
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Astrid Pov:


  It has been about a month since I started training with Thorfinn. He has taught me a lot and I figured out why and who those people were that ransacked my house. They were friends of the guys Thorfinn killed. They attacked my house for the gold and NightFury scales I had.


  Thorfinn has not seen his friends from where he used to live or his family, Stoick's sister, and his sister Helga, since he was a child. He doesn't want to see them for some reason.


  Since hiccup left, me and the other guys from my class have been doing his chores on top of ours and it is tiring. I honestly don't know how he can do all of those chores in the same time we do ours.


  One night when we were attacked by dragons, Gobber was falling behind and we saw just how fast hiccup was from the pile left for gobber to finish in the morning. We had trouble that night so Stoick had Einar, Thorfinn's friend learn blacksmithing to help out Gobber. He was a farmer before he met Thorfinn when they were slaves.


  When they were under siege on a job for their master at the time, which was clearing a forest. They fought back and from how Thorfinn was fighting the master gave them their freedom, even though they already were. That is what I heard from Thorfinn though he said that he wouldn't leave the job undone and they finished it and sold the land. Then they came here after some adventures.



  It has been 2 weeks from the attack of the dragons and my training with Thorfinn continues.

I learn how to do all sorts of stuff like how to throw knives and escape bonds.


  One day when we were training he collapsed and I couldn't get him up so I had Einar help me. When we tried to move him Einar said. "We are having a hard time since he has on weighted training clothes so lets remove his jacket." An so we did and it was I would say was 200 pounds since it took both me and Einar to move. He was easier to move though still pretty heavy.


  He awoke the next day when Stoick came to check on him and the first thing he did was remove his shirt which was 100 pounds. He was shredded. Since he was up we asked. "What knocked you out." His response was surprising, all he did was shake his shoulders.


  Then everything continued as normal though he didn't wear his heavy clothing.



  It is currently 2 Weeks until hiccup returns and there is talk of a masked dragon rider who rides a NightFury. We don't know who it is, all we know is he suddenly started trading with some merchants. All they got was an alias "Ryder."


  I Finish my 2 month training with Thorfinn in 1 week and all the chores that me and the gang have been doing for hiccup has not gotten easier. Honestly I don't know how he does it.


  The next day Stoick gets a letter on his doorstep that appeared suddenly that was addressed to our class. He comes down when we are training and reads it. "I know that you all are wondering how hiccup is doing so I figured I would tell you. He is doing well and has also encountered some people who work for the person Griselda the Grievous. He escaped and is safe and that was 1 month, 2 weeks ago. From Ryder."


  Stoick is furious at the mention of "Griselda the Grievous" and the name Ryder since he has a dragon as a pet or friend. For some reason I think that is it hiccup since who else has a NightFury. He is glad that hiccup is safe though the only thing that I am wondering is why was the note sealed with the Crest of a NightFury. 


  That crest is from the time of Bork the Bold 400 years ago and is said to have gone missing meaning that Ryder found a 400 Year old crest somehow.



  I finish my training and Thorfinn gives me 3 daggers he made for safety and I Hide 1 in my boot, and the other 2 on my belt. As I am walking home I am ambushed and I end up putting that training to use. When they ambush me the First of the 2 men try's to grab my from behind.


  As a Response I Grab a dagger from my belt and stab him in the thigh and I run away towards my Hideout since they were more than I can handle. When I look back I see It was a test, the ones who ambushed me were Einar and Stoick.


  As Einar is tending to his wound I go up and ask. "What was that all about." Stoick responds saying. "It was a favor for Thorfinn because he wanted to test you, I didn't think he would give you daggers."


  Well that is true, as we head back home Stoick and Einar go to Gothi's and I go home.


  That night Ryder goes and Frees all the dragons.



  Afraid I was going to be tested again and Ryder would show up, I was on edge for the next week. After the first day I started to ease up when suddenly someone started doing all the chores the next day. We were frustrated but relieved. When hiccup was supposed to come home we waited at the dock all day and there was no-one.


  The next day I go to Thorfinn's and realize he is talking to someone and I plan to see who but before I can I get knocked out. Next thing I know I am laid up against Thorfinn's hut as he is working and I ask. "What happened."


  He takes a while to respond as I am regaining my bearings and he said. "You met an old friend of mine who does not wish to be known yet."


  Thinking I wonder Where is hiccup?