
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 映画
65 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 28


Astrid Pov:


 As we start to leave we hear another explosion and see Hiccups ship had been sunk. I see Stormfly going in but no one else does since we are also hit with an attack near berks fleet.


 The attack knocks me off board and I fall unconscious.



 "Is she waking up." Someone says. "(scribble)." I hear. "What happened, and where am I?" I ask as I look around not recognizing anything but the gang, my parents, Stoick, and Gothi.


 "You got knocked unconscious when we were in battle with Drago." Stoick says. "Who is Drago?" I ask. Stoick looking surprised asks me. "What is the last thing you remember?"


 I search my head and say. "Fragments here and there. I remember Hiccups ship, The meeting with the berserkers, and the day Hiccup got back and before except for some bits in there and a few days before he left." Stoick and everyone looks sad.


 "What?" I ask. "You have amnesia it seems." Stoick says. At that I start to break down and my parents take me home. Later that day we are alerted that a ship is coming and we all go down.


 I look and see that it is Dagur, and the white haired boy from Hiccups ship. Stoick comes up and asks. "Can I help you Dagur."


 "No, we just came to tell you what happened when Hiccups ship sank." The whitehaired one said with a sad expression. "What happened?" Stoick asks.


 "When the ship started to sink, I was holding up Hiccup since he was Unconscious but due to fatigue I couldn't keep it up and also fell unconscious. But when I awoke I was in a cabin and a masked individual came and said. You were lucky if I didn't get you 3 you would have died. So I asked what about Hiccup since I only saw me, Dagur, and Scribbler. He looked confused and said who is Hiccup. As it turns out he showed up when I fell unconscious but he never saw Hiccup so we don't know what happened." The boy said to Stoick as Dagur was sitting sad hearing it again.


 At this Stoick yells. "Leave!!!" and they set off after the boy gave Thorfinn something. The Chief was mad and went up to his house and didn't come out. He stayed in there for a week before coming out wanting to kill dragons more than ever. Yet I still can't remember much.


 After a good rest the Headmaster of the School and Askeladd go back to fix it up and Strengthen its defenses, or something.






Hiccup Pov:


 I send off Mutism and Dagur and take Scribbler up with me to the cave to eat before we leave. Yet what Mutism said to me is still bugging me, he said that Scribbler smelled a lot like a bunch of dragons almost as much as me as if he owned one.


 When we set down to eat he says. "Why did you save us, last time we were here yo knocked me out cold with a single punch." "Well you were being attacked by an enemy of mine who was going after a friend. Also I am guessing that you have a pet/friend Dragon by the way that you smell." I say.


 "How did you know?" He asks me warily. "Because Mutism told me since he found out my real identity by smell even though I am wearing all this." I say as I take off my helmet. "Wait Hiccup you are alive!" he says.


 "Yeah but it is better this way, now berk cannot be targeted because it will spread that I am dead by the message Mutism is telling my father." I say and we go and eat Breakfast.


 "So do you want to join me and save dragons as well?" I ask him. It takes him a while to answer but finally answers. "Sure, I left him in a cave on my Island so we have to go their first. By the way does anyone know that I am alive." "Probably but Mutism wasn't going to mention your name. so you should be good." I say.


 "Good, then lets get going. My island is this way." Scribbler says and we head off.


 After a while we finally arrive at Scriven Rock, Scribblers home island. "Where is this cave?" I ask. "It is on the far side from the village but first I need to grab some of my stuff from my house." He says.


 Scribbler Directs me towards his house and I land stealthily on the top and he goes in to get some stuff. A little later I hear someone coming closer and see someone about to go in so I make sure no ones watching and knock him out.


 Finally Scribbler comes out with a few bags and we go to the cave. Once we are almost there we hear fighting and a Roar. "That's Patch my Dragon." Scribbler calls and we rush to see Vikings cornering a Dragon I have never seen before. It is only a baby so we go in and with Toothless's help we knock them out or kill them.


 Then all of a sudden patch grows into a full size Dragon in a second so I ask. "What was that?" Scribbler responds saying. "He is a chimera dragon, a side effect is rapid aging. Luckily whenever he reaches the end of his life he reverts to an egg. You can study later, we have got to go." An after that we leave, and go to my island.








 Somewhere else near Hiccups island. "Come on, we are almost there Bjørn." Askeladd says. "But how will we Rebuild, we got completely demolished, I don't know if we can reopen." Bjørn says.


 "Well maybe we can help you." A masked Figure says from behind them on the boat, they hadn't even heard him arrive. "You, what do you want?" Bjørn asks.


 "Nothing but depending from what I did the other day the fight with Dragons is over. My homeland will be overpopulated in a few years. So I was going to pay you to find an island. If you want you can set up a school there. Though tell me when you find it so I can see it for myself." The masked figure says.


 "Why should we trust you, for all we know you could be working for Drago." Askeladd says. "All 4 of us on this ship have been hurt by Drago or people he knows personally." The figure says and Askeladd and Bjørn start looking for the fourth person.


 "He is Right you know, also I am planning to set up a library to store all the knowledge I find." The fourth says from sitting atop the sails surprising Askeladd and Bjørn. "I hope you understand why I need your help. Halfdan took my foot and I don't want anyone to end up like me." The masked figure says as he shows his face for a moment. In that moment Askeladd and Bjørn gasp.