On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.
Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 95: War
"Where is Luna?" Susan asked while looking around.
The second task was about to start and everyone was already taking their seats.
"She told me, She had forgotten something in her room. What I would like to know is, where is Harry? It's been hours since He went to see the Headmaster. He is going to miss the second task." Hannah said.
"Yeah, I don't think He cared that much about the tournament anyways. There are still fifteen minutes left before they start, why don't we go find Luna? If she comes here alone, it would be difficult for her to find us in the middle of this." Susan proposed and Hannah nodded.
They both stood up and started to make their way back to the castle.
Outside of Hogwarts
Voldemort was standing on top of a hill, observing the castle. He looked behind him and smiled.
Trolls, giants, vampires, werewolves, and wizards were getting ready for the attack.
'With this mighty army, they have no chance to stop us.' Voldemort knew that today Hogwarts was going to be filled with a lot of extra people, including many Aurors and important figures from the Ministry. That's exactly why He chose this particular day. He can inflict a crippling blow on all of his enemies in one go. Taking over Magical Britain after that would be trivial.
"We are ready, My Lord," Bellatrix said.
Voldemort turned to face Bella, next to her were Dolohov, Fernir Grayback, the Lestrange brothers, and an old man called Dewy Mandrake, who was a retired but very skilled ward breaker.
Voldemort knew that Hogwarts wards were very powerful so He decided to create an infiltration team.
The main army will attack the wards from the front, however, taking down the wards like that will take hours.
The job of the infiltration team will be to use brooms and make a small hole on the top of the wards, where they are weaker, and get inside the castle. Once inside they will capture the Deputy Headmistress McGonagall and use any means necessary to force her to shut down the wards.
'Even if they fail, that would only delay the inevitable. The wards will fall one way or another. So I'm not risking anything by sending them.' Voldemort gave Bella an intense look.
There was something about her that gave him a bad feeling when she offered herself voluntarily for the task of infiltration, Voldemort decided to send the Lestrange brothers as well, to keep an eye on her.
"Let's start," Voldemort said.
McGonagall was sitting at the judge's table, taking the place of the Headmaster, who was still absent.
'Albus, where are you?' She thought while looking around.
The Headmistress from Beauxbaton was asking her something when she felt a strong signal ringing in her head and gasped.
"Minerva?, are you alright?." Madam Maxine asked.
The other occupants of the table also looked in McGonagall's direction with curiosity.
This was the first time McGonagall had experienced that sensation, but she immediately knew what it was. The wards were able to transmit small pieces of information to those who were in control.
The warning that She had just received had informed her that Hogwarts was under attack. Several hostiles were trying to gain access to the castle. She did not know how many were 'several', but She needs to do something.
McGonagall looked back to the crowd of people looking for someone in particular who She knew would be there.
'There She is!.' She thought the moment she spotted Amelia Bones.
"Excuse for a moment," McGonagall said while standing up.
"Miss Deputy, the champions are almost ready to begin." The Minister said.
"They have my blessing to start then." She said no more and walked away.
"The nerve!" Karkarov said angrily.
Amelia Bones was looking around, trying to find her niece when She spotted McGonagall rushing towards her with a very worried expression.
She stood up and went close to the other woman.
"What is wrong Minerva? did something happen to Susan?" Her voice was filled with worry.
"No, but I'm afraid something terrible is happening. Let's go talk somewhere else"
They both went to one of the close-by tents, set up for the champions to use, but was currently empty.
"What is going on?" Amelia asked.
"We are under attack, Hogwarts wards had detected an intrusion attempt. But I don't know how many are there." McGonagall said, trying to be as calm as possible.
"I have twelve Aurors with me. I'll send a few to scout the surrounding. I'm sure it's only a few foolish death eaters trying to cause chaos." Amelia said.
"Should we inform the Minister and the others?" McGonagall said.
"Not yet, there is no need to cause mass panic until we know the situation better. "
But, the moment they left the tent, there was a tremendously loud noise all around them, and then a semi-transparent yellow filament started to fill the sky.
People were looking up in confusion.
"What is that?!" The Minister asked in a panicked voice.
Amelia and Minerva came running towards the crowd.
"Minerva, what is this? why are the wards being activated?" Madam Maxine asked.
"Sonorus" Amelia said while pointing her wand to her throat.
"Everyone!, stay in your seats and listen to me. I am Amelia Bones, head of the D.M.L.E. We have a situation at Hogwarts. Until we find out more about it, I want everyone to stay calm and remain in their seats. We will give you more information when we have it."
Tonks and the other Aurors in the area came rushing towards Amelia and waited for orders.
"Alright, we have a lot of work to do" Amelia addressed her Aurors.
"What was that?" Asked Hannah after hearing that tremendous sound.
They had just arrived at the seventh floor and were on the way to the Ravenclaw tower.
"I don't know, but I don't like it. Let's go find Luna."
When they were about to reach the entrance of the tower, they saw Luna leaving through the door.
"Luna!" Hannah called and the girl turned around.
"Hannah, Susan. Did you come for me?. Sorry, I had forgotten something important back in my room and had to come back and get it." Luna clutched the pendant that Harry gave her as a Christmas present two years prior.
"Did you hear that noise before?" Susan asked.
Luna nodded. "I don't know what that was, but it was very loud."
They started to walk back to the stadium when Hannah stopped at the first window.
"Hannah?" Susan called.
Hannah pointed outside. "Why is the sky all yellow?"
When Luna looked outside, her face went pale. She knew very well what this was, she had seen something like this very recently when her house was attacked.
"Those are wards…Howard wards have been activated." Luna said, looking very shaken.
"Wards? Are we under attack or something?" Susan was starting to get scared.
"Let's hurry back and try to find some of the teachers," Hannah suggested and the other two nodded.
While they were running back, Luna activated her mage sight to check her surroundings, this was something that Harry had told her to do as much as she could.
'You can never be too cautious.' He likes to say.
Luna's eyes became brighter and she started to look around, there was no one else on this floor. But then she spotted something with her peripheral vision. When she looked up, she saw six strong magical signals, and they were approaching very fast.
'That's where the astronomy tower is. Did the attackers come inside already?' Luna thought.
"We need to run faster, someone is coming and I don't think they are friendly," Luna exclaimed.
The other two noticed the worry in Luna's voice and knew that this was serious.
They all started running as fast as they could.
But then something came flying very fast, it went past them and then stopped.
It was a huge man, sitting on a broom. He had long blonde hair and a beard. He looked very fierce, almost feral.
"Going somewhere, ladies? Maybe you can give me a tour of the school." Fernie said with a toothy smile.