On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.
Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 105: Epilogue
Bella and Narcissa
"Ah, this is life!" Bella exclaimed happily while stretching her arms.
"Yes, I have missed living like this." Narcissa smiled and took a sip of her drink.
The two sisters were currently lying down on some loungers and enjoying the beach of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands from Spain.
After leaving Hogwarts, on the day of the battle, Bella went to a secret location where she left her sister and waited for her Lord's elf.
Lorry appeared soon after and handed her two bags, one containing over a million galleons and a lot of muggle currency.
The other one contained all of the documentation they needed to legally live in another country, an international portkey, and the deed to a house in one of the Spanish islands.
Bella looked back and she could see her beautiful house right next to the beach where they had been living for the last six months.
"The Lord was truly generous with us."
"Indeed," Narcissa said before her expression turned into a frown at remembering the events of the last years of her life. The loss of her son and her husband still haunts her sometimes.
Bella noticed this and put a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"I know you are still sad about their loss, but You need to move on. And you know?... I may have just the thing."
"What thing?" Narcissa asked while raising an eyebrow.
"You know the house next door that has been empty since we moved here?. Well, today I saw someone moving in!. I could only see him from a distance, but let me tell you…I liked what I saw." Bella winked at her sister.
"You are incorrigible, sister. But, I have no interest in dating other men at the moment. You can have our new neighbor for yourself." Narcissa said.
"Are you sure?, maybe You change your mind after seeing him." Bella moves her head to point something out behind her.
When Narcissa turned back, she saw a man with black hair walking toward the beach.
Sirius Black
It took almost six months for Harry to finally convince the Minister to give Sirius a proper trial.
After a severe interrogatory under veritaserum, Sirius was acquitted of all charges and was given compensation in the form of half a million galleons.
Sirius thought for some time about what to do with his new life. At first, He was thinking about staying close to Harry and acting as a paternal figure, but Harry didn't seem to need parents anymore, He was more than mature enough and liked his privacy.
He then planned to move to his old family home, but after staying there for a single night He had to leave, He had too many bad memories of that place.
Harry then said that He was willing to buy Grimmauld place from him and help him acquire a house away from there, in a peaceful place.
Sirius agreed to the idea and promise to visit his godson on every holiday.
Soon after, Sirius was moving into his new house.
It was a beautiful mansion on the coast of Tenerife, one of the Canary islands of Spain.
After settling himself in his new house and having a good night of rest, Sirius decided to check the beach.
As soon as he approached, He noticed how few people were there, then He remember that He has been told something about this being a private beach, only accessible to the members of this select neighborhood.
"Well, at least is not completely empty."
While looking around, He spotted a small family of three to the left. And when looking to the right, He saw two attractive women laying down on some loungers.
"Well, I better go say hi to my new neighbors," Sirius said with a lustful smile.
As He was approaching, He was giving a good look at the women. They seem to be in their late thirties, one of them was blonde with a green bikini and sunglasses, and the other one had black curly hair and was wearing a purple and very revealing bikini. Both of them had great bodies.
"Hello ladies, I am your new neighbor. My name is S-"
"Sirius?!. What are you doing here?" Narcissa yelled.
"What?!. The hottie I saw is fucking Sirius?!" Bella was alarmed.
"Bella?...Cissy?" Sirius was baffled.
Susan and Hannah
Eight years after the battle of Hogwarts
"Hannah, help me up with this dress," Susan asked.
She was wearing a crimson dress, similar to the one she wore on the day of the Yule ball, but this one was made of acromantula silk and had a midi length.
Her hair was cut at shoulder length since it was harder to move with long hair, and given her line of work, she could not afford any disadvantages.
After graduating from Hogwarts, she immediately entered the Auror academy and graduated in record time.
After all of the training that Harry had put her through, she could have easily become a world-class duelist, but she wanted to save lives like her aunt Amelia.
"Ok, let me see." Hannah entered the room.
She was wearing a skin-tight, black dress that complemented her long blonde hair, like the dress she wore at the Yule ball, but a bit less provocative.
After the battle of Hogwarts, Hannah became completely resolved on becoming a healer. She didn't want to feel useless again when someone important to her was hurt.
She became Madam Pomfrey's assistant during her stay at Hogwarts and then She went to Saints Mungo to learn from a healer that Pomfrey recommended.
Currently, She is a fully licensed healer and working in the healer sector of the Auror department. If an agent gets hurt, they are the first ones to arrive at the site since they are also trained for combat.
Hannah got behind Susan and zipped her dress up.
"You know…you could have easily done this with your wand."
Susan turned around and kissed her.
"Maybe I like to have your hands on me" Susan winked at Hannah.
"You are terrible..." Hannah rolled her eyes.
"Are you sure You want to wear that dress?" Susan asked.
Hannah raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong with it? I thought we decided to get married using similar dresses to the ones we used at the Yule ball. You know…that was the night when it all started."
Susan shook her head.
"There is nothing wrong with the dress." She lowered her gaze.
"But it may get me distracted, that's all," Susan said while looking at Hannahs's chest.
Harry and Luna
The room was filled with beakers, flasks, and all sorts of potion materials. Sitting on a desk, writing in a notebook was a young woman with long blonde hair.
An elf appeared out of nowhere, right behind the woman.
"Miss, the wedding will start in an hour. It would be wise to get ready."
Luna turned around.
"And what is my dear husband doing?"
"Master is in his study, working I believe." Lorry answered politely.
"I'll go see him first." She said.
Luna made her way through the Potter Manor, it hasn't changed much since their time in Hogwarts, except for all of the pictures and paintings that decorate the place now.
Luna stopped at the hall before the stairs to look at one particular picture.
In it, Harry was well dressed in a black tunic while Luna was wearing a white dress, when the picture moved, the duo started to dance. It was Luna's favorite picture of their wedding. Luna looked at it and smiled.
'It's been a year already, time sure flies.' She thought.
She continued making her way until reaching her husband's study. She opened the door and went inside.
Harry hasn't changed much in these years, He still had his long black hair, tied in a ponytail and his face was clean shaved. His features looked more mature now.
He raised his face from the book that He was reading.
"Is it time for the wedding already?."
"Yes, but there is something more."
Luna walked around his desk until she was in front of Harry and then proceeded to sit on his lap. Harry wasn't surprised since she does this a lot.
She then placed her arms around his neck and gave him a long kiss.
"I did it!" She said with a smile.
"You mean the elixir?" Harry asked with obvious surprise.
"Yes!, I have found a way to improve it," Luna said excitedly.
After ending Hogwarts, Luna decided to become a potions mistress, after that, Harry taught her everything He knew about alchemy and the two of them have been working together to create the elixir of eternal youth, using the Philosopher's stone.
However, the elixir they created at first was far from perfect and they had spent the last two years looking for ways to improve its effects.
"If my calculations are correct. We would only need it once every century. But I still don't know what the diminishing return can be." Luna explained.
"That's still a great improvement over the last one. Now we will have plenty of time." Harry smiled and kissed his wife again.
The kiss started to become something more and Luna had to put a stop to it.
"We are going to be late if we keep going…" She said, reluctantly.
"You are right, go change. "
Luna nodded and left the room.
Harry relaxed in his chair and thought about his latest years.
After finishing his Hogwarts education, for the second time. Harry didn't have any plans for a career. He just wanted to explore the world and learn everything He could.
Luna didn't mind where He went, as long as He came back home for her every night.
He has been working on several projects in the last few years. The elixir of life, the three Hallows, and many secrets He found hidden around the world.
There was still so much that He wanted to learn, and He intended to live enough to learn it all.
The end.
A.N: Alright, it's done. This was my first fanfiction and I know it was far from perfect, but it was a fun project and I hope at least some people enjoy it.
That's all, cheers.