
Hell of A Soldier

[COMPLETED 3/11/20] Dylan Richards is a girl who comes from a broken household. All her life she had been beaten and abused by her lowlife father and her gold digger mother. Once midnight stuck the clock on her 18th birthday, She enlisted in the Army. It was her only out of the hell she called home. Riggs Perish is a well respect Sergeant in the Army. He had always had a serious attitude and a "stick up the ass" mood. This got him where he is today though. This serious attitude seemed to be melted away when a rookie soldier caught his attention. "Hell of a Soldier" is based in the 1930s-1940s. Disclaimer: ‼️Not accurate historically as women were not able to join the military in this time period! ‼️Contains Mature Content! -Cursing -Sexual Scenes

Logiwriting · Teen
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23 Chs

Ch.16 BJs


"Hey Margot, is Riggs up?" I asked the familiar blonde at the counter.

"Sweet pea, nice to see you. He was actually discharged yesterday." Margot flipped her hair while giving me her seductive smile.

"I had no clue, thank you." I winked and walked out of the clinic.

It was actually not a bad morning for once. The newbies are hard at work, you could hear their grunts from anywhere in the camp really.

The grass had a coat of morning dew. The sun was already out and beaming down on us.

If I didn't have duties, I would be laying down on the beach with my secret admirer.

"Christian!" I turned to see Riggs stomping towards me.

Oh god. Here we go again. He seems to blame me everytime something goes wrong.

"Riggs, glad to see you're up and moving." I gave him my fakest smile, I'm not in the mood to deal with his accusations.

"Cut the shit. What is this?" He shoved a piece of paper into my chest.

What'd I say?

I skimmed through the paragraphs.

What the fuck?

"She left? With who? She's under my authority unless she requested to be moved?" I re read the note again.

Apparently Dylan left. She left to go on some mission?

The only person she could of been ordered to go with is the captain.

Holy fuck.

"Riggs, you know who did this right?" I looked up at my friend, astonished.

"Yeah. Your fuck buddy." He inhaled deeply.

"Who? Amber?" I haven't had a fuck buddy in awhile.

"No," Riggs titled his head at me.

"Vanessa? Audrey? Heather?" I scratched the stubble on my jaw.

"No Avery. Margot." He shook his head,"You're a bit of a man whore."

"I know. I haven't slept with Margot in like 3 months? But what dies she have to do with this?" I handed him the paper.

"This line," he pointed to the bottom of the third paragraph.

'All it took was a nurse and a hickey'.

"I didn't even see that. Wow. Think she did this?" I peered behind him and back at the clinic.

"I think so but I need to clear it up with Dylan. She has no idea." Riggs dropped his head in shame.

I put my hand on his shoulder,"ill go get the address of the base she's staying at. Go write down whatever you want to tell her." I watched as his eyes began to glow with hope.

There's my boy.

"Thank you. Thank you." He pulled me into a bear hug, squeezing tight enough to explode me like a tube of toothpaste.

"Can't," I faked a cough, "breathe."

"Sorry bud." He released me.

"Go. Be quick." I pushed him lightly towards his cabin.

"We will meet back here by dawn." I chuckled as he clumsily ran to write Dylan a letter.

Now time to call in my favor.

I walked down to headquarters where my superior would be hard at work.

By that I mean probably reading an erotica or bossing around some newcomers.

I pushed through the heavy glass doors, only building that had a door and wasn't a tent.

Lucky them.

"Sergeant Avery." A young woman nodded at me as I walked down the corridor.

"Ma'am." I nodded and finally reached my superiors' office.

"Better have your pants on!" I called as I blindly walked in.

"Jesus Christ Avery. Have you no manners?" He sat up in his chair.

"Listen,Rick, I need my favor." I flattened my palms on his desk.

"Right now?" He coughed.

Oh god. Don't tell me he had company.

"Yes and then I'll leave." I stepped away from his desk suddenly disgusted.

"Fine. What?" Rick looked at me bored.

"Private Dylan Richards. Where is she deployed?" I pointed at his map.

"She shouldn't be deployed anywhere. I didn't sign off on any missions." Rick looked confused.

"Well the fucking captain just took her to some foreign country with a bunch of other newbies." I was shocked he didn't know.

What was the captain trying to do?

"If he took them to Spain or neighboring countries, he may be trying to set up a post? But if he took them to Brazil or anywhere close, he could be trying to throw them into sex trafficking?" Rick showed me the map.

"How do we know where they went?" I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Go talk to the pilot who took them, if they're home." Rick nodded at the door.

Asshole. I nodded and mumbled a quick thank you and left his office.

Fucking shit. Horse shit. Dog shit. This was bad. Really bad. How do I tell Riggs?