
Hell of A Soldier

[COMPLETED 3/11/20] Dylan Richards is a girl who comes from a broken household. All her life she had been beaten and abused by her lowlife father and her gold digger mother. Once midnight stuck the clock on her 18th birthday, She enlisted in the Army. It was her only out of the hell she called home. Riggs Perish is a well respect Sergeant in the Army. He had always had a serious attitude and a "stick up the ass" mood. This got him where he is today though. This serious attitude seemed to be melted away when a rookie soldier caught his attention. "Hell of a Soldier" is based in the 1930s-1940s. Disclaimer: ‼️Not accurate historically as women were not able to join the military in this time period! ‼️Contains Mature Content! -Cursing -Sexual Scenes

Logiwriting · 若者
23 Chs

Ch.15 She doesnt mean anything


For the last year, shes the only one I've seen. Only One I've touch. Only one I've loved. She needs to know that.

I rushed out of the clinic and onto the dirt trails.

I looked around for a clock, we kept one on the main buildings. Mess hall, Postal Area, and Headquarters.

I was close enough to the mess hall to see the time, It read 5:06 pm.

Dylan would be in her cabin around this time, either changing from our daily tasks or with me doing very holy things.

I rushed towards the female wing of the camp and spotter her cabin right away. It had a broken window and random splatters of color all over. It was trashy but she loved it.

I knocked a few times on the door and there was no answer. I expected as much, especially if Marge talked to her.

"Dylan, Im coming in." I twisted the handle on the door and walked inside.

She wasn't here and neither was any of her belongings.

She wouldn't leave because of this, right?

I sat down on her bed and sighed. I fucked things up again.

I stood to leave and noticed a envelope taped to the back of the door. I pushed my heavy ass off the bed and to the door.

Hayvn's hand writing sported my name on the front of the envelope.

Better to just rip the band-aid off now. I slid my scar lined fingers under the seal of the envelope and gently opened it as if it were fragile.

I pulled out a folded sheet of paper. I could see the outline of letters through the paper.



"Richards. Glad to see you made the right choice." The captain patted me on the back as we walked towards the stupid aircraft.

The captain gave me a very bad feeling. Nothing extreme like he's secretly a terrorist or sits outside of preschools waiting for children. But definitely odd.

But until January, I'm stuck. Stuck with him and my broken heart.

"Richards?" The captain titled his head to look at me.

"Yes sir?" I asked eagerly.

"Great! It's a date then." The captain smiled and walked off to speak to a flight attendant.


What did I just agree to?

And did he say it was a date?

For the love of god don't tell me I just agreed to a date with the captain.

I groaned and boarded the plane. I walked all the way to the back and plopped down in a seat near the window.

Usually I'd sit in the middle with Riggs because I was frightened. But today?

Today I'll sit in the back alone. Fuck Riggs, I don't need him.



3 emotional breakdowns later and we finally arrived in Brazil, apparently where the mission was.

I was exactly opposed to being here. The air smelled of salt and paradise. The scenery had color. Way different from my normal grey skies and grey trails. Bare trees.

"Beautiful," the captain startled me.

"Huh? Yeah it is." I took a deep breath and took in the beautiful new sight.

"Not 'it', you." The captain turned to me and smiled sweetly.

"Uh sorry sir, I've got to go help with camp." I nodded and quickly walked off to camp.

This is just weird. I'm 18 and he's like 50? Maybe he does sit outside of preschools.

"Richards! Oh my god!" A little brunette came bounding over to me.

"Hello?" I said, very confused.

"I'm Veronica! We met at orientation!" She squealed.

Jesus Christ I don't miss not being around women.

"Oh my god! I totally do remember!" I squealed.

"Really?" She clapped.

"No. Get back to work." I rolled my eyes and went back to setting up my tent.

Riggs would of went full on goof ball. Squealing, jumping up and down, and maybe even the obnoxious voice.

I miss him.