
Having Fun in One Piece With a NanoBot-System

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] This was on break as first i was buried in exams- but now that the Vegapunk Ark started, I can not continue writing my story as the chance is high that with each new manga chapter something from my story will get invalidated massivly. Because of this I am putting this on Hiatus until either the Vegapunk Ark is fully over or we had enough Infodumps from Oda so that I am sure I safely could continue. Somebody get's reincarned in the world of One Piece with a Nanobot-System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Tags: science; harem; companybuilding; slowburn; in-universe-poiltics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am always open for ideas, so leave them in either a review, chapter comment or directly on in paragraph comment if you think something should be added, changed or included in future arcs etc. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if i am wrong! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

New Update(24/10/2022)

For the people who want a tl;dr:

This was on break as first i was buried in exams but now that the Vegapunk Ark started, I can not continue writing my story as the chance is high that with each new manga chapter something from my story will get invalidated.

Because of this I am putting this on Hiatus until either the Vegapunk Ark is fully over or we had enough Infodumps from Oda so that I am sure I safely could continue.




the rest stayed the same:

Sooooo, now that is clear let me go over things i wanted to talk about in detail:

First, this story grew a lot from what I first scribbled down in my notebook during a boring lecture last year in December(2021). The general idea stayed with me over my Christmas holidays and after Sylvester I wrote out around 4k words for the beginning until I published the first three chapters over a week. It stayed like that for over a month as I entered my midterms during which I did not have a lot of time so I wrote a chapter whenever I had time. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 were written like that and starting at the end of march, after I was on my spring break, I did weekly updates until Chapter 13, or mid may. From there with the start of the new semester and family situation I was not able to finish anything of value until the end of June, from where I now finished the first major arc.

That was a lot to say that I was super busy and that I originally wanted to not be like that. After I realised the first three chapters I wanted to do one weekly update with a chapter size of around 4k words. The problem laid on the one side by me completely overestimating my speed and on the other side getting buried in work and other responsibilities.

My goal was to be around 250k words deep at the end of the year, which is just not doable now.

My new goal is to be at least over 100k words at the end of the year.

You asked why?

One of my dreams is to be an author, and I started to write Fan Fiction as training for that.

Last year my first attempt at that with my first F.F. Naruto - The Shadow Kage, was me trying to see if I actually could write a story in english as I am not a native speaker, and for me it showed that to me. Despite not getting anywhere with it storywise, the reviews and comments show that it was good enough.

From there I started to plan out multiple stories, Fan-Fiction as Original Stories but never had the courage to actually sit down and write them completely. I have 5 Fan-Fictions and 3 Original Stories where I have written out at least the first 3 to 5 chapters but feel like not publishing it as I would "lock" myself in place with the story.

For that reason alone I started this story. I wanted to force myself to continue writing and publishing and see where it would lead me.

After 23 chapters and 63k words, and with me now finishing the first arc, I am happy that I can say I am now confident that I can write a story fully.

My writing speed is also constantly improving with it.

Another reason for not publishing any of the other stuff is that whenever I publish a story, at least with the two I have now, I feel like I have to continue writing it as I do not want to let the people who enjoy it hanging. Even with the first FF I wrote, which I purely did as a throw away, I started to make a timeline for the story in case I would want to continue…

So yeah… If everything went according to my plan at the beginning of the year I would now have 2 FF and 1 Original running weekly each…

That is also what I am going to work on now. My last exam is going to be in the first week of October.

I am going to start posting weekly one chapter for at least two FF somewhere starting 3rd or 4th week of october.

Maybe I am also going to have one of my Original Stories weekly ready. Maybe?




It leaves us here at the part where i am going to talk a bit about the ideas I had for writing this story:

-during one of my earliest draws has this as a 50/50 plot/smut story

-the harem members always change; Artoria was straight up made up on the spot when I introduced the princess character on the ship; Gion on the other side was supposed to be the original first one…

-the situation with the celestial dragon was in some way already there also since the first ideas I had for the story

-something I threw out of the window immediately was make Green being poor; being an orphan or growing up in the slums with his family or something like that; but i realised I would not be able to reach the point from where I could the story I want to tell, so I made him wealthy as fuck and called it him being lucky in which body he oke up in

-I also did not want him to "find" a devil fruit easily and make the system actually "hard" to abuse, like not being able to replicate itself easily and such…

-also what I wanted to not start early like you read in all other one piece FF, was training. It goes like this in every other FF: Normally dude wakes up, first thing he does is some sort of Saitama training daily, until he is grand line captain level; while also trying to recreate Haki training and the Six Powers, and normally succeeds easily, and all of this is done either while they are super young or in like a month…

If it is so easy to do, why does none of our Main Characters, Luffy, Zoro or Sanji, stumble over it as they are literally combat geniuses. Luffy needed 2 years with Reyligh, somebody who probably literally has seen and knows everything about Haki, to learn the "Basics". Zoro and Sanji only learn both standard types of Haki after 2 years, while both had mentors….

Whenever a story starts like that I would instantly quit it, no matter what the reviews say.

-also with this FF i wanted to try to find a way to logically explain the OP power systems, what do I mean by that? here:

Since this day, in all the Fan-Fiction of One Piece I read, I have not seen a single time somebody tried to explain the absurdly pure strength levels some characters can achieve in One Piece.

The explanations for devil fruits are normally always convuladed and 99% are always some sort of extremely high level form of Haki and soul imbued inside a fruit, most of the time involving the person imbuing the haki and soul dying.

Haki in general is not explained really well, and gives a ton of room for explanations and interpretations.

Other stuff like, the Six Powers, Kinemon being able to cut fire or the hypnoses of Diango and Miss Goldenweek for example.

You see my point?

One Piece is like Christmas coming early for people who want to explain Power Systems. And it gives me a good challenge to write such things for later!




I think I have now talked enough.


I hope to see, read you soon



Sora Soraha