

A devil(Korn) known for his murders and lousy job broke the news about a new bee in the spy business. Numerous people are missing who were employed by him. To look into him, our child Art received his first work. He alters his appearance and enters his home as a slave. However, as he started falling for him, things started going awry. Will he(Art) have luck in love or fall prey to the wicked man again?

Bookbee · LGBT+
4 Chs

The Devil

A figure on a bed awakens from a nice slumber to discover himself bound to the mattress.

The man on the bed uttered the words while struggling to free himself, "Huh, how I ended up myself here."

"I must leave at all costs; I cannot allow myself to perish here. I'm still single; if I pass away here, only my best friend would know. He might try to locate me, in my opinion. I just hope that until then, this devil doesn't kill me" murmured Art, still trying to let loose.

He heard someone walking toward him at this precise time. "I joined this work on a bad day and at a horrible time for me" Art thought in disbelief.

A couple of weeks ago...

"My first day at employment. My life is always really difficult, so I simply hope that my profession may at least provide me with a pleasant life and a solid salary so that I can pay my obligations. I feel both excited and terrified at the same time." Art murmured while getting ready for his work.

He took a taxi to work. He kept thinking about his job and the potentially perilous situation he may find himself in, but he was also happy that his job as a spy would keep him away from his landers. He continued to think when his phone rang. Ohm was contacting his sole friend and family, he spotted on his phone screen.

"Hello," Art replied hesitantly.

"hey I am in front of your house but it's locked where are you going this morning, don't tell me you are gonna do those same shaded jobs again," Ohm demanded angrily.

"Calm down, I'm not going to do anything that will disappoint you. I'm only going for an interview. Believe me, it's not a dodgy job. When I get home, I'll tell you everything. Let's meet in the evening at the old spot, bye." Art hangs up without even waiting for a response from the other end.

"huh!" he exclaimed, taking a long breath. "I can not let anyone know about my spying work."

"Sir, you have arrived," the driver said to Art. Art exited a taxi and entered a small-looking building. The intelligence agency he joined was not well-known, so he was hired quickly.

"Hello there, Mr. Art. This spy agency's chief executive officer is me. Our company is very ancient and well-known. You are quite fortunate to have been allowed to work here." When he walked in, the company's head greeted him and began telling him about his company's admiration. He noticed that there were two more employees and that no one else was working over there.

"Let me explain your job; you need to spy on people with questionable backgrounds." "And here is your first case," said the chief, handing Art a hefty case file. I hope this will not be your final case. The chief murmured in hushed tones.

Art opened the file and began reading; there was a lot of missing people's information in the file. They all have one thing in common: Mr. Korn. They were all employed at Mr. Korn's residence. There was also some background material on Mr. Korn.

Information of Korn in the file-


-27 year old man.

-Rich, tall, dark, and dashing with a somber expression.

-like to live apart from society.

-No weakness.

 -Mother, father, an older brother, and uncle Chan(butler) are in his family. 

-No pals.

-A businessman.

Involved in various unlawful activities but never received a prison sentence due to a lack of evidence.

It still amazes me that they hired me without an interview because my previous job was so risky. Reading his profile makes me want to flee, but it's my only chance to live because otherwise, I'll starve to death. I'm at a loss for what to do; I can't even be a burden to my pal. Art thought.

"All right, sir. I'll try my hardest and obtain proof of his sinister secrets. When I Must Visit His Mansion." Art enquired.

"You must depart immediately as it is today. They requested an interview after we sent them your profile." stated the manager.

"what" Art said in shock.

"But, I am not prepared," shouted Art.

"don't worry you are going for as a servant there not for an army test. We trust you can do this." said the manager.

"Now go, all the best." said the manager.

"They are treating me as bait for the tiger. well, I am gonna prove to them that I am the best spy," said Art with a proud look on his face.

A taxi was waiting for Art when he left the office. Taking a deep breath, Art hesitated for a moment before sitting down in the taxi. He couldn't even think of anything else because he was so terrified the whole time.

The taxi driver abruptly stopped the vehicle outside of the woods and said, "Sir, we can't go ahead with the car; you need to walk from here. because no other cars are allowed to go inside other than Mr. Korn's family."

Why does he live in the woods? Even the correct address eludes me. What should I do, I wonder? The driver has already departed, therefore I am unable to even return from here. Having exited the vehicle, Art said. 

"excuse me, are you Mr. Art who came for the servant job here?" An abrupt man appears from behind the Art.

"Mmm, yes I am," said Art.

"then follow me, sir, I will lead you to the mention." the servant asked Art.

"Okay" Art, begins trailing him.

"Can I ask you something?" Speak with Art.

"Certainly, it is possible." said the server.

"Why is the house of Mr. Korn located in the woods?" Art questioned the server.

"Master loves nature," said after he hesitated to speak.

Art and the servant arrive at the mansion's main door after a lengthy stroll. It was a large door with a regal appearance. Art kept glancing around. He'd never seen a regal house like this before.

He goes inside the mansion.

This place has such a gloomy, unwelcoming vibe; something is really strange. Art ruminating inside his head.

A man with an enraged expression and an extremely black aura suddenly emerges in front of Art.

"he's Mr. Korn who will take your interview." The attendant knelt and informed Art.

Art swallowed his fear.