
Heavell: Born as a Half-demon and Half-angel

Arji is a half-demon, half-angel born in a world plagued by war between demons and angels. His existence is seen as a threat by both sides, and his parents, Celeste and Azazel, have kept him hidden for his own safety. When Arji discovers the truth about his origins, he becomes determined to understand his powers and use them to make a difference. He embarks on a journey to the demon stronghold to learn more about his demonic side, but soon realizes that his abilities are far greater than he ever imagined. As Arji navigates his way through the dangerous world of demons and angels, he must choose which side to align himself with - or forge his own path as a powerful half-breed.

ruszian · ファンタジー
10 Chs

9 (pilot chapters)

Arji continued his rigorous training under the guidance of Zarek. He was now beginning to learn his newly acquired magic, which allowed him to conjure powerful spells that could decimate his enemies. Zarek also taught him various sword techniques and how to control his demon powers.

Zarek had minimum knowledge about angel powers, but he taught Arji some strategies that he had used in his battles against angels during the previous war. He taught Arji how to use his demon powers to his advantage and how to detect weaknesses in his opponents.

"You're doing well, Arji," Zarek said, watching as Arji practiced his sword techniques. "But you still have a lot to learn. Don't let your guard down."

Arji nodded, determined to become stronger. He knew that the war between the realms was far from over, and he needed to be ready for anything that came his way.

As he practiced his magic, Arji began to feel a surge of power within him. He could feel his muscles tense and his heart race as he concentrated on conjuring a powerful spell.

"Focus, Arji," Zarek said, noticing the change in Arji's demeanor. "You can do this."

Arji took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his mind focused on the spell he was about to cast. He felt a surge of energy within him, and when he opened his eyes, a ball of fire shot from his fingertips and exploded against the wall, leaving a scorch mark.

Zarek smiled in approval. "Good work, Arji. Your magic is getting stronger."

Arji grinned, feeling a sense of pride in his accomplishments. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was determined to become the strongest half-angel, half-demon in the realm.

As his training continued, Arji couldn't help but think about his parents, Celeste and Azazel. He wondered what they were doing and if they were safe. He knew that they were risking everything to protect him, and he felt a sense of guilt knowing that he was the reason for their actions.

Zarek noticed the worry on Arji's face and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about your parents, Arji. They're strong, and they'll do everything in their power to keep themselves and you safe. Just focus on getting stronger, and everything else will fall into place."

Arji nodded, knowing that Zarek was right.

Zarek continued Arji's training by teaching him how to use his wings as weapons. As a half-demon, half-angel hybrid, Arji had the unique ability to summon wings from his back. And with Zarek's guidance, he learned how to use them to his advantage.

"Arji, your wings are more than just a means of flight," Zarek explained. "They can be used as weapons too."

Arji looked at his wings, now spread wide behind him. "How do I use them as weapons?"

Zarek took out a wooden sword and handed it to Arji. "Hold the sword with both hands and spread your wings. Then, use them to whip the sword at your opponent."

Arji followed Zarek's instructions, and as he whipped his wings, the wooden sword flew from his grip and hit the training dummy with a loud thwack.

"Good job, Arji!" Zarek exclaimed. "Now try it again, but this time, focus your angelic energy into your wings. It'll make them stronger."

Arji closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the angelic energy flow through him and into his wings. As he whipped the sword again, he felt a surge of power and saw the sword fly with even greater force.

Zarek grinned. "Now that's what I call using your powers to the fullest. Keep practicing, Arji. Your wings can be deadly weapons in battle."

Arji acquired a newfound sense of confidence. He knew that with Zarek's training and guidance, he would become a powerful warrior capable of defending himself and his loved ones.