
Heather's...wait what-?

Murder of popular kids and false suicides....a sexy bad guy and strong female lead who shoots middle fingers off, that all happens in the cult classic film "Heather's" Vanessa is a massive fan of it, and has posters scattered across her walls. Everything changes, when she finds herself in the story! Will she follow the story of the female lead, Veronica Sawyer? Or will she triumph over the main antaginist? Or will she maybe go with his evil plan of bombing the school as a last "fuck you" to society?

Midnight_Raven123 · 映画
21 Chs

Chapter: ( I can't even remember ahhh)

The dawn sun was barley rising accross the horizon as JD and vannessa trugded through the dew covered grass to the back door of the school. Vannessa's eyes were bloodshot and puffy, she had barley gotton any sleep. The morning light shined painfully on her face, making her hide in the shadow of JDs coat. Outside was silent, although plenty of cars lay on the parking lot and a few stoners sat on the steps. Gazing at nothing in particular with the dumbest look on their faces.

JD adjusted the bag he held, it had a flowery grandma like print on the sides.

"All clear on the plan?"

Vannessa nodded and stared into the folds of the cloth.

"Every bit"

Hey voice shook a little but her posture remained straight, her eyes staring straight into his.

He looked slightly worried as he bent down to kiss her.

She pulled away rather quickly, Wich was unexpected to JD. He looked confused as he turned back to the door.

He yanked open the door and the sound of hundreds of students pounding through the halls hit their ears. Each step echoed noisily joining the other sounds.

Vannessa and JD struggled through the crowd and we're almost at once separated.


Vannessa said through gritted teeth as she pushed her way through the students.

One girl was moving slower than everyone else, vannessa felt white hit rage.

"Move it!"

The girl turned around and scoffed.

"Excuse me-?"

Vannessa raised her hand and punched that bitch in the face. The girl stumbled to the floor holding her bleeding nose. Blood dropped unapolageticly onto the floor.

She cursed and made obscene hand gestures but vannessa continued moving. They would all be dead anyways.

Suddeny she bonked into-


Mrs Flemming looked at vannessa in wonder. The gears behind her ugly glasses turning

"But... You almost committed suicide you shouldn't be here today... It's to much stimulation"

"Yeah yeah great talk, have you seen JD?"

The woman had barley realised vannessa had spoken. From what she could tell, Pauline Flemming was hard on in mother mode.

"We need to talk, wether to killyourself or not is the most important decision a teenager can make-!"

Vannessa stared at her in disgust.

"Get a job!"

She struggled through the crowd before spotting a person alone....

She walked up and placed her arm on hus

"Rodney what's underneath the gym!?"

Rodney did a double take. His 70s cop glasses were crooked.

He smiled awkwardly and stuttered.

"The b-boiler room..."

Vannessa cringed in disgust as he so clearly had read the situation wrong.

She left him hanging by the fountain and headed towards the door that read "boiler room"

It was much quieter in this part of the school... Only a few kids took the shortcut to the gym.

The door could be locked, vannessa thought to herself.

She pulled it open, and to her suprise-, it swung so fast it hit her in the face.

She blinked before blidnly making her way down the narrow walled-in staircase.

JD stood at the bottom attaching the small bombs to the doorway.

"May I see your hall pass?"

JD quickly looked up, but rolled his eyes with a very JD grin.

Vannessa jumped the last 3 steps and flew into his arms, holding him.

"Y'know I had to ask a horny nerd and a teacher turned mother to get here."

JD laughed and kissed her head.

"Well your here."

He went in for a kiss but vannessa reclined. It would be silly to admit, but in the movie when Veronica attempts to stop JD... He tries to force himself into her. Vannessa was striving for the same effect... Wether she wanted to admit it or not, she wanted him.

She looked away from him as he still stood cunfused and annoyed.


He pushed a red tube into her hand. She rolled it over in her palm and inspected it.

"Stick it on that vent over there."

He gestured to the massive grate.

She slowly made her way, the darkness was creeping in.

After placing it on the grate she heard a beeping sound.

JD had set the bomb time to 15 minutes. The timer ticked, echoing accross the massive tunnel of machinery.

"All this will be gone."

He said as he placed a hand on the pipes."

"Not as if it would matter."

He crept towards vannessa.

"Maybe I should let you stay here."

He grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him

She gasped softly and tried to look scandalized.

He bent in, but vannessa turned her head.

Suddenly she was pinned to the wall as JD kissed her all over. She felt his lips warm on her cheek and then her mouth. She struggled a little bit but he just held her still. Vannessa knew she had won this battle and have into herself. She kissed him back and he loosened his grasp. She pulled her arms around his neck and held tight as he yanked her waist towards him and pushed her against the wall again.

"We only have 13 minutes.."

Said Veronica hesitantly.

JD looked down at her and answered with a kiss.

These weren't normal kisses, these were the kisses she craved. The hungry kisses. They were fast and rough, she felt her body seize up as he kissed her neck. She gasped lightly as he slowly dragged his hand up her skirt and under her clothes.

She felt him warm on her skin and saw colors flash through her eyes... 5 minutes.

JD stopped and pulled her away. The moment would have to be continued later.

The 2 lovers dashed up the stairs.

The only way would be through the now packed gym

Vannessa ran with JD towards the door, passing through the back.

Everything was usual. The cheeeaders with their pom poms, the geeks gaping through their binoculars at the girls bare things when they did cartwheels.

She also noticed the absense of the stoners... Most likely under the bleachers.

Suddenly vannessa stopped. In a wheel chair sat Martha dunnstock. JD was pulled to a halt.

"What's wrong!? Veronica we have to leave."

But vannessa couldn't leave Martha.

"The time is young."

She walked up to Martha and grabbed her wheelchair. Pushing it along.

"Hey! What are you doing leave me alone ok!?"

But vannessa wouldn't. She pushed Martha through the halls as JD ran ahead- throughly cunfused with his girlfriend today.

Finnally at the parking lot vannessa stopped. She left poor cunfused Martha without an explanation and walked with JD to the way front.

Now they only had to wait, what way to pass the last few seconds than resuming what they had started before?