
Hex-The lies you were told

You were told that there are only six infinity stones and that they each existed when the universe first made its appearance as The Big Bang, but what if I told you that these were all lies. Lies told to protect you from the truth, to protect you from the weapon and definition of death and destruction? Hex, the name given to the mortal that was so unfairly forced and chosen to become the pain and misery of this power. The 'mother' of all six infinity stones. The original stone that overpowers them all.

Marnika_Stander · 映画
20 Chs

Her majesty and the king

Present Day

The fall from heaven was just as painful as the breakthrough from hell. An opposite experience, different people that bare the same pain. An annulment of what is dark and evil. A marriage between the risen devil and his fallen angel.

Hex was trapped within herself. A cage for an animal too dangerous for society. A monster in a cell structured by its own thoughts. A tragedy I suppose. A Shakespearian love story. Those who are never bound to end with happiness. An unlikely event of a content ending.

She was just laying in the darkness around her. Her ears heard every word and every syllable hanging and falling from her lovers lips. She felt every burn of his touch on her cold skin. Why was his hands so warm and why was she so cold? Was he alive and she dead? Did he left her to walk the path of Valhalla alone? Did he break his promise?

No. He would never. It was the rare occasion of which her presence was even colder than his true form. A force more numbing than a frost giant's touch. She was in her light state. Too far has the angel fallen. Will her wings emerge and guide her back? Or will she stay with the devil and break him from his chains before she leaves? Will she leave? No. She will not. For the devil's snare is strong and she is the only one willing to try and break it.

Movement. A small and barely noticeable movement on her part. Her fingers a slight twitch but enough to graze the hand of the king. The king kneeling beside his queen in agony. In despair and fear for his other half. He felt it though. The touch. The simple graze. Did he imagine this? Did he hallucinate and conjure the wish of her awakening? No. He was too tired for a spell. She did move. She was waking up.

She however still fought her mind. Her wings tainted with the blood of her fall. She struggled to stand on her feet. Shadows surrounded her and she knew what was coming. The shadows were his guide for her safety. But the light was trying to breakthrough as well. The light was trying to surpass the shadows, it was reaching for her grip. The light will drag her back, the darkness will help her. She can hear him. The devil. The King.

"Darling, I am here." He whispered.

His voice was so close, yet too far all the same. She could feel the prickling of her skin as his breath made itself known by her neck. Her body responding to his words. He noticed of course. He can see the goose bumps on her. How on the outside she is responsive towards him. He can sense that she is both searching and fighting. He kissed her forehead and held her hand, his lips never removing themselves from her.

She walks towards the darkness as she feels his touch. The closer she walks, the more her body awakens. The more clearer she sees. She had to save him. He was trapped. She had to save him from his own demise. The light slowly dissipated, but it still lingered around. Stalking. Waiting.

He sees her hair slowly return to its chestnut colour. Her pale skin returning to its honey visual exterior. Her grip became tighter, her cheeks more pink. He smiled at her, she was fighting back towards him. He knew she would never leave him alone. Not again.

She saw the last of the light disappearing behind her. She did not care. She did not fear the dark, but she knew he did. He hated it. She had to get him out. She had to get him back to where he belongs. With her. Away from the shadows he fears. Her determination was strong. She hated seeing the fear in his eyes.

But wait.

She remembers seeing him afraid. His eyes held fear, not for his demise but for hers. She remembers the air he tried so hard to breath, but she was the one taking it from him. She was the monster killing him. She was the cords attached to his soul. She was the chains keeping him in the dark. She stopped walking now. Her eyes wide with realisation. She was what she had to save him from. She had to save her lover from herself.

She slowly took a step back. For if she continues she would kill him. If she continues she will see that fear again. The fear she once knew how to distract him from. Now she is the devil and he was the angel. Her wings gone. The light creeping back up to her. She kept slowly walking backwards as she stared into the abyss of something she once held onto. She had to turn away, she had to leave her lover behind. She had to lose the other half of her soul, so that his may live without fear. She would rather betray him than to see that in his eyes again.

He felt her hands loosening around her once again. Her skin returning pale, her hair losing its colour. Her cheeks a ghost of the pink it once was. Her story coming to an end. Her skin once again colder than his. The fire she was holding only smoke of its former glory.

"Hex? Hex!" He cried. His face stained with his tears. The bags under his eyes prominent, his messy hair dishevelled. He has not slept in ages. He has not eaten, he has not showered, he has not left her side. He did not care. He did not worry about his well being, only hers.

"Please! Return to me darling. Hex?" His sobs loud. Even the others in the compound gathered around.

The god turned blue, his eyes red. Agony in his features. A broken man, a lost lover, a fallen king.

She stopped as she turned. Her hand stretched forward, her fingers barely grazing the light. She could feel herself starting to drift apart. The light sucking her soul away from her. She only stared as her fingers slowly disappeared, the rest of her slowly joining along for the ride. She did not care, she did not really stare at it. She was listening. To the voice she thought would be happier now that he no longer has to fear anything. But he was not happy. He was in pain. He was crying. He was sad. She could feel her own tears escaping her. Even from the outside her tears started falling. Her soul crying out to its other half.

He noticed. His thumb wiped away her cheeks from the salty water tainting them.

"Do not leave me alone here. You promised me you would never leave me alone." A sob escaping him once more. His head hanging low, his eyes closed. "I do not blame you for what happened. It was not you. I am not afraid of you, love. I just want to you here. I want you back. Please!" His eyes blurry, the tears blocking his vision.

Even the others had tears in their eyes. They may not know Hex very well and they may not particularly like Loki but they felt the heartbreak. They all too familiar with the memory of it. Each remembering how it feels to lose someone you love, to lose the other half of your soul. They all know too well the agony and pain it brings.

She turned her head sideways. His voice louder than ever. He did not fear her. He was still waiting for her to save him. She was waiting for him to save her. For now she realised by hearing his words, that the chains and the constraints on him were his pain and sorrow. Her tainted wings her own fear and her own forgotten self. She had to return to him. She had to free him from his bounds, he had to heal her wings. They both needed the other.

She turned around once more, intending to embrace the darkness. Her departing soul returning to where it belongs. The light cried out for the angel who chooses to stay. But it understands that her time has not yet come. It understands that her soul is not ready. She ran towards the shadows, embracing his presence. Relishing the warmth he gives her. The warmth surrounding her heart.

His head was stilling hanging low. He did not notice her return. He only felt her soft delicate fingers wiping away his tears. He only felt how she tucked his hair behind his ear. His eyes met hers and she smiled. Her emerald eyes shining brighter than ever. His blue skin fading where her touch lingered. His hands held her face, his face holding emotion from that of someone in disbelief. Was she really back? Was he dreaming once more? It would not be the first time.

But Wanda's sudden hitch of her breath gave him the clarification he needed. They never were in his dreams. He never allowed them to be. They all stared in shock. Thor with a smile wider than ever and breaths of relief washing over him.

"Thank you." She said. Bringing their heads to one another. Their lips barely touching.

"For what darling?"

"For saving life." She said as she kissed him. Gentle, with all of what she wants to say poured into it.

"I guess we're even now." Loki lightly chuckled when they parted.

The others left them to be. They would ask questions later. Now was not the time. It was only Thor who stayed. He rushed towards Hex, embracing her in a hug.

"I am so happy you have returned sister." He said. Both Loki and Hex froze at his words.

"What did you just call me?" Hex asked, slightly laughing at Thor's statement.

"What? I concluded that since you and Loki are finally together that you ought to be called my sister." He scratched his head, his brows furrowed. "It sounded a lot better in my head."

Hex only laughed while Loki just sighed at his idiotic bother.

"Way to ruin the mood Thor." He muttered.

"No not at all. I rather like the idea of calling you my brother Thor." Hex laughed. "I've always wanted siblings. You too were the closest I have come to that. Frigga I considered my own mother." She stopped to grab Loki's chin. "Although, you were never a brother to me. I knew that you would be so much more the first day we met." She smiled.

He smiled at her words and found comfort in them. Her touch warm against his cold skin. Thor clasped his hands together.

"Perfect. This cause for celebration." He rushed out of the room shouting words to the others about celebrations.

Hex only shook her head at his foolishness and stared into the green eyes she admires so much. He only chuckled along with her and kissed her lips once more. "Never scare me like that again. I do not want to lose you."

"I know." She touched her scar on her neck, feeling a small pain coming from it.

Loki stared at her movement and grabbed her hand. There was no scar there. As if it never existed. His eyes went wide. It did not work. Odin's curse broke. Loki smiled at Hex and grabbed her neck, kissing her passionately. He knew her turmoil is over. He knew that she will not lose herself again.

Or will she?