
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Hiccup Pov:

It has been about 9 years since the Dragons disappeared. We have Snoggletog coming up and our kids Zephyr and Nuffink who are 8 and 6 Respectively hate Dragons.

Zephyr has Light Auburn-Brown hair and Blue eyes. Nuffink has Blond hair and Green eyes.

We are talking about the pageant when the question comes up. "What are we going to do about Toothless?" Gobber says. "Leave that to me Gobber." I respond and go back home.

Since both me and Astrid are part Dragon our kids have a chance to develop the ability in the future. Though we are not that sure about it. "Should I transform into a Dragon Astrid for the performance?" I ask.

"No, only do that if it does not work. Plus it would be weird for you to be hoisted up." Astrid says. "Your right, I will get started on the costume now, I will see you later." I say and go to do the costume.

I go to my workshop and start designing it to fit with me in it. Once I have a design that I am happy with I go to getting the materials. I get all of the materials except the paint and get to putting it together.

Once I have the head done Gobber comes in and says. "I've been up all night, it's just a first draft, but I'm gonna be honest, it's Brilliant. Oh Toothless." "Pretty Great Right." I respond showing him its me inside the helmet.

We talk a bit and he leaves. I decide that I will go ahead with it. I finish it and we go onto the pageant. We are in the pageant and I am trying to find the right gear since something is going on. I accidentally hit the fire lever and I start stumbling backwards.

I end up falling off the cliff when someone or something catches me. We land and I smell, Raw Trout. The pageant finishes and we go home and Zephyr and Nuffink are ecstatic about Toothless. We go in and find the bowl of trout gone and some Bioluminescent thing. "Toothless."

We run outside and see him and his family flying off. I saw the younger ones Right before the Pageant now that I think about it. So I decide, lets go visit them after Tonight.

Input Snoggletog Log

After that horrible stew Gobber made or is was just that people just kept on putting stuff in that shouldn't be in. I do not know how I am going to sleep tonight.

The next day I get on a boat with Astrid and our Kids Zephyr and Nuffink. We leave a good friend in charge and go on the 9 day trip to the Hidden World.

Once there were Dragons Scene

Zephyr and Nuffink ended up getting Dragons even though the Friendship will be a bit hard from afar. Zephyr has one of Toothless's children named Dart who tends to get into Trouble. Nuffink also has one of Toothless's Children named Pouncer.

As we are heading back after the trip Zephyr asks. "Mom, Dad, what did you guys do when you were younger?" At this I look at Astrid and she nods. "Well I can tell you the story or we can Schedule a trip to go see it." I say.

"Lets go on a trip as you tell it!!" Zephyr says waking up Nuffink from his Nap. I think I should have just told her and not take the trip because now Astrid is laughing. "Dad what is Zephyr talking about?" Nuffink asks.

"Well she was asking what me and your mom did when we were younger. So I think that I will take you on a trip as I tell our Story. Is that good." I finish.

"Yeah." They yell as we come in sight of new Berk. "Then lets go see the ship that we will be taking first then." I say as I take us to the Dock with the Ship Nightfury.

My friends are up there and they lift us up using the Boat lift. When we get up there I ask them. "How did you know we were going to be here?"

"Well we know that you were taking them to see the dragons and Figured they would ask about your past. That means that if you agreed you would take them on a trip and need the ship Nightfury. Also your ships dock is here." Fishlegs explains.

"You guys really know me too well." I say. "Come on we better be getting back so that I can catch up on stuff and then go on the trip." We head back to the village to do some stuff.

When we get back I have a load of work and as I finish catching up over the next week Nuffink and Zephyr keep bothering me on the trip. I finally decide I have had enough and say. "Once I am done we will go on the trip. Though me, your mom, our friends, and Hannah who are coming with us have to find substitutes for our school classes."

After that they leave me alone and I finish work. I decide to leave Eret in charge of the school and everyone else but me has found subs. So now I have to find a Substitute.

I leave Gobber in charge of Blacksmithing leaving him at what I normally do. For the flight class I leave Jake who was the best at the class while also doing blacksmithing. If he does good I may just ask him to do that class full time.

Since I have found my subs we pack up our ship. We get everyone on that meaning Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout, Nuffink, Zephyr, Astrid, and me. Also Thorfinn is here to man and watch the ship while we are on our journey.

"Since everyone is here, lets get going on our trip." I say as we leave.