
Having Fun in One Piece With a NanoBot-System

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] This was on break as first i was buried in exams- but now that the Vegapunk Ark started, I can not continue writing my story as the chance is high that with each new manga chapter something from my story will get invalidated massivly. Because of this I am putting this on Hiatus until either the Vegapunk Ark is fully over or we had enough Infodumps from Oda so that I am sure I safely could continue. Somebody get's reincarned in the world of One Piece with a Nanobot-System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Tags: science; harem; companybuilding; slowburn; in-universe-poiltics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am always open for ideas, so leave them in either a review, chapter comment or directly on in paragraph comment if you think something should be added, changed or included in future arcs etc. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if i am wrong! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

The execution of the King of the Pirates

Since the news of the capture of Gold Roger reached Green it had already been two weeks gone by. The city square during that time was slowly getting converted to a public viewing area. Green found that it looked like they were going to watch the last game of a big sports event instead of literal execution. Everyday the newspaper, the World Economy News Paper(WENP), would fill nearly half of their issues with Gold Roger and his past deeds. A lot of that stuff was never shown in the story, so it was actually quite refreshing reading about it, despite knowing that it probably was twisted so it fitted the World Governments propaganda.

The World Government was really abusing the event and with it the attention. The newspapers were praising the marines, the World Government and the Hero Garp. Three weeks it will take them to execute Gold Roger because they allowed him to choose his execution place and because they would want to maximize the broadcast to as many people as they can.

It kinda surprised Green that nobody questioned that only Roger was "captured" and his entire crew is still at large. Also they did not mention them a lot in the newspaper artikels. The only one they even mention by name was Rayleigh and that only in passing. The entire crew is basically only a minor thread, which Green found hilarious as technically all of the members who had been on the final island now know the entire truth of the world. He honestly could not see why the World Government would let everyone run around with that knowledge despite them going to nuke Ohara for that in around 2 years. The only reason Green could see them turning a blind eye towards Roger's crew was because Gold Roger was able to strike some sort of deal with the World Government which for some miracle reason they held after his death.


Green was currently sitting on a raised seating area for the rich and noble of his country. His father was next to him while there were some other people trying to socialize with him through his father, as by now everybody knew and accepted that he was a real genius, who probably will inherit a good margin of his father's wealth and assets. Even without that, everybody could see that Green would not need that to reach high value in their eyes. An eight year old who already corrects professors in their lectures and tests has a bright future ahead.

While his father was deflecting the n-th proposal to introduce a kid of Green's age to him as a "friend", Green was watching the broadcasting of the execution getting up and ready. The main monitor already had the platform in view and you could already hear the crowd on the other side in Loguetown getting restless. The two side monitors were added to the viewing, each showing a different angle. The right showed the platform from behind and the left one had the entire crowd in focus.

As the minutes went by, Green was checking the clock on the city center tower like a hawk, the atmosphere rose. Green himself got restless and as he nearly could not force himself to sit still the clock implied that it was 30 minutes into the hour and the main monitor switched towards a view of a man in chains.

Gold Roger was here.

There was the small rumor going around that he was not actually captured and even some more autrages ones. But as the more steps Roger took, the more quiet the whole crowd became, the one here with Green and the one in Loguetown. It became so quiet that the clinging of the chains was everything you could hear, as each step of the Pirate King was letting them cling out again.

Green thought he was prepared for Gold Roger, or better Gol D Roger. Waking, while being in chains and with at least two dozen guards around, he is still up right not down looking at the ground like you would expect from a "captured" pirate. "It feels like I could feel his presence through the monitor and honestly I don't know if he is doing some Conquers Haki bullshittry to assert this aura. If I was on the placa there, my hair on the entire body would probably be already standing up", Green analyst thoughtfully and a little bit in awe.

Still through the entire walk to the execution platform did the quiet atmosphere not change. The procedure arrived in front of the platform and after some changing of the mounting of the chains did the Pirate King start his last climb.

Each step sounds heavily through the still crowd. Each step was somehow elevating the already deadly silence of the crowd. Each step let the chains cling out and were increasing the tension.

"Wealth, fame, power…

Gold Roger had attained everything the world has to offer…

Even though he was walking toward death,

He was literally a King of great Pride…

Inherited will…

The tide of the times…

People's dreams…

As long as people seek the answer of freedom,

These things will never cease to be!"

These were the original words that described the walk of Gold Roger towards his death. Green, with the help of his system, remembers these words now more louder in his head than ever.

Gold Roger arrived at the top of the platform and one last time the chains cling out as he unceremoniously sat down in a cross legged posture, seemingly completely relaxed. As Green now could for the first time make out his face, he was able to see a small smile. It was an amousing on, a smile you would make if you found somebody doing something interesting but you knew more and you were leading them around.

Green realized now that this was Rogers' last end to his last voyage. A literal underling of the "THE END" under the story of the insane life of the King of the Pirates, Gol D Roger. He also realized that the guy who is going to shout the famous question was 100% placed there by Rogers.

As the broadcast once more focused completely on Rogers, him literally making out the entire monitor, you can see Roger mumble something. ["All right… let's get this over with quickly."] Was the system able to libread the Pirate King.

The two executioners, which were each standing slightly in front of him and to each side, were crossing their massive swords. You could hear the metal of their blades scrubbing; making a rather unpleasant sound. Both of the executioners got ready to execute the sentence.

By now you could hear the crowds getting uneasy. Green quickly looked towards the clock again and saw that it was still 1 and half minutes towards the full hour. The execution was set to be at 12 o'clock in Loguetown by the last wish of the King of the Pirates.

This last 90 seconds feeled like torture for everybody present. The noises coming from the crowds rose. You could see from the closeup of the execution platform that the executioners also started to get uneasy. Green was now standing, as were literally everybody that could physically. The tension was like a bow pulled back to the absolute maximum.

The only one seemingly completely unaffected was Gold Roger. His posture and facial expression had not changed one bit. Still smirking and looking over at the gathered people in front of him.

Green was waiting now for the question to be asked. Despite knowing what was about to happen, he was not one bit less on edge than people around him.

At exactly 11:59 and 50 seconds, did the random person in the crowd yell his question at the to be executed Pirate King,

"Hey, Pirate King!".

Everybody was sort of shocked somebody would actually have the balls to scream something like that at this moment. Even the executioner did turn their heads towards the random guy in the crowd. Gold Roger visibly looked up.

"Where did you hide all the treasure you found?!

Is it in the Grand Line?!

You got it, didn't you?!

That legendary treasure!"

One of the executioners tried to interfere,"Shut up, you!". The random dude ignored him and continued.

"That great treasure!


For a moment the silents returned until it was interrupted by a lough that grew in volume. Roger was laughing one more time and answered.

"My treasure?...."

"Don't speak without permission!"tried one of the executioners to interfere.

Roger of course ignored him and continued still with his smile on his face.

"If you want it, you can have it!

Find it!

Both executioners lifted their swords high up and then started to descend downwards.

I left everything this world has to offer there!"

The blades litteral the moment the last sylab left the libs of the now dead King of the Pirates.

Everybody held their breath collectively.

This moment the world stopped for a moment.

And then the entire world erupted in cheers as the last contender for the title of "Joy Boy'' brought one last time joy to everyone.

Even the nobles, which were around Green, exploded with cheers as much as the pleasants below them. Green was even seeing the marines on the plattform opposite from him cheering.

He found this entire scene so insane, like nobody understood that Gold Roger just made everything more insane.

Of course he himself, Green, was not completely unaffected by Rogers last words. His impitions have been raised by Rogers last words.

But those were for another time, as now for the first time in his new life, Green is going to join a celebration. The celebration of "The End" of the King of the Pirates, the last inheritor of the title of "Joy Boy", Gol D. Roger…

I have never had so much fun writing something as this execution.

BTW, this is the version form smoker, where he discribed it in episode 48, which is literall 22 years old.... that just insane. honestly i liked this one more that the new versions. of course the new ones have like the reaction of important people watching it but the core thing about the execution is waaaayyyy better in the old version

SoraSorahacreators' thoughts