
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Astrid Pov:


  I am mad that Hiccup Won and I am wondering how since no-one gets as good as he does, Especially him. So I follow him around all day, watching him go to his house, storm out, go to the blacksmith and make stuff for a few hours. Talk to his father about this morning and leaving for something. Until I finally catch him alone in the forest


  I am following him and all of a sudden he puts on a burst of speed I didn't know he had, I think he somehow saw me. I Successfully keep up and I see him go into the cove and start talking to someone so I go in slowly and I Suddenly see a  NightFury and say. "NightFury Get Dow—!" I didn't get a chance to finish because it shot and I got knocked out.



  I wake up and it is day and I am in my Room. I am wondering how I got there since I was in the cove last I saw. I see that it is 6 and hiccup leaves at 7 without notice. I go to the cove and see the blast, Blood, and his knife in the pond.


  I run back thinking he was killed and when I am almost out of the forest I see hiccup somehow and I go and ask. "How are you alive I went to the cove where you were yesterday and saw a blastmark, Blood, and your knife in the Lake."


  He seems reluctant to answer for some reason but then he says something to try to make me feel like I imagined it. "What are you talking about that must have been a dream." He says with a unconvincing face. So I ask, "Then how do I have your knife." Since I grabbed it from the cove. He looks like he is trying to come up with another answer when stoick calls for him since it is almost time for the goodbye meal that starts at 6:40 and ends at 6:55 and he runs off.


  I go to the goodbye party with everyone from our class and I am not going to ask him about it while everyone else is there, they are wondering why he is leaving and so he says. "It is because I wanted to try to survive on my own and see if I am up to par as I am in the arena." Since he is leaving and it is going to come up anyway I ask "Who is going to do the Final Exam then." His response is surprising though.


  "My father will announce it after I leave." he says surprisingly.


  Some time passes and we start to go down to the dock and I realize that I will have to ask him about it when he gets back. We go down to the dock and we get ready to say goodbye as he ready's the ship and for some reason his cargo hold is locked. It is 7 and he is about to unravel the sails when he says.


  "Check beneath the deck of your houses." I am completely caught off guard and I guess this has something to do with the blacksmith stuff from yesterday. He leaves quickly on his boat and we all run to our huts and check beneath the deck along with Stoick since he also had a gift.


  "We each had a gift and a note to go with it, the twins said: "These are some weapons based on what I have seen you use in fighting most so no lokiing with these." Fishlegs said: "These are some cards with notes so you don't have to remember all the information." Snotlouts said: "Here is a sword, use it wisely and stay safe." Stoicks said: "Here is a new Warhammer." Gobber Surprisingly also had one and his note said: "Here are a few designs for you to tinker with in your free time." they were some designs that I couldn't even understand since they didn't seem like anything I know. 


  I get to mine and everyone is surprised when they see it, even me. It is an axe where the ends of the handle is capped in something extremely rare and special and Stoick is wondering where he got them. I don't share my note and go to my room and read it alone. It says: What you saw last night was my friend, the reason I didn't explain today was I didn't want you to tell my father about him. Please keep the existence about him to yourself. There is a note under your bed where i put some NightFury Scales and Gold for you, also as you may know since you were following me all day yesterday the final exam is yours." If you didn't know all ready the information about hiccups journey Spread like wild fire yesterday.


  Stoick calls a meeting and says that if the runner-up for the exam wants it, they can take it. I refused since I didn't Earn it and everyone understood. The news about the NightFury scale gift Spread faster than the news of hiccup leaving and I decided to keep it on me knowing how valuable it was though from what my letter said I still have a handful to find.


  I Sneak out and go to my room to find the letter which is under the bed. I am still wondering when he got into my room without my parents noticing. Then I realize that the window is open and I wonder how I didn't notice that.