
Hellsing: Virgin Mother of Saints

Alucard, a powerful vampire and hunter, and his beloved servant, Seras, protect the blissful populace of England from the existence of vampires in an era of cybernetic technology and early androids - the AI precursor of man. The Red Scare III group formed by Doc of the late Millenium group wants to prove that vampires indeed exist by showing them the dangers of their existence.

victoriarogue · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Red Scare III part 2

Hellsing Camp

Outskirts of Moers

Alucard was probably the most restless person at the temporary Hellsing headquarters. He laid perfectly splayed out on a couch in the cottage-like house with a grin so bloodthirsty it would frighten the hardest of men. The feel of the soft cushions on his back made him quite comfortable. Much more comfortable than his usual thrones, and he could throw away his proper etiquette for once. His hat and glasses were resting on the kitchen table directly across from him. Both Sir Integra and Baron tried to get him to rest for a while to regain his strength, but he would hear none of it. The sun was practically screaming through the windows, and Baron refused to close the shutters for the vampire unless Sir Integra demanded it of him. Guess who said nothing of the matter and left Hellsing's prized experiment to fry under the accursed light? Precisely.

The master vampire ignored his master's suggestion to rest for the day. He took great pride in knowing his curvatious blossom, Sloth, would be in Germany by a simple hunch: if the vampire attacks proved to be too public as in an entire city or area was being threatened, she was normally there with her fledgling to clean up the mess before Hellsing and he was right. Bloody hell, he was actually right! The best part about this was he didn't care. All he wanted was a proper battle with the woman. From the moment he sent a gust of his power to the city below, his desire to seek and destroy became that much stronger when he recognized the sliver of power sending a beacon to him. When the girl responded by closing off any entry she might have had open to his advances, he relished in the victory and made it his mission to find her. A power capable of shutting him out is worthy of his respect indeed. He nearly pleaded with his master to let him be her escort to the EKD, but she insisted that she go with one of her bodyguards and he remain at headquarters. Seras was already asleep for the time being and didn't bother to argue when Integra sent them both to their coffins.

...Leave the city now. Within two or so hours, these vampires will notice the evacuation and will attempt to leave with you. Our troops are moving to protect you as I speak. You will see them within an hour after this broadcast...

Alucard turned his attention to the television in the cottage and watched the repetitious newsreel. Someone within the department was able to obtain an English translation of the German report and sent it to Baron via email. The newsreel was playing from his laptop now. The master vampire was now intrigued by this new generation of radicals. What vampire was bold enough to attack in broad daylight? These vampires were certainly older than the ones he came across thirty years ago. Age determines both power and immunity. A recently-turned vampire wouldn't dare brave the sun! Even when he was a newly-turned vampire, it took time getting used to the sun. In a small way, and he would never say this out loud, he was proud of this new generation of vampires. They proved far stronger than their predecessors.

"I take it that grin of yours means something this time," Baron said, hovering over the vampire with his arms folded. When Alucard's eyes turned to him, he said, "Dare I ask what?"

"I grin all the time. It means nothing," Alucard responded.

"Oh, I'm sure," Baron commented, taking a seat on the adjacent couch from the fanged monster.

"You're normally much sharper than this. Does hearing the news always make you look so grim?" Alucard questioned.

"No, it's this army marching through the city. The symbol on their chests... it's the same as the one you wanted me to find earlier," the butler replied. "Something isn't right, and I can't put my finger on what that might be. What does he mean by 'purging the city'?"

"It means there isn't just one vampire attacking Moers. It's several. He means to wipe every one of them off the face of the Earth. Elementary, my dear van Gouge."

"That's not what worries me. I don't think it's just several. There has to be more than that. For an army of anti-vampire units to react to the situation like this means there's an army of vampires and possibly ghouls hiding in the streets. Once the sun goes down, is this a war we're in the middle of or a battle? Why have we been called if an army is already taking active precautions? Where's the next attack supposed to be if this one is stopped in time?"

"These are all valid questions," Alucard said, purring. "This is a new method of destruction that I have not yet seen out of my kind. I am rather interested in the outcome of the battle to be held tonight. There is no endless madness that I can sense here. No call for war. The plan of attack is similar to Millennium based on the organization of these happenings, but it is also quite unique. There are new vampires being made from the virgins and ghouls from the deflowered humans just as you would expect; however, the attacks are now more random in location on a global scale. England is now just another place to attack rather than a point of attack."

The house phone rung obnoxiously, interrupting Alucard's opinion and the general conversation, and made both men turn to the noisy device. Baron shifted to the left side of the loveseat and saw the house phone beeping and ringing on the C-table. He picked up the receiver and answered the phone.

"van Gouge? What kind of attack?" Baron demanded, eyes widened in shock. He hustled over to his laptop and found a new email from the research department. He opened it and played the new video file on his media player. In shock, he whispered, "Oh my God..."

On the television set, a new newsreel played in translated English. Alucard and Baron watched as reporters desperately warn others to protect themselves and run from danger. One of the reporters was attacked and lost her entire left arm. A group of vampires pounced on several unsuspecting victims as they were riding their bikes out of the city. The scarlet clad soldiers acted in time to save them, but people were now being ordered to travel jointly in vehicles instead of on foot. Another group of vampires were jumping onto cars and pulling drivers out of them. Shots fired from above killed these vampires, but the images were all the same: people were being attacked in daylight hours! There was one news cameraman who was able to capture a frightening profile of a vampire able to transform into a winged creature, though it wasn't quite specifically a bat. It was something stranger. This vampire had mechanical attachments for wings. As swift as the creature took flight, a red flash swept across the road and threw the vampire into a building! Brick and dust from drywall spewed into the air, giving the sound of the counterattack the look and feel of an explosion happening in the background. Alucard's eyes widened in a dark pleasure as he watched more of the live broadcast and hissed with a chuckle...

"It's her..."


People were screaming in terror as she raced to their rescue from the mechanically enhanced vampire writhing beneath her clutch. Her hand gripped menacingly around the vampire's throat as he struggled to breathe. Finding his struggle fruitless, he spat out an acidic solution that actually landed on her skin. When she jumped from the pain, he kicked her off him and tried to flee. Sloth was pissed at this and ran after him. She ran atop someone's car's hood and broad jumped toward the beast. When the vampire turned, all he saw was stars from the intense shoulder-tackle breaking about two or three ribs from impact. Sloth grabbed him harshly by the wrist and pointed a gun directly between his eyes. The next thing he saw was the tunnel that a bullet would tear through to seal his fate as a dead man. BAM!

Both fighters plummeted to the ground. Sloth landed on her feet then walked to the vampire who was still somehow able to move. The top portion of his head was gone, bits of brain and an arch of broken skull was able to be seen, but this sort of ungodly damage was a part of the process. She grabbed him by his neck with one hand and with the other ripped through flesh and pulled out his heart. Blood spluttered on her and the cobblestone beneath her feet. She dropped the body on the ground and walked away with the heart.

"Captain!" a male subordinate called. He caught his breath and saluted her before saying, "Your orders, ma'am."

"Kill on sight. Inspect the cars, 2-9 formation around every block. I don't want another vampire to so much as think about stepping foot onto the sidewalk. Tell the men at the borders to blockade every exit out of this city. Only one way will be allowed to go out and that's mine. Move out!" Sloth demanded, watching her subordinate bark orders to the others.

As she packed away the heart into a capsule attached to her utility belt, she took out a dagger from its holster on her back and slowly cut into her cheek. She placed the blade back into its rightful place after the incision was made and tapped into her hidden powers. This wasn't her brightest idea, but she had to use it. Too many vampires were making their debut. She took a deep breath and chanted in a strange language the key to unlocking one of the seals holding back her power. The air around her grew much colder and her senses became significantly enhanced. From the depths of her being, she sent out a surge of power to find the other vampires lurking in the city. The power was at first nothing but a fog around her feet, but it changed and morphed into what looked like a prowling tiger. Before, she had the snake in the Isles of Scilly, but this time it was a large cat hunting for her targets.

Through the beast's eyes, she traveled through many alleys and streets and saw people hurrying to get out of the city or running to the nearest shelter for group transportation. Men and women were either arguing, crying, or fighting their way out. In two more hours, night would befall them. Too many people were going to be in the city for the purging. It could turn into a massacre! Her heavy paws raced through the streets to find evidence of the vampires possibly trying to attack once more. There were several groups watching the people, but they weren't attacking them yet. Their speech was no more than hushed tones and whispers. Suddenly, her vision turned black and something was trying to enter her mind. She yelped in pain at this invasion and saw red eyes and a murderous grin laughing at her. She shook her head violently to get the image out of her head but it steadily continued.

Alucard could hardly control himself. There was too much of an opportunity open to him to stop now. Baron simply watched as the dark aura surrounding the master vampire became visible and gripped his bones to weigh them down. Even Sir Integra could feel his power leak from her grand distance from the camp, and she was not at all pleased with this notion. She couldn't very well stop her investigations, but she couldn't let Alucard just do whatever the hell he wanted.

That son of a bitch! He's reacting to the attacks! she thought. What in hell is he thinking?

He chuckled viciously as his eyes widened with a sinister joy from invading Sloth's mind. He couldn't get much out of her as far as information was concerned, but he most certainly got a struggle out of her. She was fighting him back in a way no normal opponent was capable of doing. He licked his teeth in pleasure and released a stronger attack on Sloth's mind. She was practically sinking down to her knees in agony, but she wouldn't back down to this attack. Her powers, in turn, became stronger and created a defense that almost unmasked her attacker. Alucard wasn't about to release her from his grasp that easily, so he released an even stronger attack on her. Blood was beginning to drip from her nose, so she left her defenses behind and instead went on the offensive. Whoever the fuck was doing this was about to get a nice shocker from her. She harnessed her power into one solid blast and released it with a scream. Alucard's head flew back with a moan and then a guffaw escaped his lips. His next attack was even stronger and, when he received an even stronger force invading his own mind, his moan became louder and hissing rose from his throat.

"I'm not sure what the hell he's up to, but it doesn't look good... Right then," Baron said, speaking to a new caller on the house phone. "Alucard, it's your boss on the line. She's asking you to stop reacting to the attacks."

Alucard turned to the butler, seeing the seriousness in his eyes, and then did his best to calm down. He said no more of the matter and stood from the couch he was occupying. In silence, he walked to his room in the cottage where his coffin lay next to Seras's on the floor.

I will find you, Sloth... Alucard thought, chuckling murderously. Tonight, I will find you...


In an underground hive, captured humans of the political world in Moers were tied up by different apparatuses. Some were tied down with ropes, others chained to a wall, and there were some even strapped by shackles to tables or chairs. The mayor of Moers was seated at a throne-like chair with his leg crossed above the other. He was angered by the sudden death of his servants and demanded to know who dared to go against him and his army of ghouls and vampires. The rest of his minions were asleep with exception to the ghouls. They had no need for sleep. They could rest in a vacant grave but not much passed that.

"Did you find out who was killing my men?" the mayor questioned.

"Yes, sir," one of the women answered. She looked no more than 25 at best and dressed like an intern. "An army called the Red Scare III has been patrolling our city, and one of their leaders is the main murderer. Their leader is a woman. She's far stronger than she seems and just as harsh."

The mayor hummed in thought then grinned hungrily, "I look forward to adding her to my legion. Her blood could give me great power if she is wiping out my servants on her own."

"Might I beg you for the first bite, sire," the woman pleaded, walking towards her master.

She undid her jacket and shirt to reveal an endowed bosom trapped in a light green bra. Her hair was tied up in a clip, but when she released her locks of dusty brown hair they framed her beautiful face and breasts quite seductively. The mayor licked his lips as he watched her bend down on her knees and kissed his crotch with her glossed lips.

"You may do whatever you desire to her, Schon," he hissed, lowering his eyelids in a form of lust and anticipation. He then growled, snatched the girl by her underarm, and glared murderously at her. He said, "But she better be alive by the time she gets here. I plan to make her a new servant."

"Yes, sire," she said, nodding her head in fright.

"Sir," a man called, bowing before the mayor. He was a tall man and seemed to be a trained bodyguard as he stood firm in his clean black suit and glasses. He informed, "I've just received word that the Hellsing Organization has been called here. They have agents planning to move out around nightfall."

"Hm..." the mayor purred, concern floating in his red eyes. "That could pose a problem. I've never heard of the Red Scare III, but I have heard about Hellsing. They've been around hunting vampires for a while. Michael."

"Sir?" the bodyguard questioned.

"You, by far, are the strongest within my army. I'll be sending you to take care of Hellsing. Schon will destroy the Red Scare III. If war is being declared," the mayor said, standing to his feet. He came into the light and raised a hand to produce the Nazi salute. His servants followed the gesture and grinned, showing rows of fangs glimmering in the dim overhead light. He then declared, "Let us show them what the power of Dracula's army is truly like! Once the city is claimed, we will take over the lands along the North Rhine and march like a proud battalion over Germany! We will become so feared, so powerful, so invincible that nothing will stand in our way! We will be the spear in Vlad the Impaler's left hand. We will be the sword that slices our enemies in Vlad the Tepes' right hand. We will be Vlad Dracul III's mighty allegiance and conquer all of Europe!"

"Hail to the Ottoman empire!" the servants shouted. "Hail to the mächtigen Dracula!"