

HER BEAUTY "Who is she?" "Your beauty doesn't suit in the company!" "What are those black spots on your skin?" "Are you a dog?" "You're ugly!" "HAHAHAHAHA" I'm tired of hearing those words... Beauty is always mattered... Beautiful will always win... If you're pretty, they treat you different. If i was pretty... Will he love me? -2022-

Aleja_Naxis · 若者
6 Chs



"Your mistake is because Cohen is not handsome! I'm more handsome than him!" He said. I held his face and pretended to think.

"Which side of your face is handsome?" I asked him contemptuously.

"Here! Here! Here! Here! Here! Every part of my body is handsome!" I winced at what he said, that's why he gave me a bad look.

"Patina!" We looked at the boy who was running towards us. "We have to leave! We were seen on the cctv! Now, the guards are looking for us!" He said and quickly grabbed my hand.

I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him when Cohen pulled me away. We entered the tunnel we entered earlier and quickly got on the bicycle.

We quickly got on his bicycle when we saw that the guard was chasing us. When we could no longer see the guards, we breathed a sigh of relief. It's a good thing they didn't catch us because if that happened, Daddy and Mommy would know for sure.

"What if I was seen on CCTV?" I asked Cohen while still catching my breath.

"Marvin will find a way to do that." He answered me as he speed up.

"I'm sorry." He said to me when I got off his bicycle.

"It's good that you told me what you found out." I smiled slightly at him.

"I'm sorry Patina, I can't be with you anymore. I'm sure Dad is looking for me."

"It's okay." I smiled and waved at him until he disappeared from my sight.

I hesitant to went inside the house and went back to my room. When I got back to the room, I immediately took off the dress that Nanny Moire give to me.

She already know about Vellum but she didn't even tell me! I hate Nanny Moire! I Mommy and Daddy!

It makes me wonder why I live in this house and not in the mansion. Is it because everyone doesn't know that Vellum and I are twins? Why doesn't everyone know? Mommy and Daddy can tell them that we were twins.

I cried all night. I still can't forget what I found out, It hurts so much!

"Good morning Patina!" Nanny Moire happily entered my room with a tray of food. I ignored her and covered myself in the blanket.

I felt her sit on the edge of the bed, and she pulled my blanket away.

"What's wrong Patina?" She asked me when she notice that my eyes were swollen from crying.

I didn't answer her, I just took the blanket and pretended to be sleeping.

"Tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Where are you last night?" I asked angrily.

"I have a part-time job, so I was not at home last night." she answered me. "Why? Did you look for me last night?" she asked me again.

She asked me several times, but I didn't answer her until she gave up asking me.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. I understand." She said sadly before leaving my room.

Since my birthday, Cohen has been texting me constantly. He even loaded my phone when I said I didn't have a load. Well, we chat every day. I'm happy because I have someone to talk to.

I am grateful to him because I forgot about my family for a while.

Little by little I learned how to use the cellphone. I have a facebook account, instagram and twitter account. I did see Vellum's instagram account. I want to chat her but I have second thoughts because she might not believe me. I was really impressed by her pictures, she is really beautiful.

Turns out she's a model.

I've been thinking about doing this for a few days. I want to talk to Vellum and there's only one way to do that. I have to go to the mansion and enter her room but the only problem is how.

"Cohen, do you know where Vellum's room is?"

"I don't like that question Patina. Don't tell..."

"I just want to talk to her. Tomorrow, I'll go to the mansion-"

"No. I'm telling you Patina, don't do that! You saw it, didn't you? There are a lot of guards in the mansion and if they-"

"I'll pretend to be Vellum."


"Are you going to help me or not, because if not it's okay, Cohen."

"I'll try my best to help you."

That's what Cohen and I talked about last night. Now I noticed that the maids were always in the house. There was a guard stationed at the gate, that's why it was difficult for me to escape in the house.

I slowly opened the gate, so the guard did not wake up. When I got out, I ran fast as I could.

"Patina!" I turned to Cohen and I was surprised because he was in the car. He got out to let me into the car.

"Dr. Montalco?" I said surprised to see Dr. Montalco driving the car.

"Hello Patina." Cohen's Mommy greeted me.

"H-hello." I said shyly.

"Just call me Auntie Blaine, okay." I nodded to what she said and smiled.

So this is what he said about helping me? To tell his parents my plan? Gosh! What if I disturb them? I know they are very busy.

"I need to talk to your Dad and Cohen ask me for a favor, so I agreed. You know Patina, I can't refuse my son." I looked at Dr. Montalco with a smile.

Before we could enter the mansion, the guard stopped us.

"Please tell Raymond, Mr. Montalco is here." Dr. Montalco said to the guard.

"You can enter now, sir." The guard said, Dr. Montalco closed the car window and started driving into the mansion.

Original sentence : The garden in the mansion is very wide and there are several maids cleaning outside.

At this hour, why are the maids still cleaning?

When the car stopped in front of the mansion, Dr. Montalco and Auntie Blaine entered the main entrance of the mansion.

"Like you said, pretend to be Vellum." Cohen told me before we got off.

Two maids greeted me and bowed.

"We have finished cleaning Ms. Vellum. Can we enter the Mansion?" A maid bowed their head. She looked like she was in her 40s like Nanny Moire.

"C-come with us to my room." I ordered the two maids and ignored her question.

"B-but Ms. Vellum, you said that we are not allowed to go to your room." The maid answered and bowed again.

"I-i mean, accompany us to the door of my room. W-what if he does something bad to me?" I made excuses for the maid while looking at Cohen. I widened my eyes at him as a sign that he just went along with my excuse.

The maid nodded, and we walked into the mansion together. The maid walked first to Vellum's room, while Cohen and I followed behind them. When the maid stopped, I quickly dismissed them.

Seeing that the maid was gone, I knocked on the door. I knocked a few times, but she still didn't open the door, so I tried to twist the door knob. Seeing that it was not locked, we opened the door and entered.

"Don't disturb me." Vellum said without looking at us. She was sitting and busy with what she was reading. She must have noticed that we still haven't left her room, so she turned to us. "Who are you?" She asked me that obviously surprised, because maybe she realised that we looked the same.

The stitches on my face are almost gone. I can't believe that I look like this, so I always look in the mirror and happily stared at my face.

"I'm Patina, Vellum." I introduced myself to her. She stood up from her seat and looked at me from head to toe. "I-i have something to tell you." I said to her and approached her. "W-we are twins."

"What? Are you out of your mind? I don't have a twin!" She said and pushed me. "Did you do plastic surgery so we look alike?" I frowned at what she said. Cohen came to me and grabbed both of my shoulders when I almost fell from being pushed by Vellum.

"Vellum, what Patina said was true. Could you please listen to us first." Cohen said calmly. Vellum turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you to tell me that? You're out of this conversation!"

"Vellum, listen. Mommy and Daddy don't know I'm here so please, can you lower your voice. I`ll explain everything, I know your surprised and you can`t believe-"

"Mommy! Daddy!" Vellum shouted. Cohen quickly came to her to stop her from shouting.

What should I do?

I quickly went to the window and looked down. It was so high that it seemed unlikely that I could get out if I climbed down from the window.

"You think you can get away, imposter plastic surgery girl? Never!" Vellum scoffed at me and pushed Cohen hard. "Mommy! Daddy! Help! Help me!" She shouted again.

Cohen and I were about to leave the door of Vellum's room when the door opened and five guards entered.

"Guard! Take them out!" Vellum ordered them. The guard looked back at me and Vellum, maybe they were surprised because Vellum and I look alike. "Can`t you see! She's an imposter!" Vellum shouted while pointing at me.

I tried to defend myself, but I couldn't fight anymore when the guard approached me and tied my hand.

"Hey! Don't you remember me? I'm Cohen Montalco!" Cohen shouted as the guard tried to tie his hand.

"I'm sorry sir." The guard asked for forgiveness and bowed at him.

"I'm Patina Gonzalo! If you don't believe me, tell Mommy and Daddy that Patina is here!" I shouted angrily at the guard.

He took something from his pocket and called someone. I angrily turned to Vellum, who smiled and sat down again on the golden chair that she was sitting on earlier.

"How dare you use my last name plus, how dare you call my parents Mommy and Daddy you imposter plastic surgery girl." She grinned and crossed her arms.

"Vellum. Why don't you want to listen to us? She's telling the truth! She's your sister!" Cohen said before looking at me. He tried to untie my hand when a guard stopped him.

The two guards came out of the Vellum room to call Mommy and Daddy. I told Cohen that it was okay for him to leave me first to call his parents.

"Get this imposter plastic surgery girl out of my room! My eyes hurt when I see her!" She said to the guard while holding her left eye.

I didn't think Vellum behaved like this. Her face was very gentle, but despite that, there was hidden devilry.

I came here because I thought I could talk to her properly. I never thought it would turn out like this.

"Mommy!" I stood up from sitting on the floor when I saw Mommy enter the room. The guard grabbed me as I started to walk towards Mommy.

"Mommy! That surgery girl told me that we were twin sisters! I know that she's lying, Mommy! Ugh! I hate her face!" Vellum said crying and hugged Mommy.

I just bit my lower lip when I saw Mommy hugging Vellum back and giving me an angry look.

"She's lying right Mommy? She's not my twin sister! I can't accept it!"

"She isn't Vellum. She's an imposter, so calm down. You're my only daughter, Vellum." Mommy said to make her stop crying.

"Mom, why can't you tell her the truth? W-why do you deny that I am your daughter?"

"Because you're not really my daughter!" I cried looking at Mommy when she said that to me.

I couldn't accept what she said. I know she's lying! DNA tests don't lie!
