
Chapter 367

Lycan glanced at him with a grim smile "you mean those bunch of clowns guarding your house?" He taunted easily "Oh, I forget to tell you, they have no business with security in your private home, they should be in cinemas"

The man became angry, "I am not afraid of you Lycan, you can't do anything to me" he challenged him, Lycan wore a smile on his face, as he stood on his feet.

The smile on his face and the way towered at the man, sent a scary chill down his spine, the aura from his body, was suppressing the man.

"I am sorry, but you just have to be afraid of what I can do," Lycan said coldly, a glint appeared on his face, his nails elongated and his canine, emerged.

"Awooo!" The man he wanted to attack howled at him, and his claws elongated, he leapt towards Lycan, who swiftly dodged him, he bared his elongated nails at him, slash!

He clawed his body, the man could barely attack him, Lycan was too fast for him, all his body was filled with marks from Lycan's incessant slashing.

Lycan stood tall and watched the wounds on his opponent's body, healing very slowly.

"You won't heal very fast tho, you should be fighting, instead of waiting," he said chuckling, the man gritted his teeth.

And leapt at him, but he dodged and plunged him unto the floor, his head created a crate on the tiled floor, Lycan left him, and stood a distance from him, with a proud smile.

The man struggled to stand, Lycan darted towards him and attacked him once again, deep wounds were all over his body, his sight blurry, blood covered his body.

"You are too weak" he hissed, grabbed him, and bit down his canine on his neck, sucking blood from his body.

Lycan looked around and saw nothing enticing "nothing is here" he mumbled, and walked away, he went to his bar, and drank some wine, before leaving the house.

Jeame wore his mask, and gloves, he tucked shotguns in his pockets before leaving the house without anyone noticing he had.

He shapeshifted to his wolf form, and leapt into the woods, with great speed, he ran towards the factory where they were making the drugs.

At the gate.



He shot at the two men standing guards at the gate, he kicked the little entrance at the gate, opened, and stepped, the alarm rang around the building.

A man with a scar on his face, came to where there are big machines, he led the doctors and scientists working on producing more drugs.

"Lead them away" the man with a scar on his face, ordered his subordinate and did as he was told.



Jeame shot at the men running towards, killing many at instance, he kept on killing till he got in, when the door of the factory open, he could hear clapping sound coming from inside.

The man