
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · Video Games
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36 Chs

Rise up, Dead men

Coming from a mission to clear a bandit camp in the south, Captain Angela Deth confirmed the mission's success to Ranger Citadel. Instead of a warm congratulations, Woodson informed them of "guests" that arrived at the base, but when they try to ask him for what's that about, he'd gone silent. Worried, Captain Angela and her team rushed their way back to base. Now they were standing under the Ranger Citadel's Gate. Confused on what's going on,

Before she could ask a fellow ranger about the commotion, Sgt. Woodson called out from the sides.

"Team Romeo!" Woodson called as he huffed and puffed from running. He took a breath before giving out a salute. "Follow me, captain. General Vargas wants to talk to you."

Angela and her team looked at each other. All of them knew that something wasn't right about this. One of them argued that The Citadel has no signs of a fight, and the situation was entirely... odd. One of the team members picked on him by saying that everything to anything to him will always be weird.

They directed their gaze at the huge tent. It was positioned at the empty space of land on the right side of the Citadel's exterior with a bulking electrical cord coming from the inside of the bunker, providing tower to the tent. It was also surrounded by rangers with all angles are covered. Angela also noted that the Rangers who were watching the tent were too lax. She doesn't mind some bustle and being idle at work, but when there's a clear danger inside her home, and she sees that, it really grinds her up.

Some rangers were also mingling with some strangers with a strange watch that glowed orange.

"What about them, Woody?" She said to Woodson. "How long have they been here? And what are they doing? Or what are we doing with them?"

"Captain, I think it's best if you ask the general himself," Woodson replied. He stepped aside and gestured with his hand, insisting they need to move.

Angela complied, but she still wanted to ask for more. "Then tell me, how long have they been here?"

Woodson gave a soft sigh, "It's been three and a half hours, Captain."

As they walked on ahead, her team catch a glimpse of the commotion. 11 people were wearing the same orange glowing watch, and some Rangers were mingling with them. The most eye-catching about them was the thin-like computers at the tables. That made some of Angela's team members went nuts and almost ran ahead, not before someone grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back in line.

"You better start talking now, Woody." She glared at Woodson. "Who are those people!" She got close to his face. Angry as she breathes down on him. "We ran back all the way here, reckon something might have happened to everyone cause you didn't pick up the radio!. We were god damn worried!--"

"Angela," a man with frizzy hair and Hispanic features, one of the rangers, stepped in between the two. "Calm down, not now. Woodson is in the dark about it too-- Ughh! Hahaha. I'm okay, I'm okay. There, there."

Just when the man intervened, Angela threw her body at the man in front of him, hugging him tightly. "Ace-- I was so worried..." as Ace returned the embrace.

"You can get down now," said Ace. "Baby, people are looking at us." He sneaked in a little dance with her. It always calms her down. While also waving Woodson away, saving him from Angela's onslaught

"Tsk. Let them." She said with a smile.

"Great to have you back, Angela." General Vargas said. Standing close by.

Apparently, he got restless with Angela kept on stopping on the way to him. So he walked to her instead.

Angela gave Ace a peck on the lips before letting go of him.

"Who are they, Vargas." She plainly said.

Vargas tipped his hat back and straightened his posture.

"United States Military," Vargas replied. He saw her face contorted in confusion and anger, "Hold that thought." Quickly adding before she can say a word. "I need you to follow me. Once we got to the tent, read a file first, then tell me what you think. Gilbert is already waiting for us."

"It's okay, baby." Ace said. "I'm surprised too, but Vargas said he'd wait to tell us what he thinks about this when you come back."

"Alright." She arched her brow and looked at Ace. "I'd bite."


Arizona Wastelands.

On-route to the Yunca Village.

8 people were walking in a zig-zag manner with 2 meters apart from each other.

2 Desert rangers at the lead, 2 Ghosts behind them, 2 Voiders following them, then the last 2 Ghosts is taking the rear. Regardless of the new terrain and unbearable climate, they pushed on.

"Psst," Houmin said on the comms between him and Skylar.

"Stop whispering." Skylar sighed. She felt vexed whenever he hear him talk. "We're the only ones on this frequency. Stop messing around."

Houmin scowled for a second, "Ever wondered why the Ghosts would call us Voiders?" He asked. "Think about it, we came outside from the door, then we saw the beautiful cave scenery, then we saw the people with guns, and then they asked us if we're voiders. I looked at you, then we nodded. So I thought about it since you knew, and I just followed along with it. I figured I can ask you about it now."

Skylar was shaken when she heard that. "Uh-huh, No, I nodded cause you nodded. That's why I thought you knew. That's why I just followed along." She looked back and leered at him.



"Geez," The two looked at each other, their eyes pinning the blame on one another." Why are you saying this just now? I really thought you knew!"

"Why not just ask them then," Skylar suggested... aggressively. "Since you are asking about it. They're there, aren't they?. Why not, pin them up at the comms."

Houmin scratched his forehead from the massive headache he's about to get. He took the suggestion and squeezed the speaker button on his rig.

"Ghost lead, This is Voider. Interrogative." Houmin called on the comms.

"Send," Joe replied.

"Why did you call us Voiders? The first time we met, you called us that." Houmin asked.

Short after they've heard him asked that. The Ghost Team stopped walking. They looked at each other... and started laughing. Skylar and Houmin were reddened due to embarrassment, while the 2 Rangers in front looked behind them and wondered what's the hold-up.

"HAHA!" Joe snickered. "Damn kids! Took you long enough to ask."

"Voiders. Richard just made it up on the spot." His voice got slower and more condescending tone. "He just thought about it the second you came out of that door." Joe pointed his finger at Houmin. "Voider Zero One, Voider Zero Two. Fitting, really. Just like you two, blanks, empty, and void. You both accepted the name. Now, live with it."

"Blanks?" Houmin asked. He was angry that they were being discriminated against.

"You may be trained with what seemed to be the best. Still! That's trained, not experienced. Do remember that." Joe scorned at him. He harshly reminded him. "Don't get in our way and stop using the comms for this bullshit. Get your head straight, kids. Don't try playing Soldier, you'd get someone killed."

All of a sudden, Houmin got shoved away from behind. The two Ghosts were laughing as they pass through him.

Houmin held the anger within him while Skylar just watched on.

Now, Houmin and Skylar were at the rear while the Ghost Team took the middle.

"You know, I shouldn't have said that." Skylar was dejected with herself. She saw Houmin's face with a down look. She knew she was mean, but she didn't mean for things to turn like this. "C'mon, we got to catch up."

Lt. Adams and Sgt Jackson didn't dare to get involved. They waited for these newcomers to sort their problem, seeing one of them shoved another and begin to move again. They saw the one behind them gestured to continue on ahead. They looked at each other and figured it's best not to ask.

After a few minutes, as they took a detour from a boulder blocking the road, and as soon as they cleared themselves out, both Adams and Jackson's face turned dark. They saw 4 bodies hanging to a gantry as bugs and birds flock to the bodies. Their blood dried, and their lifeless eyes bulged out. On the roadside, a sign with its past indication has faded and replaced with crudely painted words, "Pre Pair Yor Selv, Rangers."

The 2 Rangers bolted towards the bodies, the Ghost Team positioned themselves in a line, overlooking the angles. Inspecting the scene for any ambush signs. However, with the open spaces and no other cover beyond their position. It didn't take long for them to consider it free of hostiles even so they still watch themselves for any traps.

"Mm-hmm. The one that did these must really have the hate for you, folks." Said Castle. He pointed out to the sign. "The only thing they got right was your name."

"I wouldn't get close if I were you," Said Bear. He gestured around, informing them. "Either the ground close to them or the body itself is rigged with traps."

"Your call, Rangers," Joe reminded.

Sgt Jackson put out a hand to stop Adams from rushing on ahead. He shook his head as Adams looked at him. "Not now,"

Adams hesitates but eventually took a step away, "That's Matthew's team..." His voice was cracking, yet he kept himself quiet. He glanced back to the people they were guiding, and he saw one thing in common. They all shook their heads.

Skylar kept evading herself from looking at this scene. It was too much for her.

Meanwhile, Houmin trembled by this. Anger welled up again within him, not because of the gruesome scene, but it's the long road ahead he has to expect. He thought he would surely lose a part of himself if he kept on experiencing things like this... He wasn't sure if he can make it. This wasn't like the game. He's living in it now.

It's a dog eat dog world. And Houmin was supposed to thrive in it.

He quickly shook his head. Mentally preparing himself to deal with these thoughts later.

"Deus, this is Predator." Joe tapped on the switch of his headset. "We got eyes on a ranger team. 4 heroes."

"...Understood, Predator," Viñia replied. "Turn on your video feed,"

Each of the Ghost Team turned their helmet cam mod on. They position themselves as each team member can look at a different body, hear a positive click, and wait for a few seconds to synchronize. Soon after, they heard gasps and commotion on their comms.

The Rangers back at the Citadel saw the gruesome state of one of their own. Some cussed, some spat, and some cried. Everyone was calling out for revenge even as their emotions flared up, they held on to their discipline, and no one dared to storm out of the base to enact revenge. They were Rangers, and they knew justice will soon be dealt with.

"Adams, to Citadel." A different radio trickled to life, "Permission to lay down our comrade's bodies."

Vargas entered the tent. As he earlier saw his fellow Rangers' bodies on the projected screen, he stood before the radio and pressed on the microphone. "Negative, Ranger. Proceed on to the mission. We'll send a different team to get them their proper rest. Top Hat, out."

All of the ranger team looked at their General in silence. All of them knew that the only time he called himself that way was when they're at war.

"During the century, we live out in the wasteland," He turned around, facing his fellow Rangers. "We have done and did things we are not proud of. Punch, stab, shoot, and kill. Then beyond that, we came together. All of us banded together and protected it. Trying to survive."

He rubbed the handle on his cane, "We survived out here in the wasteland, for this long because we understood each other. I kill you, you kill me. You give me what I want, I'll let you live. We cooperated on that principle, then my predecessors had the bright idea to help everyone. Still, we have collaborated on that principle."

Their previous casualties were unbearable for all of them, but all of them died in a firefight. The last attackers knew the rule of the wasteland; thus, respect was still given. The bandits didn't mess with the bodies as they knew full well that the rangers will retaliate in full if they did so. This time, however. They were tortured and displayed. Mocking the Rangers.

He stomped his cane on the ground and gripped hard on it, "Now... Now, we got motherfuckers putting on a show. I don't know about you, but I got a nasty itch on my face that needs scratching... And I'm gonna find that asshole that did that to my face! We are Rangers, people! Even as we are littered with holes, we kept on fighting! That's for damn sure, Rangers!"

"Ho-Ah!" Shouted the Rangers.

"Today!" He pointed his cane at the screen, "We got the lucky day of having people from the old world, rising up and taking revenge for us! Of course, we younger folks will not get left behind! Once we found out who they are, huh. I assure you. Justice will come for all of them."


General Vargas sighed heavily. He stood before the division team and asked for assistance to talk to the combat team.

Viñia complied and quickly handed him a spare earpiece with a microphone.

"Combat Teams, This is General Vargas, do you read?" he tested out.

Next, the speaker of the division's TACOPS opened up "Ghost Lead, send traffic."

"Objectives have been changed - oh, dang it." Vargas' earpiece slipped out, even as his body got old, his quick reflex was still there, and he caught it. "Sorry about that, Ghost Lead, technical issues." He fixed the earpiece back on tightly this time.

"Ahem, going back, Objectives has been changed. I need Fritzgerald. Alive. And, If you can find the leader who did this to the fallen rangers... I want that person alive too. Even if Fritzgerald was a rat, he wouldn't stoop to this level. Anybody else who gets in your way, it's your call. Top Hat out."


Ranger Citadel - Exterior


Inside the General's tent: Ace, Snake Vargas, Angela Deth, and Gilbert discuss the newcomers, standing around a table.

"That's a lot of reading, Snake," Angela said, throwing a dossier at the table. "It's hella amazing they're still around all this time... besides, what I intend to find out is why we're giving them the friendly treatment. We're sucking up to the "Army" now?"

"Are you done, Angela?" Asked Gilbert. He huffed a cigarette and flicked out this prosthetic leg as he still had not used it for a long time now.

"Why-- Why are you even siding with him, Thrasher?!" She screamed her dismay. Flinging her hands and pointing it at the 6'6 foot tall man. "Out of all people I knew, you're the last person I thought of siding with him about this."

"I don't use that name now, and yes. I am the last person to do so." He blew out smoke. "Vargas and I have a different time and place for discussing... Area of Responsibilities. Today is a different matter."

"Angel," Ace tried his best to intervene. "C'mon baby, let's just hear him out."

"Ahem," Vargas cleared up the air as everyone faces him. "As you might have read from all the files by now. They all have one in-common, Project SAGA-DAEDALUS."

He grabbed a random folder from the table and flipped it open. It was one of the Division agent folders. He ignored the other details when he found what he wants. Turning the folder, then he tapped on a specific part.



Candidate for Project: SAGA-DAEDALUS.

Status of arrival to Arizona [Redacted]: COMPLIED

Nationwide Operational Assessment & Adaptation to Any Hazards: COMPLETE

The Subject is put to Cryo-Sleep.


Angela tiptoed forward as she looked at the part Vargas was pointing at. "Saga-Daedalus. Fancy name. So what's got to do with everything?" She mocked him.

"Baby, remember that? Vargas told us about that before the General kept screaming about it to our faces." He briskly asked before things got heated again.

"Not really." Angela shrugged. "Repeat it, Might help my memory back about it." She smiled while Vargas just frowned at her with sarcastic delights.

Vargas sighed and paused before starting. "Alright. When the old man, General Surgrue, handed the command to me." He took off his hat and laid it down on the table. "He gave me a single question that apparently started way back when the Desert Rangers were still an Army Engineer Company."

"I thought it was a stupid question at best," He chuckled. He remembered the beating he got from the General for laughing about it on his face. "It goes like this... Why are we building roads and bridges for civilians out in the middle of nowhere?"

"The company commander, back right before the bombs fell, had his doubts." Vargas clicked his tongue. He hated that memory as he was literally bored to death when listening to him. Got beat up then was forced to listen to some wishful story. "Story was that he got lucky, that commander found out something was really going on. He figured out that it was something to do with, guess what, it's the Saga-Daedalus project."

"Then the bombs fell, the commander search longed and hard for that project's base of operation and found nothing. That's why they took the prison before as a base. But he didn't give up. Until now, it became a tradition to tell the succeeding highest-ranking officer about this tale. To keep on searching about this nonsense treasure hunt."

"And now, these people started coming here..." Angela trailed his voice. "I haven't seen why we need to give them this treatment. These documents can be fake, you know."

"No. Everything. All of it, they're legit." Vargas then trailed his finger down, stopping at a barcode. "It's because of this. A group of lines in each one of these documents and the reason I say so is that the General has something on him to verify these documents." He said with a grin.

"We need to finish this situation with Fritzgerald first," Rubbing his face. "When things calmed down, then I'll ask the old man. Hopefully, he hadn't kicked the can yet."

"Plus, with the initial information we got from them, they seem to come from the Southwest area. I got Glibert looking into every map we had cataloged from a century ago to now. We know that they came from a place near us... After that, it's a guessing game where exactly they came from."

Angela digested the information but is still not happy about it. "Then why'd you wait for me to tell us about it?"

This time, everyone looked at Vargas. "Remember, I said that its a treasure hunt?" He caressed his fingers, crossing each other as he anxiously decided whether to tell it to them.

"The old man gave me a gag order about this... And I'm breaking it. I trust you all that this does not leave between all of us." He sighed.

"The company commander earlier? He described project Saga-Daedalus as Noah's ark. If Cochise was the USA's primary defense project, Saga-Daedalus was the primary contingency project when things got shit hard during the conflict between the states and the soviet union... And if General Surgrue's exaggerations are correct, then that base has the capabilities to turn things around in the wasteland. Agricultural, Industrial, Military, Shelter-- I don't know, fucking think about it, they probably had one in there. It's a treasure trove, and now they come in here saying they want to join us."

The three were taken by surprise. Everyone thought about the implication of this information leaking out. Gilbert's head raced as he imagined the possibilities of using this to help the wasteland people and have the rangers gain more influence. Ace carefully weighed the pros and cons and instead like it if it stayed seal probably forever. While Angela saw the military potential, she saw the gear those people were having. It was similar. Yet, the gap between them is too big.

"You're the only ones I can trust about this... I'm all out of ideas on what to do, and I reckon asking the old man can help me decide the next steps..." He looked down as his face was grave. "But I need your help. I can't do this alone."

Ace looked at Gilbert and Angela, both of them smiled and nodded. "I guess the team is back. What do you need?"


Outskirts of Yunca Village


"Deus, This is Predator. We're at the rendevous point," Joe reported in. "Overlooking the village from the south. Waiting on our counterpart."

"Copy Predator, Team Delta is en route to your position. What's the situation?"

"Messy," Joe replied. "village got raided hard. We're seeing sporadic activities from various areas."

Both the Ghosts and Voiders turned their helmet cams on, scanning the area. The moon's ambient light and the large amount torches and campfires scattered around make the village visible in night condition.

"Approximately, 40-60 tangos..." Joe added. Looking through the scope of his EBR and the active resonance feature of his CRISS-COM aiding him to count. "Scanning for possible HVT's."

Crouched down while leaning on a rock, Castle looked through the scope of his M110 SASS. Cursing under his breath, "Fucking hell, another village full of dead kids. My karma's definitely not on the good side today."

"Karma?" Irish sneered. He, too, was crouched down beside him, covering the rear. "Mojo, man. It's got to be mojo."

"I really hope those two are drinks." Bear complained, he was looking at the video feed on Castle's viewpoint. "Gonna need those to wash these off my eyes."

"Predator, look at the T-shape junction in the middle. Yup- Right there. Hold it-"

"Hold it there!" Vargas's voice sounded out in the comms. "The skinny young man with a red bandana. That's Fritzgerald." Vargas' tuned with a whisper as he was satisfied with the results. "Your tools are really convenient, Ghost Lead."

"Much appreciated, Sir." Joe made a quick reply.

"It's not much," Vargas took a breath. "But I've decided you got operational command on for both my fellow rangers there. They've been informed."

"Thank you for your trust, Sir."

"And I've heard that you were part of the best of the best. Is that true?" Vargas amusedly asked.

"Just doing our work for the country, Sir."

"Humble. I wish that the best of my fellow rangers were like you... Anyway, thank you for that. However, I will inconvenience you by adding more to my request. I would like for you to keep my fellow rangers alive. They can keep up and assist you, and They won't bog you down. That I assure you."

"Affirmative, Sir. Glad to have some additional help." As soon as he said that, he can already hear the complaints from his team members.

"Do what you must to the others, save the hostages, Take Fritzgerald... and the one mocking us, alive."

"Consider it done." Joe confidently said.

Suddenly, on the left side of the Ghost team, Lt. Adams and Sgt Jackson showed up with another couple of rangers behind them. They called out to the Ghost team, as they crouched down to lower their silhouettes.

One of the new rangers, a bald black male in full combat gear wearing a black bandana on his head and a ranger star on his collar, moved ahead.

"Ghost Lead?" He asked. He can't figure which one with all of them covering their faces.

Joe closed ahead and reached out for a handshake.

"Ghost Lead."

"Captain Hunter, Team Delta." The man replied. They shook hands. "Heard we're taking orders from you now, General assured us you were the best." Hunter was doubtful. But can't ignore how cool their gear was. "Hope you don't disappoint."

Joe didn't reply to that comment. Instead, he glanced at the new team's weapon. Satisfied as he saw, all of them had attached working suppressors.

Joe nodded but flinched his head suddenly. The drone overhead at the center of the junction is giving live video feed to his CRISS-COM. Unfortunately, the hostages are being piled around the T-junction center—a telltale sign of an execution play is about to happen.

"General Vargas said you can keep up," Joe said as he pulled out a military tablet from his rig. "Your team can shadow us. We head through the west side of the village then make our way north. This is the thickest gathering of them, and we need to thin them out." He pointed out on the east side of the village.

Team Delta looked at each other, there were many questions in their head like what's that on his hand and how he knew the area's layout. Fortunately, Captain Hunter just nodded. He, too, knew the severity of the situation, and staying here a minute more can cost them precious lives.

"You two," He called out to Adams and Jackson. "Stay here, cover our backs." He pointed down.

"Voiders," he turned to the last two. "You two take the east end. Time to graduate."

Houmin and Skylar looked at each other. "Copy, Ghost Lead." While Skylar grabbed the Trident Goggles from her pack. She fixed her hair to a ponytail, so the goggles fit nicely on her head. She clicked it on then after a few seconds, the goggles' lenses glowed a green color for a moment then dimmed away to black.

"Thin them out, make your way to the center of the junction." He trailed his hand up as he pointed to the village. "Get the HVT's, save as many hostages as you can."

"If they suddenly swelled in numbers, we can funnel them either east or west. Our Killzone is the streets while we cut them off from the opposite sides."

"Ghost Team will do an active combat grab. Others will provide fire support." Joe said. He turned his head to Team Delta and gave them an earpiece. "Here, so we can communicate with you. Your Callsign's Delta."

"Deus, This is Predator." Joe tapped on his earpiece. "Change of plans, we're ingressing now. A show is about to play. Our timetable just got short. Moving in to stop it."

"Man... Just look at all of that..." Irish complained. "It's hell there..."

"Don't worry." Castle said. "They'll get what they deserve."

"Understood, Predator. We'll be watching. Good Hunting." The division commander said.

"It's time to deliver God's will to these people." Joe and his team's rig started shimmering, then it spreads both upwards and downwards. Thoroughly layering them in a reactive optic obstruction field that makes them invisible to the normal biological eyesight.

"Amen to that, brother," Bear said.

Hunter looked at the small device. He inspected it first and was amazed at how clean and smooth it seems. Hunter took the earpiece and tried it on. He turned around and saw his team gasped and was staring behind him.

As soon as he looked back, he was shaken to know that the ghost just disappeared. "What the hell!?" He cursed silently, "They're gone?!"

♪ Rise up Dead Man · Port Sulphur Band. Hunt: Showdown (Original Game Soundtrack) ♪

Today the first chapter for my new schedule. [If I can maintain it.]

It's a big chapter. I'm not sure if I'm improving on the pacing of each chapter when it comes to 2.5k+ words. I'm still struggling, and I am so sorry in advance if it felt off. Cause it felt off to me.

I need your help in pointing out my bad calls and mistakes.


Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts