of brothers" Rage interjected, noticing Adrian approaching them from across the room, "here comes our Adrian"

Adrian joined them, offering a polite nod. "Good evening, Prince Caspian. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You're worried about the announcement?"

Caspian nodded, a hint of apprehension in his expression. "Yes, with my brother's influence, it's hard to predict his reaction"

"Valerian briefly filled me in on your plans earlier, It's a commendable initiative that will surely garner the support of the people, It's just the noble vermin who'll most likely oppose it" Adrian retorted scanning the room before looking back at Caspian with a reassuring smile, "I believe in you"

As the music softened, Caspian stepped forward, catching the attention of the gathered crowd. With confidence in his voice, he addressed the assembly.

"Noble guests and esteemed faction leaders, I am honoured to stand before you tonight to share a significant announcement" Caspian's gaze swept across the room, his demeanour poised and determined, yet a hint of nervousness tinged in the air.

"I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Royal Guards Squadron directly under my command, with a blessing from my father the Emperor" he continued, his words carrying weight and authority. "This squadron will serve as a training ground for young individuals, both noble and commoner, who seek to become skilled warriors within the palace walls"

He paused, allowing his proclamation to sink in before continuing. "This initiative presents an opportunity for our youth to receive the finest training in swordsmanship, tactics, and leadership, under the guidance of experienced mentors. I believe that by nurturing the potential of our future generations, we can strengthen the foundation of our empire and ensure its prosperity for years to come"

As Caspian made his announcement, a ripple of murmurs spread through the crowd. Some nobles, their expressions contorted with disdain, openly voiced their objections.

"Commoners in the palace? Preposterous!" one noble exclaimed, his voice laced with contempt. "They're nothing but filth, unworthy of setting foot within these walls!"

Another noble, standing nearby, nodded fervently in agreement. "It's an insult to our lineage and our heritage" she declared, her tone dripping with disdain. "We cannot allow such impurity to tarnish our noble eyes and train alongside our children!"

Amidst the opposition, however, there were voices of support. "I, for one, commend Prince Caspian's vision" a nobleman spoke up, his voice unwavering. "The integration of commoners into the Royal Guards Squadron is a step towards inclusivity and progress. We cannot ignore the talents and potential that lie beyond our noble circles"

Others in the crowd murmured their agreement, albeit more quietly, recognizing the merit in Caspian's initiative.

Yet, amidst the fervent debate, some remained neutral, their expressions guarded as they exchanged knowing glances.

"Jude's incompetence is showing once again" one noble remarked sotto voce, his words tinged with disdain. "But does it truly matter? In the end, it's Adrian who holds the key to our empire's future"

Others nodded in reluctant agreement, their murmurs blending with the ambient noise of the ballroom.

Rage and Adrian, recognizing the significance of Caspian's initiative, stepped forward amidst the swirling debates among the nobles. Their status as influential figures from the other-world factions lent weight to their words.

"Prince Caspian's endeavour marks a pivotal moment for this realm" declared Rage, his voice carrying authority. "In our world, we've seen the power of inclusivity and meritocracy. By extending this opportunity to both noble and commoner alike, Prince Caspian sets a precedent for progress and unity, opening the doors for talent, not birthright"

Adrian, standing beside Rage, nodded in agreement. "Indeed" he added, his tone measured yet firm. "As representatives of our factions, it is our duty to support initiatives that promote equality and growth. Prince Caspian's vision aligns with those principles, and we stand behind him in solidarity"

"You speak of inclusivity and unity" a nobleman exclaimed, his voice dripping with disdain. "But what place do outsiders have in our affairs? These otherworlders have no stake in our empire's future!"

Another noblewoman chimed in, her tone laced with scepticism. "How can we trust the judgment of those who are not of our bloodline? Our traditions have served us well for centuries. We need not rely on the counsel of foreigners"

Their words resonated with a faction of the nobility, who nodded in agreement and murmured their support. In their eyes, the presence of otherworlders threatened the established order, casting doubt on the legitimacy of Caspian's endeavour.

Yet, even as the objections persisted, a counterpoint emerged from the crowd. Some nobles, enlightened by the vision of progress and equality, voiced their support for Caspian's inclusive approach.

"We live in a changing world" one nobleman spoke up, his voice calm yet determined. "To cling blindly to the past is to deny ourselves the opportunity for growth. If Prince Caspian sees fit to extend this chance to all, then we should trust in his judgment"

"Enough!" Jude's voice rang out with authority, cutting through the din of conflicting opinions. "It is not for us to dismiss the contributions of those who stand among us, regardless of their origins"

The nobles turned their attention to Jude, their murmurs fading into silence as they awaited his words.

"These otherworlders" Jude continued, his gaze sweeping across the room, "have shown their commitment to our empire. They have fought alongside us, bled for us" He eyed the present nobles, "You know what happened in Oakbrook and you know what happened in Frostholm, They are not merely outsiders after they defended our lands and got rid of the vermin that enslaved our people"

Jude felt good about himself for the first time in a while, he smiled internally remembering the days of his glory when he was Jude the Conqueror.

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before he continued. "We must not forget the lessons of history. A century ago, when the elves and dwarves first arrived in our world, they were met with suspicion and fear, they were enslaved, kidnapped, killed and look where it took us now, divisions among divisions and wars after wars"

Jude's words struck a chord with the assembled nobles, prompting some to reconsider their stance. In the face of his unwavering support for Caspian and his allies, the objections of the dissenting faction began to wane.

"We stand at a crossroads" Jude proclaimed, his voice imbued with conviction. "It is up to us to embrace change and forge a path forward together. Let us not be divided by petty grievances, but united in our pursuit of a brighter future for our empire, this empire will only acknowledge the strong as it always had, not the noble by birthright"