
Heroes Journey torwards happiness

The Crystal Dragon has been slain, but what now? It's a question Y/N can't answer. So he decided to return, but the Dragon was only the beginning in his journey torwards power! The cover is not mine, if you are the original artist and want to take it down, contact me!

Zerstoerer_Lol · ファンタジー
13 Chs

House of Pain

> You ask "Wh-why are we here?"

"I told you, I was wondering if you would like to join me."

"We have a job for you."

The man reaches into his pocket and takes out a small device. He presses a button and suddenly your wrists are bound in chains.""

> You are trying to break the chains.

"I don't think you're supposed to do that."

Suddenly, you and your sisters are thrown into an unfamiliar room.

"Who the hell are you people?"

The man in the black coat answers:"My name is Dr. X, and I am here to recruit you."

> You yell "I am the one who recruits people!"

"Well, you might be in a position to join me."

The man suddenly appears again."

"We have a mission for you. Are you ready?"

You and your sisters are taken to a large laboratory.

> You ask "And what is this?"

"I need someone to control the power of Sex."

"We have a new weapon which can be controlled by the power of sex. I want you to lead us in our new war."


> You ask "Oh you need my help well... wait what war?"

"The Great War of the Cocks."

You and your sisters are taken to another room. There is a large pool of water in front of you, with many metal poles sticking out of it.""

> You ask "War of cocks sounds interesting what do I have to do?"

"Well, I need you to control the power of Sex."

"That's it?"


"Why didn't you say so."

Then you enter the water. The metal poles begin to move towards you.""

> You say "What the hell."

"Welcome to the House of Pain."

The pole reaches for your cock and begins to squeeze it.


Suddenly, the water begins to flow upwards and forms a huge cock with your head on the end.


"Oh shit, I can't breathe!"

The water begins to rise higher and you are pulled inside the cock.

"Now you must control the power of Sex."

You feel yourself getting bigger and harder.""

> You use the Power of Sex.

"Wow, this feels great!"

The water continues to rise and you become a giant penis."

Suddenly, the water stops rising and you are trapped inside the giant cock. It is now completely erect.""

> You say "Can someone explain me what is happening."

"It looks like the power of Sex has made you a cock."

"You are a Cock Master."

"Wow, this feels great!"

The water starts to flow downwards and you are once again free.""

> You say "I am now a giant cock OMG."

"Yes, you are."

Suddenly, Galena appears in front of you with a big smile on her face."

"I've been wanting to do this for so long!"

"Yes, I have too."

> You ask "I love being a giant Cock but can I also change to human form if I want?"


"Let's go back to your castle so you can do that."

You and your sisters are walking through the streets of the city when suddenly, a mob of men with clubs come running towards you.

> You use power of Sex and kill them.


Galena runs away while you turn into a giant cock. You charge at the approaching men and they all fall dead at your feet.

"Oh yes, the power of Sex is amazing."

> You shout "Galena, Sussy we are going home!"

"Yes, let's go home."

"You guys will not go home" says the mysterious man in black."

"I know where you live."

Suddenly, there is a bright flash and everyone becomes frozen in place.

"You see, it's been a long time since I last saw you."

"I told you that I need your power to win my war"

"But I am afraid I have no intention of giving it to you."

"You are going to die."

The man in the black coat suddenly appears in front of you."

"I am the one who recruited you."

> You yell "I do not want!"

"You don't get to decide that."

He reaches into his pocket and takes out a small device. Suddenly, your wrists are bound in chains and the man drags you off to his lair."

> You say "I hate these chains."

"If you refuse to serve me then I will make sure you never leave my dungeon."

You are taken to an underground complex. There are many rooms filled with slaves.

"So, how did you like your first day as a cock?"

> You yell "You better not mess with me. I have the power of Sex!"

"Oh yeah, I'm really scared right now."

Suddenly, the walls begin to shake and there is a loud rumble.

"What the hell?"

Suddenly, the floor opens up and you fall down a hole.

> You plainly say "Wooooaaaah."

"Oh shit. This is not good."

Suddenly, you and your sisters are standing on a beach.

"Oh thank god, we are finally safe."

There are three women sitting at the edge of the ocean.

"You have to kill these three women, if you do that I will easily win this war," says the man in a black coat."

You look at each other and you instantly know what to do. You charge toward the women who are already prepared for your attack. They are not very skilled fighters, though; they all fall dead at your feet.

But again it was not over, the three girls started regenerating from their death."

"Oh, I'm not done yet."

> You ask "Why everyone will not die?"

"Because we do not want to die."

"Oh, is that true? Well, why won't you die?"

Suddenly, the man in the black coat appears."

"Good luck."


> You shout "It will be easy I just kill them every time they regenerate!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure."

Suddenly, the three women stand together.

"Oh shit!"

They appear to be gaining power as they continue to grow."

"This is impossible."

> You shout "I have to kill them now!"

"No, you cannot."


"Well, if you are going to kill them, then you need to do something first."


"Take their clothes off."

> You say "Huh."

"If you undress them they will lose their powers" he explains."

"Oh, that's easy enough."

You strip the three women naked and they drop to the ground."

"Okay, now we can kill them."

You kill the three girls with ease.

"That was fast..." says the man in a black coat."

"Yes," says Sussy."

"I have always wanted to do this."

"Oh, you're my new favorite."

The man in the black coat disappears.