
Heroes Journey torwards happiness

The Crystal Dragon has been slain, but what now? It's a question Y/N can't answer. So he decided to return, but the Dragon was only the beginning in his journey torwards power! The cover is not mine, if you are the original artist and want to take it down, contact me!

Zerstoerer_Lol · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A little break for fun!

> You shout "Wow finally over seems like we can go back home!"

"Yes, and maybe we can finally have some fun."

Suddenly, Galena appears in front of you again."

"I have always wanted to do this."

"Yes, yes I have too."

> You yell "Follow me sisters!"

"Yes, let's go home."

"Oh thank god, we are finally safe."

> You lead your sisters outside the building and search for a hint where we are.

"Hey, why is this city so dirty and smelly?"

Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice."

"Well hello there, I've been waiting for you."

A beautiful woman stands in front of you.

> You ask "I do not remember you, who are you?"

"My name is Serena."

"Serena, what are you doing here?"

"I have always dreamed of having sex with a giant cock."

"Oh wow, I'm flattered."

> You yell "You can have Sex with my giant cock if you lead us home!"

"Yes, I'll take you home but only if you agree to do what I want."

"Oh yeah, sure."

Suddenly, she grabs hold of your cock and begins to suck it.""

> You say "I said you can suck after you lead us home not now."

"Fine, fine."

She removes her hand and you are back in your own body."

"Wow, that was amazing."

Suddenly, you hear another voice."

"Hello, I'm Lana and I've been waiting for you."

> You ask "???"

"I have always dreamed of having sex with a giant cock."

"Oh wow, I'm flattered."

"Lana, what are you doing here?"

"I have always dreamed of having sex with a giant cock."

> You say "Okok I understand but could you show us the way home first."

"Sure, whatever you want!"

After they finally arrived at home, you lie down on the bed with Galena."

"Thank you both for leading me back home."

"You're welcome."

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door." —"

> You ask "Who is there?"

"It's me," says Lana.


"Yup, and I've brought someone special along."

The next thing you know, you find yourself in a dark room with two women.""

> You ask "Oh you wanted to fuck my giant cock now right?"

"Yeah, well I guess it's about time I got my chance."

"Heh heh, nice to meet you Serena."

"Likewise, Lana."

"Now come on, get naked."

> You ask "Who wants to begin?"

"Me! Me!" cries Serena.

"Okay, okay," says Lana. "You can start."

"No no, I want to be the one."

"Fine, if you insist."

> You shout "Than come here and have fun!"

"Yes, yes!" cries Serena. "Now hurry up!"

With that, Serena gets on top of you."

"Heh heh, so much for taking it slow."

"Ha ha ha, don't worry about that."

> You slowly put your giant cock into her.

"Oh wow, this feels great."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" asks Lana.

"Yeah, it does," answers Serena.

"Wow, you really like to watch us?"

> You are beginning to fuck her harder.

"Mmm, yeah I love watching you take it in."

"Wow, I never knew how fun it could be to watch while being fucked."

"Do you think we could switch places now?"

> You yell "Yes, now Lana!"

"Yes!" shouts Lana."

"And you!"


"Good girl, good girl."

"Whew, I needed that."

"Me too."

"This was definitely worth it."

> You slowly insert your dick in Lana.

"Woah woah, slow down."

"Alright, alright," laughs Lana."

"So which one do you prefer? This big one or this little one?"



> You ask "I really like to fuck you girls, just like my sisters! Where are they even?"

"They're just standing around looking at us."

"I can see them now," says Lana. "What a pair of sluts."

"Yeah, they are pretty slutty aren't they?"

> You say "They are indeed, but I like that."

"Yeah, I guess we're all sluts though."

"Well, so am I."

"Well, then, shall we go and have some more fun?"



> You shout "My little sisters, you do not have to watch you can join us!"

"Yeah, okay!"

"Go ahead and tell them to come over here," says Lana.

"Yes!" cries Serena."


"Come on, hurry up."


> You yell "Whoa it is so cool having Sex with 4 girls at the same time!"

"That's right!"

"Wow, I love it when we do things together."

"It's so much better than alone."

"Yeah, I agree."

"Let's keep going!"

Galena says "I am still worrying about this man we met, it seems like he is not done with us..."

Sussy says "Yes, I think you are right my sister, it does not seem like he has given up yet."

Sussy continues "I have a feeling we are in danger, perhaps we should flee?"

> You ask "Naah he will not be a problem for us, but if you are still worried I could organise a Harem meeting to discuss it?"

"Yes, please!" cries Sussy."

"We need to figure out how to deal with him."

"You're right."

"Right now, however, I would rather enjoy myself."

> You say "Yes let us enjoy the rest of the Sex and then I will organise it."

"Of course," says Serena."

"Okay, so it looks like we're done here."

"Yes, yes."

"Wow, that was amazing."

