
HH+Classroom of the Elite

I am not an English speaking guy. So there will be bad English. A story of a guy in ANHS

1_Am_Nyan99 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


Damn... What now? Chabashira-sensei really did pull a fast one on us... Can you really call her a teacher?

I grumbled as I made my way towards the library. And as expected many students were studying here as the Midterm exams are fast approaching.

"Just as I'd expect from you, Horikita-chan! I feel like you're starting to have some faith in us!"

I heard Ike's raising his voice, in the library. Right now I'm visiting the library to pass some time.

Haruka said she couldn't study with me right now as she is feeling unwell. If I had to guess, it should be that time of the month right now and she's somewhat constipated. I made a mental note to buy her some pain killers in the pharmacy for her later.

"Hey, quiet down. Your yammering is getting annoying." A nearby student turned to look at them.

"Sorry, sorry. Guess I got a little carried away. I'm just so happy I got something right. Did you know that Francis Bacon was the guy who came up with inductive reasoning? I won't lose points on that question!" said Ike, laughing foolishly.

"Huh? Hey, could you guys be Class D students, by chance?"

A group of boys all looked over at them at once. Sudou, seemingly irritated by this, sounded mildly angry as he said, "So what? What's the big deal if we're in Class D? Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, no, there's no problem. I'm Yamawaki, from Class C. Nice to meet you." Yamawaki chuckled. "I have to say, I'm glad that they separate the classes in this school by ability. That way I don't have to study with losers like you."

"What'd you say?!" Sudou's anger flared.

He really is like a wild animal huh, I thought.

"Don't get mad. I've only spoken the truth. I wonder... If we happened to fight, how many points would you lose? Oh wait, you guys don't even have any points to lose, do you? In that case, you'd probably be expelled, right?"

"Fine with me. Bring it!" His outrage only attracted more attention.

"He's exactly right. We're not sure what'll happen if you create a ruckus. You should remember that you might be expelled as a worst-case scenario. I don't particularly mind that you're bad-mouthing us, but you're in Class C, right? Honestly, you shouldn't really brag about that." Horikita said.

"Clearly there were errors of calculation in placing Class C and A. But you guys in D are on a completely different level."

"That's quite an inconsistent standard of measurement. The way I see it, everyone outside of Class A is lumped together."

Yamawaki stopped laughing and now glared at Horikita.

"Wow. For a defective product that can't make a single point, you're pretty sassy, aren't you? Did you think you could say whatever you like just because you have a cute face?"

"Thank you for your wholly incoherent and irrelevant statement. I was never very concerned about my appearance until now, but after being praised by you, I must say I feel rather uncomfortable."

"Tch!" Yamawaki slammed the table and stood up.

I guess It's my time to do something.

I went in my way and put my arm around Yamawaki's shoulders like we're friends. "Oi, oi, don't rush it Yamawaki."

"Huh? How did you–? More importantly who are you! This doesn't involve you. Stay out of it"

"Class D, Takamura Hayato. Just another defective. Don't get too noisy, this is a library you know?" I looked at him in the eyes while I warned him off.

I imitated a sadistic smile my mother usually have when he's physically abusing me.

"Tch! Come on, let's go. If we try studying here, we'll catch the stupid going around."

With just that he backed off without a fight. That was quite easy. Is this what they call animal instinct?

If it was the original smile, I doubt anyone would literally shit their pants. He was lucky to save some face since it was my first time doing that smile myself.

At the corner of my eye I could see Horikita and other members. There were also people from other Classes looking at us.

"Ahem..." I embarrassingly cleared my throat. "What a coincidence~ Ahaha..."

Well that was awkward...

"I heard that you guys are studying for the upcoming test right? I thought it disbanded." I said.

"What does it matter to you Takamura?" Sudou glared at me.

He really doesn't like me that much huh. Well it's not like I wanted to be like Kushida.

"Takamura-kun, do you need something?" Horikita asked ignoring Sudou who's growling like a wild dog.

"Horikita, there's some bad news."

"Bad news? What kind of bad news?"

"Yes, I asked some guys from other classes. But it seems the materials they were studying was different from what sensei gave us. Look at this."

I opened my phone and let them take a look in the pictures. In there was the notebooks of the students from other classes and things they were studying. Horikita looked at each of the pictures notes and the materials they were studying.

"You're right. Does this mean that each class gets a different test?" Horikita raised a question.

"That seems unlikely. The test should be the same for everyone in the same grade." Ayanokouji replies.

"You noticed it Takamura-kun?" Kushida asked me closing in on me.

She's really vulnerable huh...

"I'm going to ask sensei about this." Horikita promptly stood up from her seat and left.

"There is no need for that actually. I already have confirmed it with Chabashira-sensei. She handed me just earlier. I came here to inform you" I said handing out the paper I got from Chabashira-sensei.

Written down textbook page numbers that referred to material we'd already covered in class. Most of the new material was from before we'd started the group, stuff that Sudou and the others hadn't learned.

"What!?" Yamauchi looked shocked.

"Wait a minute. Isn't it way too late for this?" Ike followed.

"Are you sure that this is valid Takamura-kun?"

"Yes. There is sensei's signature over there to confirm it."

Of course Chabashira-sensei's stamp signature was there as to confirm that it was legit coming from her.

Horikita looked at the piece of paper deeply in thought.

"You still have one week. If you all use that study time wisely, If you use that study time wisely, it should be easy. Right?" I said.

"Let's go."

"B-but, Horikita-chan! We can't just accept this!"

"As Takamura-kun said, staying would be a waste of time. Instead, we should begin studying the revised test materials."


Horikita ignored the complaining Ike and started opening and taking notes of the new pointers for the exam.

"Ah that's right Horikita. If you would like, I'll help you tutor them together. That would be more efficient right?" I offered.

"Would that really be alright? Then I'll gladly accept your offer." Horikita said.

"Ngh, wait. I didn't accept any of this." Sudou complained.

"Sudou-kun, we should get the help all we want. Especially with someone like him. We can't possibly miss the opportunity to be tutored by someone who got a perfect score." Horikita calmly stated as a matter of factly, but I could tell she was relieved some of the burden off her shoulders.

I thought she would be more stubborn for not accepting my help, but it seems that was not the case this time. Especially after she compromised with Kushida.

Sudou finally accepted.

"Horikita. I know I've been difficult, but I'm counting on you." Sudou bowed to Horikita as he spoke those words. "Starting tomorrow... I'll take a break from club activities. Will that work?"


Considering that we had only one week left and time was of the essence, it was a rational decision. However, the offer so surprised Horikita that she couldn't immediately accept. Even more than mine that is.

"Will that really be okay with you? It'll be a lot of work."

"Studying is a lot of work, isn't it?" Grinning, Sudou patted Horikita's shoulder.

"Sudou-kun, are you serious?" she asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm pissed at our homeroom teacher and those jerks in Class C now, too."

You could call this a blessing in disguise. After being backed into a corner, Sudou had finally developed a positive attitude for studying. He probably realized if he didn't do his best, he couldn't pass the test. His declaration inspired Ike and Yamauchi.

"Guess we don't have any choice. We'll try harder, too." Ike said. It seems he was inspired after Sudou's declaration.

"I understand. If you're prepared, then we can work together. However, Sudou-kun..." Horikita coldly removed Sudou's hand from her shoulder. "Please do not touch me. If you do so again, I won't show you any mercy."

"Nuh..." Sudou flinched back.

"We're definitely gonna do this!" Ike

"Yeah! Me, too!" Yamauchi

"You guys are too lively, then me too!" I said.

"How about you Ayanokouji?"

Actually I thought it's fun. I started tutoring Haruka already with the new materials. It should be fine knowing that she's got a good head on her shoulders herself.