
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


Hiccup Pov:

I will leave this next paragraph to your imaginations.


I talk to Mutism and I find out that he is a Human, Dragon Hybrid. That is why he can smell so well, It also explains the dragon from before.


Astrid Pov:


 It has been 2 weeks since the trip to Dragon Island as I call it. There have been no raids since then and it seems that Nightsmith was telling the Truth. The axe in the rock still can't be pulled out.


 I decide to go to Thorfinn's since he may know something about my memory loss since I saw glimpses of him in them. When I arrive he is busy making Furniture. I go down and ask him. "Thorfinn do you know what happened in the spots in my memories?"


 "I don't think I should get involved. It might change your entire perspective on what you thought during that time. Also this is not up for Discussion." He says, after the first bit I was going to ask why but he stopped me.


 "Go to the cove, if you remember anything tell me. That is all I can say." Thorfinn says. "Thankyou." I say so I leave and since it is almost night I go have dinner and then go to bed.


 The next day I head out to practice my axe throwing and decide to go to the cove per Thorfinn's recommendation. When I arrive I see a stuck shield and not much else. I look around and see a knife in the water.


 I go and pick it up and it reads HHH, and all of a sudden I remember some stuff. I remember Hiccup being by a Nightfury and him not telling me the next day about it. Though nothing else than something about the shield and my axe.


 I go and realize that my axe fits into the shield. I put it in and nothing happens. I try to pull it out but its stuck. I realize that I can turn it and I hear stone scraping.


 I look behind me as my axe is freed. There was a secret hideout and I start to remember more about the Hideout. I go in and close it. I still can't remember anything about the night Hiccup told me to go to the cove or anything with him after that.


 I go through and find no notes, only a crate that wasn't here before. I open it and it has a letter, it reads. "I know you have lost your memory, Though maybe it is for the best. Then you don't have ties to me and Berk can't be attacked because of it. I won't mention much about what you have lost, though sadly in the attack Ryder performed on the Red Death your pet died. I am sorry, I will try to find a new one for when you do remember. Goodbye. If you have any questions go through the trap door beneath this crate, go through the tunnel that has the smaller airflow. That leads to Thorfinn, I have just left this here the day you visited him. He will know what to say when you get there."


 That is the end of the first letter though there is a second one. It says. "Burn the letters." After that I start to remember that I had a blue colored pet though I can't remember what it looked liked. I also remember getting a lot of notes saying to burn them but not the contents.


 I look for the Trapdoor and find it. I decide to head down and I go through the one with the least airflow. After a bit I arrive at Thorfinn's house. I go up and he says. "Your pet if you didn't remember was a Deadly Nadder. Honestly I thought he would have said to keep it a secret. That was all he wanted me to say goodbye." An he leaves.


 I go back to my hut and ponder, I start to remember I was at an island when people were attacking dragons and I was... Protecting them? I can't remember where it was though.






Hiccup Pov:


 Mutism joined us so he wouldn't have to hide his dragon side unless he was seen without his helmet on. We made armor for him out of Toothless's scales and he came up with the alias of "Nightrider".


 We were in our armor from school so that no one would know we were related to Ryder. We were going around when I saw what looked like my weapons. I went to investigate and realized that it was the same material but not one of mine.


 So I decide to ask. "Where did you get this, I have never seen another like it." The seller said. "I got it from someone who said their name was the Nightsmith." Knowing he was played I asked. "What did his armor look like?"


 "Why do you want to know?" He said. "Because I know what the Nightsmiths armor looks like." I said sternly, At this he responded saying. "He wasn't wearing armor. He was a bit bulky with a mustache." "Thankyou, also never get weapons from him again, he is an imposter and doesn't make the same quality. See" I say taking my sword and cutting the other in half like butter.


 I tell the others and we finish gathering supplies and leave to find the fake Nightsmith.