
Chapter 368

with scarface came out with three men trailing behind him, with guns, Jeame stood straight facing him, he could sense his wolf smell.

"I thought you won't come here, you are stubborn as they say," he said coldly.

Jeame didn't respond, so he continued what he was saying "I am in charge of here, I won't let you damage it, why don't we do some transactions" he requested.

"I don't want any transaction with you" Jeame retorted, glaring at him, the man shrugged 'well, since you love to fight a lot, I have a little surprise for you" he smiled and clapped his hands.

Jeame sensed the strong aura, just then, a shadow ninja emerged, the whole light in the factory was taken off.

"Smart move" Jeame muttered under his breath, he heightened his wolf sight, and looked around vigilantly, he sensed the wolf is close.

And he lit a fire, on a rubber.

"Humph!" The ninja humphed and ran away, the man with a scar on his face frowned, Jeame stood and waited for the ninja to attack, but he didn't move.

He used the time to shoot at the men behind the man with scarface.



Every gunshot sent a bullet to the armed men's heads, blood seeped from their heads, before they dropped down death, he took his time to keep on killing his men.

The scarred man was furious "ki the bastard!" He roared, and gunshots rang from different fire points around the building.

Jeame rolled away, and the ninja disappeared into the darkness, he sensed the ninja have emerged by his side.



Gunshots were sent towards him, and the bullets made multiple pierces in the ninja's body when Jeame rolled away.

He kept on shooting at them, till the entire factory was covered in gun power smell, the light came on, and Jeame looked around, he smiled at his handwork.

He walked towards the man with scarface "let me in, I am here to destroy the factory, and not to kill people" Jeame said coldly.

The man with scarface folded his arms, and chuckled, he suddenly started laughing briefly, he shot Jeame an angry look.

"Who wanted to let you in any way, I have more surprises, don't you want to see it?" He asked, with a sweet smile.

"I don't have time for silly game" Jeame stepped forward, to get him out of the way, suddenly he heard whispers, he turned around and saw a young lady covered all over her body with white.

"Is she not beautiful, she is the surprise, not bad, she could handle you" he teased, Jeame felt relaxed.

And turned towards the lady in a white robe, and her head covered with veil "ah, ah, I will suggest you shouldn't do what you intend to do, what if she is your truly your mother?" The man teased.

Jeame ignored him and shot directly at the witch without taking chances, in a twinkle of an eye, she