
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Thorfinn Pov:

I wake up and notice that the sun is rising. It seems to be about noon ish. I check myself over and I noticed that I passed out from wounds. I quickly patch myself up and notice that I also lost a Daggur. From my wounds I notice that I cannot climb back up.

I am to injured and as I think about it I pull up my left sleeve. Checking my arm I can see that it is most likely cracked still. I cannot use it to much but It should get me to the dock.

During the time of being here I discovered a secret entrance that takes me up. I told Hiccup a few years ago but he said to keep quiet about it. From the looks of things he forgot about it and they have not found it yet. It connected up to another almost verticle cave.

If you entered that cave there would be no chance of getting out. Reason being is the size of the entrance and its depth. I look around and start to map out a path down and I start.

As I am going down I start to think. What will happen if I end up failing? What will happen if I end up dead doing this? What will happen to my family? Now that is all in the future I need to focus on now.

As I am doing that I am drawn back to the past. I am reminded of the atrocities I commited. I killed countless men all for a meaningless revenge. Only to find out that Floki was the one to kill my father, or rather order for him to be killed.

I think that the main reason for that was what if he lost an entire Jomsvikings battalion to a single man. They would not be able to stand and their reputation destroyed. I wonder how Baldr is doing, He is probably a fisherman by now. That was his dream after all I think because he liked to fish and did not want to be the Jomvikings Cheif.

As I look over towards the ships by the dock I see that some of them are Jomvikings. What are they doing here. Now that I think about it in my bag is the Jomviking Cheif cloak. After I get down I could put it on and prove to be the cheif. But then again I disbanded them for a reason.

I disbanded them because they loved to fight. An following along with what my life was then all I wanted was to become a trader and fight no longer. I was a little less powerful then but I could still break a sword with my knee.

I look and see that I have about 1/3rd the distance from where I was. This should not take that much longer, I think. As I am doing that I think back to when we tried going to Vinland. My home greenland was much farther south than the island we came from.

I went to berk in the first place because I had failed and that was where my only living relatives lived. My mother had been killed becasue of my failure in Vinland. My sister had escaped without being found thanks to Sigurd. He and his family helped them escape with their Cargo of farming supplies.

I was being hunted by Sigurd's father because I had failed to settle in Vinland. The reason that we had failed was because of the Natives cheif I think he was. He tried to provoke me making a man that came with a sword which were supposed to be left behind. Because of that we left and decided that it would be possible in the future, but not now.

The only 2 who welcomed us, one which learned our language came with us. We went back home and upon hearing our failure we were sentenced to death. When my uncle Stoick heard about this he sent a fleet of ships to pick up my sister and family. All while I distracted them by doing the one thing I vowed not to.

I Killed EVERY SINGLE MAN in my path. I took out 8 viking ships before faking my death to the world. No-one knows me now, only as an experienced wood worker and a seasonded trader Karlsefni. That all happened right after Stoicks wife died. He did not want to lose another family member so he came to get me.

Unlike up north, Down south where I was, although not as cold did not have dragons. I do not know why but I think it was because it was to warm somehow. I mean it would always be below freezing in Greenland.

Looking back at my surroundings I was 50 feet from the water. There were no more ledges as I looked around so with my only option was to jump. As I fell I got into a formation to dampen the impact.

I hit the water and pain seared through my body from the wounds. I swam up to the surface and gasped for breath. I looked over at the dock area and saw that I had let them know I was there. With no other option I dived and swam trying to make them think I drowned as I swam under them.

Eventually I was in the middle, where they least expected me. I got out and stuck onto the ship nearest to me below eyesight. I grabbed my waterproof satchel and opened it. I put on the High Cheif of the Jomsviknigs since it was cut proof and arrow proof. That would prove useful agaisnt the enemies.

Then I looked and noticed that Night was coming. I get on ship and start taking out men as fast as possible causing Chaos when I notice the Nightfury coming in from the West. When did they get there?