
Hellsing: Virgin Mother of Saints

Alucard, a powerful vampire and hunter, and his beloved servant, Seras, protect the blissful populace of England from the existence of vampires in an era of cybernetic technology and early androids - the AI precursor of man. The Red Scare III group formed by Doc of the late Millenium group wants to prove that vampires indeed exist by showing them the dangers of their existence.

victoriarogue · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Red Scare III final part

The borders of Moers

"Have we evacuated the city?"

Sloth demanded from one of her legion's soldiers. The Red Scare III's temporary headquarters was located in Hamburg, but their camp and points of attack were largely along the city's borders. Men and women were hustling about to stock weapons, package bombs, and dress in antinuclear jumpsuits to protect themselves in case of nearby explosions. Three men carried a coffin-shaped case to Sloth and kneeled down together to place the heavy object down. She removed her hood, breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the case to see her golden weapons polished and ready to be loaded with ammo. She took her two daggers, handguns, and rifles out of the case and equipped them on her person. Her second-in-command was outside of the large black tent, where communications with the Czar would be held, and typing coordinates on the laptop to get a satellite and helicopter reading of the city for any humans. Sloth and her comrade looked at the grid as the heat-seeking radars were scanning the city for any humans who refused to heed the evacuation orders. The second-in-command typed in coordinates for the western portion of the city and hummed in satisfaction when nothing out of the ordinary came onto the screen. He typed in coordinates for the northern portion of the city and again found nothing; then, he typed in coordinates for the east and found nothing once more. Towards the south, however, heated bodies were scattered all about.

"What?" the man questioned, rescanning the area. The number of heated bodies dropped and kept dropping at a steady pace.

"How many is that?" Sloth asked calmly as her second began typing and sending distress signals to scope out the southern part of Moers.

"About 300, ma'am," the man replied. "It's 287 to be exact. The soldiers don't see the people at all, so they all must be underground."

"Their hive is strong," Sloth commented, watching the numbers continue to drop. "Some of the people were already with them. That's why the army didn't rise to the surface. Only the ones capable of handling the sun were allowed to approach anyone in daylight hours while checking their enemy's defenses." Sloth typed in some coordinates, making her second-in-command blush a bit when he felt her breasts press up against his neck. She was too concerned about the hive to worry about her second being turned on, though. Seeing exits going into the city and leading up to the escape routes out of the city, Sloth moved her fingers along the screen and zoomed in on a certain spot. She said, pointing to the blank areas on the grid, "We need to mobilize the legion in these areas. Those are the fastest escape routes for them. Where's Kreuss?"

"In the chopper awaiting your orders. The rest of the men will do one last search for any remaining citizens."

"No," Sloth said, removing her boobs from the second-in-command's neck. She laid a hand onto his shoulder and said, "You all be ready for the surge at the borders. I don't want anything leaking out. Our mission is to purge this city and make sure nothing leaves our sight. Blockade every escape route that you can find. You are the strongest of us, Aiden, and smarter than any other leader of the vanguard I've had the pleasure of working with. We're at war now... The flag's been raised... What are some routes that we haven't covered because of restrictions?"

"There are three open means of transportation for survivors and/or citizens," Aiden responded, disappointed and angry that Sloth was risking her life for the sake of the men. They trained mercilessly to protect her! Why wouldn't she let them help her?

"Then, we'll have to guard them and the camp. I want you and Kreuss to place the explosives in these areas," Sloth ordered, giving Aiden a map of the coordinates and sending it to the tracker in his helmet. She demanded, "Set them to implode in 60 minutes. When you are done, retreat to Hamburg. I'll deal with the rest here."

"Alone?" the man questioned, snapping his head to see his leader. Sloth was strapping bandoliers onto her corset and placing minimal armor on her pressure points. She needed to have her antinuclear armor on also, so she stuck with light regular armor in order to handle the weight of the other armor. She didn't have the pleasure of using her forearm scythes or her adored tree-cutting boots, which could have helped her in a situation like this. She was going to war with nothing but a few bullets and some daggers! She could at least take a truck with her to resupply! Seeing her sacrifice as a useless tactic, Aiden argued, "Please, ma'am, let us fight with you! That's suicide! Your skills are impressive, but you can't fight over 2,000 vampires and ghouls alone!"

"You can't be here when the bombs implode, Aiden. These explosives are nuclear and could harm you on an immense level. Only after implosion can you come back."

"What about you?" Aiden questioned, gaining the attention of the other soldiers. "What if you're...?"

Sloth turned back to Aiden, seeing him grit his teeth and clench his fists with anger. She soon saw that her men had their heads either down or looking towards her. They didn't come all the way from Russia just to watch their leader sacrifice herself for their safety. They came there to help her fight! What they didn't understand, however, was that the Czar wanted her to find the leader of the army and to kill him. They would fight, but they couldn't fight him. He was too dangerous. The rest of the army would be simple to handle. Sighing, Sloth stood to her feet, walked over to Aiden, and kissed his cheek. When the man turned, Sloth was smiling mischievously and punched him in the arm.

She said, "I went through too much shit to let these fuckers succeed at killing me. There were so many times when I should've died long before this one, but I pulled through every time and no one was there to think about my safety. You're my first batch of soldiers I've ever had to lead into a bloody conquest. You're the first to care about me, too. For your sake, I'll take the blow head-on and weaken the strong fronts, but this mission is ultimately up to you. All I have to do is take out the leader, you have to take out the army. All I ask of you is protect these people and their city. If you fail at this..." Sloth said, pointing a gun to Aiden's forehead and barked in a powerful voice, "you're dead to me!"

Aiden and the soldiers then stood up straight, not wanting to let down their leader, and saluted her while saying, "Yes, general! Honor and integrity!"

"Wipe this world free of these motherfuckers!" Sloth shouted, earning battle cries from her men.


Downtown Moers

The general of this undead army was strapped in fatigues and bullet-proof armor. He looked like a militant officer in his green camouflage attire. Men and women were dressed in similar clothing and strapped single bandoliers on their person to refill ammunition for their single automatic gun. By them being stronger than humans and going to war with essentially human opponents, there was no need to kill them mercilessly. The amount of blood that could be drained from this vanguard was practically endless. The undead army was located in an underground warehouse that led to their hive below the ground. While all the equipment and vehicles were reaching maximum stock, the general of the army watched on with a proud smile stretched across his face. He could hardly wait for this war to begin, to finally cement his reign as the new Dracula, and to capture his new prized queen who was leading the vanguard against him. He saw the televised broadcasts of her power. She would make an exquisite addition to his hive as the mother of this new reign of evil.

Drool was preparing to escape the confines of his mouth as he thought of the things he could do to his new queen. Growing impatient with his army, he turned to his right-hand man and asked, "Where is the woman who killed my men?"

The taller man took out his cellphone, typed in coordinates, zoomed in, and showed his leader the image he found, "Here, sir."

"Excellent..." he said, eyes darkening as he watched Sloth place her helmet on her head and strap herself with bulky armor. "She will make a fine vampire queen."

"She is the leader of the vanguard," the taller man stated, knowing it was more or less an obvious fact. "They are called the Red Scare."

"The Red Scare?" the general questioned, chuckling darkly. "What a delightfully convenient name! Yes... Why don't we ignite a Red Scare? Disguise yourself as one of the soldiers and find out more information about them. I can put that army to good use and feed an entire country. My soldiers will be unstoppable with such a strong front! Yes! I will become my true master... I will become the new Dracula!"


Heart of Moers

His mission was simple: figure out who the Red Scare was and capture the leader of this army. Men and women took swift glances of him, not recognizing him but not seeming to care about him either. It was too easy! As he walked through the camp, he took sight to radioactive chemicals being injected into transparent capsules. The silver suits were extremely distinctive as opposed to the scarlet armor most of the people adorned. He was leisurely strolling toward what looked like the main tent since it was the largest out of all the tents he had passed. Outside of it was his prize. Sloth was giving orders to several men and directing them to different fronts to apprehend his master's army. She had to be eliminated in his eyes, but the master wanted her as the new queen to the hive. He had to bring her back. As he approached her, his fingers began twitching with an aching desire to kill everyone surrounding him, but he kept his composure and instead went to the woman until he was hovering above her with his full height.

"Captain," he called, earning her undivided attention, "you have not assigned a formation. What are your orders, ma'am?"

Sloth looked into the man's eyes without giving him an answer. His hair was very clean and black, and his eyes were burning a vibrant maroon color that was not normal for a human or an officer within her vanguard. He was lean and tall as he carried a rather large submachine gun across his back. Generally speaking, he was an attractive man with his smooth, pale skin and facial hair. Sloth knew everyone within her vanguard, however, and could easily name the faces of her comrades in arms. Swiftly, she shoved her handgun into the man's mouth, surprising him greatly, and fired a round into his skull. The bullet was explosive and extremely radioactive, so when the gun fired the bullet exploded and ripped the man's head to pieces. Blood was splattered everywhere and no one moved. While the vanguard collectively didn't remember every face that traveled through the camp, Sloth knew her man and he was not one of them. Everyone began to tremble, awaiting Sloth's wrath at how easily a vampire from the enemy front was able to walk through their grounds and approach their leader, but nothing happened. Sloth merely bent down and ripped out the vampire's heart.

Adolph had just arrived from the helicopter landing moments before and was at Sloth's side. Even he was a tad fearful of Sloth's anger, but when he realized she continued to distribute orders as if nothing happened, he grew concerned. She normally ripped off someone's head for allowing a spy to enter their territory. When he looked at the man bleeding on the ground, he wondered if the reason for her silence was because the man was a human.

That's when he became slightly angered. He was a human once, and the man could have easily been a hostage trying to come to them for help. He called out, "Master! That might've been a human set up to distract you. Why did you shoot him?"

"No soldier of mine is unaware of protocol. Besides..." Sloth said, kneeling above the man's obliterated segments of what was once a skull. She picked out a part of his jaw that hadn't completely disintegrated and showed a perfect sharp tooth poking out. She said, "Humans don't have fangs. This bitch was a spy."

Adolph gasped lightly when Sloth tossed the remains to the side. This undead army doesn't stand a chance against Sloth if she's reserving her anger for them. In the distance, the turned heard movement from large vehicles. Being in the Red Scare III training grounds for several months made him immediately recognize the sounds as being tanks. He turned slightly to get Sloth's attention and asked, "Master, do you hear that?"

"They're mobilizing. All of the men are being stationed nearby. They are closing off the city borders including exit routes. Their safety, for the most part, is assured once the radiation settles. If anything escapes, they can handle the brunt of the attacks. We have to do a sweep of the city from downtown and plant the bombs in these areas. Once we're finished, we hit the hive," Sloth informed, plucking Adolph's neck and making him snap his head around to look into her face. "You'll be boarding the chopper to take refuge from the blast and using the autocannons to wipe out the masses. When the ultraviolet radiation settles and the numbers decrease considerably, I'll give everyone a signal to attack but Kreuss... I want you to eat and grow strong. You have not been drinking enough blood to handle your new powers. I know being a vampire is hard because they are known for feeding on the living but..."

"It's not that, master..." Adolph interrupted, waving a hand and sheepishly smiling. He blushed a bit then said, "I never really had a problem with being a vampire or a hunter... I... I'm actually more worried about you. You're the one going to infiltrate the hive. I know you're one of the strongest of all of us, but you should let me and some troopers help you. And... I found out that the priest you've been negotiating with called another vampire hunting group called Hellsing."

"What?" Sloth questioned.

But daddy said he was working for Hellsing! Sloth thought. Oh god, he'll die if he's so much within a mile of the border!

"Hellsing was called to take out the vampires, too," Adolph continued, feeling the shaken terror coming from his master's lips. He said, "They're sending two of their best agents and an armored truck into the city. Their base is close by. He called our phone to tell us this while we were coming down with the chopper."

"That snakish bitch!" Sloth shouted, storming away from her camp and her troops.

"Master!" Adolph called after her, cursing under his breath as he struggled to catch up to Sloth. Even as a vampire, he had trouble matching his master's speed. "Master, wait!"


Hellsing Camp

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you!?"

"U-u-um, Sir Integra, I really don't think - "

"Now's not the right time to actually think while Sir Integra is going on her rampage, Ms. Victoria."

Sir Integra was moments away from knocking Alucard's head off his shoulders as he stood before the Hellsing leader with a dangerous grin on his lips. He was inadvertently impatient as he waited for everything to be equipped, loaded, and ready to go. Finally, a chance to see Sloth battling an army or battling him again! The opportunities that were caressing his mind! Integra, of course, was chewing him out because of his power leak without orders. Now, mind you, it wasn't a dangerous power leak that could kill anyone, but it affected her and Seras on a deeper level because of their connection to him. His little game would result in punishment from the woman, which he did not want, but it did give him time to create a sort of bond with the vampire hunter he had become fascinated with. Seras was trying to make the situation better, but Sir Integra would have none of it. Baron already saw a whirlwind of trouble being unleashed while Sir Integra ripped Alucard a new one and kept his nose out of their business.

"Would you mind helping me with the artillery truck instead?" Baron asked, offering some escape for Seras.

"But I - but my master - but - but - "

"Your master is about to get his butt kicked," Baron said, lifting a bag filled with ammunition. A normal man couldn't lift that much weight, but Baron worked out at the organization's gym for a reason. "I suggest you keep yours working elsewhere, ma'am."

"I just can't win with anyone in this organization," Seras whimpered, looking down at her feet as she went to help Baron.

"Believe me, Ms. Victoria, no one's sticking around to watch your master get bitched at," Baron said, smiling a bit and handing Seras another duffel bag filled with some heavy material. "That's just fighting a losing battle. That case is for you, by the way. It's a new sniper assault rifle. I'll give you the details about it when we load it into your truck. Master Alucard also has a new assault handgun. Hey, Donovan, load that case in Ms. Victoria's truck. Those are extra bullets, but you must be careful. They are explosive. The cases marked orange are highly sensitive to motion and can implode if handled incorrectly. Unmarked cases are either weapons or radio and/or surveillance equipment."

"So don't drop the shit?" Donovan, one of the guards, asked with an amused smirk at the seasoned butler.

"Don't drop the shit," Baron pleaded, chuckling.

"You work too hard," Donovan commented, patting the butler on the shoulder. Seras noticed that most of the men working for Sir Integra on the forefronts liked Baron very much. He made them laugh or chuckle without even meaning to. It was just how the man was she supposed. It didn't help that it made him more attractive, though. She couldn't believe she was crushing on someone who she should be calling dad, but Seras was technically around the same age as the butler. She was turning 50 soon.

"Not half as much as you all. I'm just the butler."

"van Gouge!"

"Yes, Sir Integra," Baron responded, jumping at the demanding and loud tone from the tent.

"Cigar. NOW!"

"Ma'am, you're going over your limit. I suggest indulging in another legal activity like chess," Baron suggested.

"van Gouge if I don't see a cigar in two minutes, you are Alucard's problem!"

"I'll get the chess set, Sir Integra," Baron responded. He turned to Donovan and asked, "Can you continue not dropping the shit without me, Donovan?"

"Go play your chess game, butler."

Seras watched as Baron left them to work alone and in silence. Inside the tent, Baron saw a fuming Integra pinching the bridge of her nose with more force than she should have been using. The butler sighed, shook his head, and walked toward a cabinet to retrieve a box from the drawer. He placed the box on the table where Integra sat and opened it. Integra opened her eyes to see the butler calmly and quietly taking out a chess set. He started the game by moving a black pawn and waited patiently for Sir Integra to move. She looked at him incredulously then looked at the board as if it were mocking her. Did she not say she wanted a cigar? Seeing the butler not budging to retrieve any smoking material for her, she resigned to moving her white pawn. The game went on in silence like that until Sir Integra spoke in a mumbled tone just to get the stress resting in her bosom out into the open.

"Insubordinate ass! Trying to hunt vampire hunters when an entire army might be on the loose? The nerve!"

Baron looked up to see Sir Integra sulking with a permanent scowl on her face. He smirked in amusement and then said, "Perhaps Master Alucard wants to figure this thing out just as badly as you do. I doubt he would push his own limits for any woman for the hell of it. This is a master vampire capable of ending all life with his mind control abilities alone. Many would and probably have called him a monster, but he is still a man. This vampire hunter that he has seen, challenged, and fought with seems to appear on certain big missions."

"She doesn't just appear on big missions," Sir Integra responds, moving her bishop. "She appears just as randomly as the attacks. However, I have picked up a pattern of her appearance. When Alucard first saw her, she was in Manchester and alone and the only threat in the area was a single vampire with a group of ghouls. The second time was on the Isles of Scilly and she had a partner. The attackers were an organized group of vampires with no ghouls at all. This time, if she's with the same group at all, she's got an army fighting off another army. We've been fighting vampires left and right, covering up some of the mess, cleaning up the scraps, but she's been going after the leader of these attacks and successfully wiping them out."

"If that's the case, these attacks and her appearances aren't random," Baron said, gaining Integra's full attention as she watched him move a piece and then look into her eye. "This girl is just following someone's orders. She isn't doing this on her own. The voice that sent those broadcasts is the leader. He's spotted an even bigger pattern and is narrowing down the attacks at the source. First, the tutor at Manchester; then, the loan sharks in the Isles; now, the representative of an entire city. If we don't figure out who's next in the line, it'll continue feeling like randomized ploys and we'll continue assuming that this vampire hunter that Alucard has grown attached to knows more than she lets on."

"Are we saying that even she doesn't know what's going on?"

"No, we're assuming the leader didn't tell her everything. Why would these attacks be spread out as far as they are? It should be localized but they aren't," Baron said, waiting for Integra to move another piece. He then called out, "Check."

Integra hummed a response, looked at the pieces, and then made her final move. She said, "Checkmate."

"Sir Integra, you are a formidable opponent."

"You let me win," Integra said, pushing the king down onto its face.


"He's letting us get this close. The moment we figure one thing out, we're stuck the next. He's using the vampire hunter as a sort of decoy. Letting her be seen and this cute little vanguard lead the people into a sense of security and then unleashing something tremendous... It's frightening!"

Baron took his captured queen and lifted Integra's king with the queen's dented crown tips. When he placed the black queen next to the white king, he smiled at Sir Integra's slight gasp at the gesture. It implied so much but did it mean so much? Baron then said, "I believe that this strategy is a form of bait. They're drawing all of the vampire hunters out."

"Is it really all of the vampire hunters? Or is it just us?"


The noises startled both individuals as they looked to the tent's entrance. Abruptly, an armored soldier burst through and froze. It was a woman dressed in red, silver, and black armor. Her mouth was agape as she gazed into Baron's face. Sir Integra immediately took action and revealed her pistol. She aimed it at the heart at first but felt better aiming it at the head. When the soldier threw her weapons and ammunition to the side, Integra began to lower her own weapon. No one moved. No one breathed. Only stares and silence filled the tent.

"Who the hell are you?" Sir Integra asked in a low, threatening voice.

"Daddy..." the woman said, holding a hand across her bosom. She pulled off her helmet and whimpered, "It's me!"

Baron gasped audibly and covered his mouth in shock. Before him stood his beloved daughter. Integra lowered her weapon completely at that point, also surprised by the turn of events. Baron's daughter was beautiful! She has the appearance of someone in her teens to early twenties. She has long, wavy dark brown hair that frames her face and green eyes with brown borders. Her armor was the most striking thing on her body: midnight blue corset, black leather pants, lengthy red scarf that takes the appearance of a cloak, black boots, and silver bits of medieval armor.


"This is an absolute pleasure!" a voice from the darkness said, laughing loudly with the sounds of clapping echoing through the tent. Lumbering footsteps were heard as a tall figure entered the tent and stood before the group of people. Alucard was smiling widely at the butler and said, "I had a feeling you two were related."

"Alucard," Integra whispered.

"Baron van Gouge, your daughter owes me a fight."