On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.
Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 89: Shopping time
After sending Bella off and making sure that everything was clean, Harry made his way back to the boutique where the girls were.
'It's been almost an hour, so they should be about done by now.' Harry thought.
Once He entered the place, He saw the woman He talked with before, who He assumed was the owner, and a young woman, who looked like the assistant. The two women seem to be carrying a lot of dresses.
He spotted the trio of girls, sitting down on a comfy couch, talking.
"Hello there. How is the shopping going?. Are you girls done?."
"Oh, Harry. It was very hard, but we are finally finished." Hannah said enthusiastically.
"Good, then we can -" Harry was interrupted.
"With the shoes," Hannah added.
Harry made a confused expression. "Pardon?"
"Hannah means that we are finished with the shoes. We still haven't decided on the dresses. " Susan explained.
"Yes, and then, we need to choose the accessories," Luna commented.
"I see…" Harry was dreading that this was going to be another 'Quidditch finals' and almost wished for the death eaters to attack.
Three hours later
"I think we are done." Susan approached Harry.
"Thank Merlin" Harry stood up from the couch.
"Oh come on, It wasn't that bad. Lorry brought you a book to read, and you got to see us in our new dresses." Hannah gave him a playful wink.
"What do you think, Harry?" Luna was wearing a beautiful light blue long dress.
Harry looked at her up and down. "You look lovely."
"Thanks" Luna flushed slightly.
Susan was looking at them with a smile. "Come on, we need to change back, and Harry has to go pay."
The owner of the boutique approached harry and handed him a piece of paper. It was the bill for the dresses, shoes and everything else.
'A bit over two thousand galleons…I guess this really was the best shop in Hogsmeade.'
The elf appeared in front of him.
"Yes, Master?"
Harry handed the bill to the elf.
"Get this amount and pay the shop owner."
Lorry took the paper, and after reading He reached into one of his pockets and took out a bag.
"Where should I place the galleons, Miss?" Lorry asked.
The owner guided the elf to another room that was probably her office.
A while later, the girls came out, wearing their Hogwarts uniforms. Their new clothes were carefully wrapped by the assistant.
"If you don't need anything else, we can go back to the castle," Harry said.
"Don't you need to buy anything for the ball, Harry?" Hannah asked.
"No, I have plenty of elegant robes. I buy new ones every year….and I don't take four hours" He said that last part in a whisper.
When it was time for the dance, Harry left his room wearing a very elegant black robe made with acromantula silk.
He made his way to the seventh floor where He found Luna, waiting for Him at the entrance to the Ravenclaw tower.
"Harry!, Hi" She greeted him with enthusiasm.
"Hello, Luna. You look fantastic. Shall we?" Harry extended his arm and she grabbed onto it.
"You are quite the gentleman." Luna smiled.
Harry smiled back. "Of course."
Once they reached the entrance to the hall, they found Susan and Hannah with their companions.
Susan was with Viktor Krum and Hannah came with a blond boy from Ravenclaw called Anthony Goldstein.
Susan was wearing a crimson dress that complemented her red hair and a mid-length skirt that showed some of her legs.
Hannah was wearing a black dress that hugged her figure and her growing breasts that Goldstein seemed to be having a hard time not looking at.
"We were waiting for you," Susan said.
"Yes, we wanted to go in together," Hannah added.
"Luna, you look fantastic!" Susan said and Hannah nodded.
"Thanks, you two look great too," Luna answered.
After finishing their greeting, Harry said.
"We should get going. I heard that the champions need to do an opening dance."
"Wait, really?" Susan said while starting to look embarrassed.