
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · ゲーム
36 Chs

Star of the show

Inside the Ranger Citadel, a goat is munching on scraps of food as it watches the humans pulling up things for shade. Of course, this is a goat, and it doesn't know what shade means or the many two-legged creatures walking around are.

If only someone looked at it for a second, they would see that it froze in place before its head convulses for a few seconds then suddenly goes back to munching as if nothing happened.

"Oh~ Ah, now that doesn't feel stuffy--" said the goat. "Wait a minute, I'm a freaking goat! Damn it! Of all things, geez." As it inspected itself and did tappy taps on its legs.

"No worries, This is still a child of mine." The goat straddled forward towards a group of humans. "I can make it so that those "Business Associate" of mine can only hear me. I need to have a word about this deal of ours. You're aren't getting away with this one."


Under the makeshift tent, that will be serving as the TAC-OPS of the combat team. Joe and his team were unpacking their gear, swapping their current heavy pack with a shorter one, refilling their ammunition, and checking in on their equipment. Specifically, their AC, CRISS-COM, and Drones. Joe was worried about using the AC camouflage. They did a crash course about it before abruptly getting thrown out and meeting the Agents and Voiders. Heightening the fact that without proper maintenance and support, his unit's specialized equipment will break down.

The Division Agents were both thankful and sour about the whole ordeal. First, they were surprised that the General is amenable about everything. Providing sufficient assistance to the things they need. Sour, because now, they are being questioned every time they do something. Surrounded by the rangers, watching their every move.

Houmin and Skylar were also unpacking. They load their heavy backpack on the table, pulling out a few things inside of it.

On Houmin's table was a FAST Helmet, a box camera mod for the helmet, a smaller pack, and a single tube NVG. He made quick work modding his helmet with his Tactical headset, and applied various things to it.

On Skylar's table was a Third Echelon made Trident Goggles, a customized earpiece, a small camera tube mod, a smaller pack, and an extra 5.7 pistol magazines. She removed her Pokemon cap and the tactical headset and tidily pack it in her main bag.

Skylar passed the goggles and the camera tube mod in front of her, "Can, uh, can you attach the camera to this?" She asked as she cleans the barrel of her rifle.

Houmin grabbed her hand instead, "Are you okay?" He asked. "You've been like this after with the bandits... You can talk to me about it." He voiced out.

Irritated by this, Skylar just flung the gear at him. "Don't ask me, I'm asking you first." She sternly said. "Can you mod this thing to the goggles? Or not? And let go of me!" She wrestled her hand out of Houmin's grip and stormed out to a different table along with her things.

"Yeah, Yeah, I can," Houmin said. Caressed the goggles.

"Fucker." She whispered under her breath.

The other saw this and minded their own business, only Viñia walked to him and gave him a comforting tap on the shoulder.

"It's okay, you can try again after this," Viñia said. "You know, earlier, God introduced the two of you to us. Well, more like gave us a folder to read. So we know most things about you." She saw Houmin giving her a puzzled look.

"Ahem. What I'm saying is, You're the Hero, kid—the one supposed to be in the spotlight for God's little play. But, the girl over there, brooding on her own as she cleans her weapon. She wasn't even supposed to be here. A mistake of one in a zillion chances, Hey! We got to witness God making a mistake, that's a nice story to tell." She sidelined. "Anyway, she's trying. The amount of stress and confusion she's facing right now. It's like a mountain weighing on top of her."

"Plus, it's obvious its the first time she killed someone. I have no idea what deal she made, but it's enough to make her this far." Tightening her grip on Houmin's shoulder.

"How'd you know?" Houmin asked. He wasn't that great at reading people, but he's not that dense to not see Skylar was in pain.

"Hmm... Back at our place, Before things got ugly in Washington, I was a psychologist and a pursuing lawyer. Then we got activated, and I got the bad end of things as I was shot in the head. Blue on Blue, it seems." Viñia said solemnly, even so, her face is still so calm.

"She's experiencing a huge amount of stress, Cognitive Dissonance just to show the outside world that she's okay, and internal conflict about everything." She said. "Don't worry, I'll look into her after this. Normally, I won't be okay with her doing fieldwork, but today it's an exception. For now, I'll give you my blessing for always being there for her--" She stopped. She saw him looking at a distance with a worrying look.

"I was- I was- It was my fault that... she's here." He said softly. "When the bombs fell, I- I- was trying to get to my family... I forgot that I was... holding her arm and dragging her all the way. We felt a strong heat then next thing we knew, We woke up naked in a room."

"Oh, uh." Viñia already knew their history. She just wanted him to say it to himself the guilt he currently bottled up. Except for the last part, he said. Which riled her up, "Hey! Wait a sec, what?!"

"Meeeeehhhh~," Said the goat. The Rangers looked around for the noise and saw Aberforth, barking at the newcomers.

The Rangers had a good laugh about this. Joking around and having fun.

However, to the newcomers they heard something entirely different.

"Hello, again. Children, Now care to explain what the fuck are you doing," Said GOAT.

The 17 stood there frozen in surprise.

It was Skylar, the first one to react. She laughed so hard and pointed her finger at the goat. "He's really a GOAT, HAHA!" clenching her stomach and wiping a tear in her left eye.

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

The Rangers laughed again as they saw one of them speaking to Aberforth like she hasn't seen a goat before.

[Alternate] God didn't take that comment really well. "Easy now. Don't disrespect me, girl." GOAT said. "I already burned down one tower so you can speak English, I wouldn't mind burning another so you can speak Goat, watch it," God warned. No one commented again.

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "You can keep on doing what you're doing," God said to the others. "They're gonna hear me only say bleat, so don't worry about them. While you all can hear me clearly in the head. You can talk to me in your thoughts."

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "I know what you're thinking, why didn't I just talked on the radio? My problem with that is, everyone will hear it. Why didn't I just possessed a person? No. Of course, not. They gonna blow up. Are you crazy?"

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "Now, what the fuck is going on."

"This feels like we're in the army all over again." Said Castle. "With all your infinite wisdom, you still had to ask us what are we doing?

"Earning our keep to be here, Sir," Joe said. Showing respect as required. "As far as I know, we won't be joining the Voiders, Voiders are joining us. Doing this will give the Rangers a smooth time for my team and the Division to be integrated."

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "Don't you try to be a smartass, boy." God reprimanded. "Don't make me think that dragging you four out of eternal damnation was a mistake."

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

"Young Whitbeck," God called out. "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't whack you on the head, huh? I know it was you who wrang everyone on this plan."

"It's nothing much, sir," Houmin replied. He was done re-modding his small pack with a magnetize holder for his primary weapon and his RIG to be much lighter. "I wanted to give them a show, that's all. Me, Skylar, and the Ghosts. Give them a heads up on what we can offer."

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "And, you think you can quickly get your way? Is that it?" God was not amused.

Houmin stopped and put both of his hands on the table. He turned his head, looking at GOAT. He gave the widest smile he can that his eyes turned to slits.

The two stared at each other, one man, one goat.

A few seconds later, the goat laughed so hard that the Rangers called someone's name "Rook" to come and get the goat away from the newcomers.

"Meeeehhh~," said the goat.

[Alternate] "That's what I like about you, kid." God said. Fully satisfied with the boy. "However, watch yourself, kid. There are consequences to everything. Now, Jose! This will be the last time. Are we in an understanding? And girl, watch it. I take a liking to you but don't push it."

Outside the TAC-OPS, a man pulled a tarp as he went inside. "Sorry about the inconvenience." said the Ranger. "I hope he gave you a good laugh. C'mon, Abbie. Let's go, Do you want some of your favorite canned beans?"

"Pfft! HAHA!" Skylar burst out laughing.

Soon, everyone in the TAC-OPS also burst out laughing.

The Ranger's face reddened in embarrassment, and he quickly leads the goat out. Not sure what happened at why they were laughing at what he said.

Houmin, on the other hand, was deep in thought. God gave him the simple details. But theirs got to be more than what's being let on about this deal with the Ghost.

Eternal Damnation? For the Ghosts? Weren't they killed in Nicaragua? The heck is going on.


"Here. It's done," Handing Skylar, her modded goggles back. "Anything I can help you with?" Houmin insisted.

Skylar exhaled before she speaks, "No. It's okay. I can handle it."

Houmin was considerate enough not to push on. He stepped aside and looked around the TAC-OPS.

Now the tarps have fully dimmed the room. 4 military-grade laptops placed each on a separate table facing the front. In the middle, a mini projector is surrounded by 4 mini fans as it projects images on the tarp ahead while also preventing it from overheating.

He saw Bear speaking with Reid of the Division Agents, discussing troubleshooting scenarios for inputting their helmet camera. As they were finished talking, Bear headed for his team while Reid headed for Houmin and Skylar.

"I need your helmet cams so I can install it to our feed." He said.

Houmin slid off the helmet cam while Skylar gave him his glasses.

"Say, how'd you figure out on dealing with the signal issues about helmet cameras?" Skylar asked.

"It's easy, actually." Reid fixed his glasses. "We spliced ourselves in the Ranger's own radio tower. Keeping the live feed with a good signal and as you arrive in the AO, a satellite will be overhead, so your signal will be boosted. Funnily enough, The General was okay with us messing with their communication equipment while the rest was not. The heat died down when one of the rangers realized it was just an independent connection and were just borrowing the tower to get a signal." As he connected a USB cord to both Houmin's and Skylar's gadgets.

"Here's yours, all done." Reid smiled.

"Ghosts Team," Viñia called. "Live feed is good—next, Voider Zero One and Voider Zero Two's Live feed... Also good. Alright, Let's try comms." as she taps on her earpiece. "TACOPS is callsign Deus. Two combat teams. We have The Ghost Team Predator, and we have the Voider Team.

"Deus. Predator." Joe quickly said. He quickly pressed a button on his earpiece to activate it.

"Good Frequency, Predator." Viñia gave a thumbs up.

She pointed at Skylar, hinting them to do the same.

"Deus. Voider." Skylar replied.

Viñia also gave a thumbs up. "Good Frequency, Voider"

"Everything's good," she said. "Talk to the General once everyone's ready."

"I just wanna ask," Houmin said. "Can we request to have some of your techs? SHD tech and the cool glasses the ghosts have." He was wondering, so he took the chance to ask.

"Hey, hey, hey." Castle rushed in. Waving his hand so Houmin can look at him instead. "I like you, kid. I really do. But what you're asking is too much. We're friends and all... But weren't family. Our stuff is for outstanding members-only. Also, referral-based membership. I can speak for both us the Ghost and the Division, go used with what you have." Castle tried to say without really hurting his feelings.

Houmin looked at Skylar, though she only shrugged as her reply.

Sensing the lull in the conversation, Joe quickly took the opportunity to work out a plan.

"All intel about the place is entirely non," Joe emphasized on that. "We'll scout out the area once we arrived at the rendezvous point. It's the Ranger's choice if they want to join but remember, it's our play."

"Of course, it is." Said General Vargas from the sides.

Quickly, all 17 stood up in attention and saluted.


General Vargas waved them off to stop. "It's okay, you're not under my command. I'm not sure or I don't think I will ever be qualified enough."

"On to topic, Meet Lt. Adam and Sgt. Jackson. They will be acting as your guide." He pressed his cane to the ground. "I think you can understand why we pulled a gun at you," He asked.

Joe and Houmin nodded at the same time.


"Now, news coming in from our people in the area says that there sighted hostages present in the area. How many, we don't know." General Vargas said. He walked across the group and stood just before the computer setup.

"So, this will be our show for tonight?" He asked, his eyes staring at Viñia.

"Yes, Sir." as she guided his eyes with her hands. "Even now, you can see the real-time feed from the 2 combat team," she replied. Pointing at the projection.

General Vargas looked back and forth between the 2 combat teams then back at the screen. "This is so cool," said Vargas. "I gonna admit it to you, SAGA-Daedalus people. You got some cool stuff with you and on you."

"Alright, since there is a presence of hostages or civilians in the area. I would be requesting you to save them all. The primary mission. Pacify the Bandit bands and get to Fritzgerald. while It's secondary to save the hostages. But if you can do both then I'll make sure your people get treated properly around here." Vargas hinted. "For Fritzgerald I like for him to be alive, but if the situation is too hot. Him being dead is fine with us." Vargas said to the combat teams.

"Wilco," Joe replied.

General Vargas turned around, facing Viñia.

"Isn't it a bit cramped?" He pointed out. "Can you make it a bit wider? There's a lot of us rangers here that would like to watch too."

Viñia smiled. "Certainly, sir. We just need more tarps and metal poles."


The combat teams are standing at the gate of the Ranger Citadel. They stopped as they did a final check to their gear.

Houmin and Skylar checked each other's gear for any safety hazards. Satisfied, they tapped hard on each other's rigs. Signaling that everything is okay. Yet, the atmosphere is still awkward between the two.

"What's the score, boss," Irish asked.

"Unless given clear intent, everyone's hostile," Joe replied.

Bear whistled.

"Ain't that the truth," Castle smirked.

The two rangers looked at each other. Surprised by what they've heard.

♪ Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around♪

I decided only to do 3 or 4 chapters per week.

I need to improve the pacing of these chapters and the quality to make this more enjoyable.

I made a bad call for the previous chapter, so I want to do this right for the future chapters.

This chapter will be the last one for the week. Monday next week is the start of the chapters. But I'm not sure if I can release in an alternating date but I promise I'll do 3 to 4 chapters per week.

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts