
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

DxD 34 – Meeting the Fujiwara Sisters (2)

Fujiwara Chika, she is a little girl that nearly 12 years old. With long light pink hair, and sky-blue innocent eyes. And unlike other girls of her age. That should be playing around others of her age. This girl is born in the Fujiwara Clan, a clan that is known to be involved with Japan's politics since the year of 668.

Because Chika is born in the family of politicians. Makes her no different to a noble young lady, if this was the medieval ages. And because of that, Chika, as well her sisters. Has a lot of expectations placed on them by their family.

Acting like a refine lady, painting, the piano, and may other skills that Chika and her sisters are forced on by her own mother, as well father. Even if Chika herself, only ever wanted to play video games, or own otherworldly items.

However, in fear, that Chika will become spoiled and tainted like her older sister, who has the talent to do almost everything. But choose to do whatever she wishes. They banned Chika from anything that possibility change Chika into her sister, Fujiwara Toyomi, a genius who can do anything, but refused to listen to the expectations placed on her.

And of course, because of that. Chika and her other younger sister, Fujiwara Moeha, has all the unwanted attention from her mother and father, who are a little too serious when it comes to Chika, the middle child, as well Moeha.

Knowing all that, one might even expect Chika to hate her family, especially Toyomi that does whatever she wishes. However, oddly enough, each sister is closed to each other. And even right now, in some place in the city, lies those three girls.

One of them is Chika herself, who is eating chocolate ice cream. And some of it even on her cheeks, that oddly increased her moe charms. After all, Chika is very beautiful girl for her age. Because of her age only being 11 years old. She hasn't begun growing her chest just yet. However, anyone could tell her potential of her womanly charm, if one looked at the older sister next to her.

Fujiwara Toyomi, she might only be 15 years old. But no one can deny her looks, and even her body. She also has long light pink hair, and blue eyes, the same shade of pink as Chika. However, unlike the little girl. Toyomi who only 15 years old, and her breasts are quite huge for her age group.

As for the third girl? She only nine years old. And she has the same colour eyes and hair as the other two sisters. Only difference between her, and her sister. Is not only her immature body, because she is only nine eyes old. But her light pink hair, that is tied into a twintail, unlike Chika and Toyomi's who has long hairstyles.

"Chika, you have some on your cheeks again~" Toyomi said in a very laid back, and yet cheerful tone. Poked Chika's shoulder, to get her attention: "You don't want mother or father finding out, again, right~?"

When Toyomi said that Chika froze a little, recalling the last time she sneaked out, and had something sweet like this. It took two hours before their mother to stopped nagging Chika, until they ground her to her room for a week.

Knowing something similar will happened, if Chika leave any kind of evidence again. Chika quickly cleaned her cheeks. Which caused Toyomi to laugh a little, at her younger sister clumsy actions of her cleaning herself.

"Onee-Sama, does Moeha has any on her as well?" Fujiwara Moeha who is only 9 years old. Asked this, while Toyomi as well Chika turned their attention to the little girl with them. And both laughed, seeing her mouth covered in chocolate ice cream.

"Oh my Moeha~ You basically wearing it~" Toyomi went.

"Really!? Moeha's wearing it!?" Moeha's eyes widen, as she also like Chika, doesn't want to earn their mother's wrath.

"Really, really! Moeha want Onee-Chan to help you out?" Chika asked, as she already took out a cloth from somewhere, and got off her chair, and went to Moeha.

"Un, thank you Chika Onee-Chan!" Moeha went with a smile, and let her second older sister clean her cheeks, that still has a lot of baby fat left in them. While Toyomi smiled seeing her younger sisters getting along.

It was Toyomi herself, that has bought these two out of their house. And because their mother and father are busy at work. As well a day off at school. Toyomi spent her time with her little sisters, and even sneaked out of their home. And this is not the first time, that Toyomi brought her sisters out, without the permission from their scary mother.

Of course, as how smart Toyomi is, she knew why their mother is hard on her, and the other sisters. Specially Chika, that is because Chika is very naïve. And in the Fujiwara Clan, that been involved in politics in Japan. She knew that naivety will only let others devoured Chika.

On the other hand, Toyomi also knew, because of her personality of doing whatever she wishes. Does affect her young sisters. However, Toyomi always been a girl, that been true to herself, and her nature. Not to mention, no matter how much their mother nagged at Toyomi, she will never get physical, since Toyomi knew her, parents care about her, that why they don't like Toyomi carefree personality. As they are afraid, she will throw herself in the wrong groups.

However, that doesn't really matter to Toyomi herself. She doesn't like politics, since to her they are boring, as she is more interested in other matters, besides what her family are invested in. Of course, as an older sister, Toyomi also went her younger sister to enjoy life as they wanted to be.

But she knew how much Chika love her family, with a high chance she will do something against her own will for them. Like right now, she is playing the piano, Toyomi had to agree Chika is very good at it. And she has many fans as well. However, she doesn't like that fake smile she shows, when she is being forced to play the piano.

But what could she do? Toyomi knew Chika will not back down, because she is very stubborn when she wanted to be. And Toyomi wanted to break her stubborn sister from meeting the expectations of their family. But if she forced Chika to break away from playing the piano, without a doubt, their parents will make sure Toyomi will not meet her sisters, because she is ruining their plans on Chika, as well Moeha.

'Sometimes, I wish, we were born in a normal family…' Toyomi thought, as she looked at the sun in the sky. At the same time, when Toyomi thought all that. Chika who she has been thinking about, suddenly stopped what they were doing, as she notices two men in black heading their way.

"Sister… I think they found us." Chika went with a bitter smile. As she looked at her ice cream she hasn't finished yet. On the other hand, Toyomi and Moeha also looked towards the two men in black.

Being part of the Fujiwara Clan, also means having a lot of enemies. After all, which politician clans didn't have any enemies? Their uncle is running to be the next Prime Minister, as well their grandfather, used be the Prime Minister before they were born. How can these two men have no lack of enemies in Japan?

"Oh my, they arrived sooner than expected~?" Toyomi might sound shocked, but her carefree smile, and expression tell anyone otherwise. Since she knew they will come sooner or later.

"W-What should we do, Onee-Sama…? What if mother hears about this?" Chika went, she doesn't know if their mother has sent them. But that should not be possible, since they chose a time, when their parents will be away from home for most of the day. Unless they returned home earlier than normal.

"Just tell the truth, that I had dragged you two out, and forced feed you chocolate cream~" Toyomi went with her carefree smile of hers.

"B-But…!" Chika tried to protest, but Toyomi just put her index finger to her own soft lips, informing Chika it's okay, and keep quiet about it. As two men in black, finally reached their table.

"Young misses, your grandfather has asked us to bring you back." When one of the two men, the one with no hair on his head. Said that, the Fujiwara sisters all looked shocked at one moment, but smiled soon afterwards.

Even if their grandfather is the current head of the Fujiwara Clan and used to be the Prime Minister of Japan. One might think, their grandfather, their mother's father, is scarier than their own mother. However, to the Fujiwara Sisters, their grandfather is the kindest old man in the whole world, who always has pocket money or sweets for the girls.

That is why, when Chika and the other heard it was their grandfather that send these men. All three of them sighed with relief.

"Does that mean, Moeha can bring her unfinished ice cream?" Moeha asked.

"Can I too!?" Chika also asked with excited, since it rarely she is allowed such snacks.

"I don't see a problem with that young misses. Now, the car is just around the corner." Getting their permission from the bodyguards their grandfather had sent them. Chika and Moeha gladly took their leftover chocolate ice cream along with them.

However, as Toyomi smiled at them, and about to follow them. All of the suddenly, not just her, but everyone even the bodyguards, all halted in their steps, hearing someone's cold voice.

"Look at this… these sisters, right? They have traces of a High Human in them? How lucky are we?" When Toyomi and her sister heard that. they looked at the three hooded men, especially the one in front, that holding a growing red stone. That been shining redder and redder, as they got closer.

"High Human…?" Moeha asked, tilting her head.

"Look! That stone is shining! How cool!" Chika went, as stars can be seen in her eyes, as she looked at the three cosplayers. On the other hand, the bodyguards become suspicious at these three men, however, seeing their getup is no different to cosplaying. They thought they just hitting on these girls, like the creeps they looked like.

That is why, the bodyguard with no hair left, stood before the three sisters. And looked right in the eyes of the hooded man, with the growing red stone in his hand. Of course, due to the height distance between the muscley man in black, and the man in the black robes. The bodyguard, the man in black had to looked down at the cosplayer.

"Beat it, before I had to remove you three from here, punks." This is not the first time this man in black dealt with fools like this hooded man. That is why he had to just stared down at these three cosplayer, showing them they shouldn't mess with him.

"Huh… what did this Lesser Human just told me to do?" However, instead of getting scared, like he expected to. The man holding the growing stone, just call him a lesser human? However, before the bald muscley bodyguard could repeat himself, or do anything.

He could only stared with a blank face, as a hand covered his face. Before he knew it, the hand grabbed his face, before slamming him into the ground!

"how dare you, to fucking order me around, you lesser human!" That was the last thing, this bald bodyguard heard, before closing his eyes forever, since the back of his head, has crack opened with blood flooding out, which ended up ending his life.