
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

Extimum reincarnates in the world of HP AU with knowledge of his past life except his identity, luckily he also gets a gift with his reincarnation, extimum must learn to control his gift, discover the mysteries of his current identity and live his life in this fantastic and dangerous world of magic --- This version is translated by google translator, so I am not sure of the quality, I upload it mainly for those of the app that do not have a translator I will edit the chapters slowly to be more readable, you can identify them with the symbol they have before the name. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted

Zeroz7 · 映画
58 Chs

In the Beggining

[Please read the Auxiliary chapter to understand the writing methodology]

September 1, 1991, London. Station 9¾.

It was a cold morning with a cloudy sky, few rays of sun barely escaped from the clouds , offering slight glimpses of warmth.

It was quite early and the train station still looked somewhat lonely, with only a few people visible around. At that station, a large black and red train with a rustic but well-maintained design was parked. Steam from the locomotive escapes occasionally , giving a little more life to the cold morning.

The train wasn't too long on the outside, but mysteriously, the inside seemed much larger than it looked. Each car had several compartments that formed small rooms that could fit up to six relatively uncomfortable people or four people comfortably as was normally customary .

A child was sitting in one of those compartments.

The boy was sitting near the window, looking lost in thought as he watched the cloudy sky. He had a rather extraordinary and eccentric appearance even within the standards of this world.

He was 11 years old, however, he was considerably taller than most children his age.

He was wearing a rather elegant black suit. At a second glance and you could even see that it looked expensive, however, it was quite common in the fashion of his social class.

On the other hand, his features were remarkable.

He had platinum white hair accompanied by certain shades of purple in certain areas of his hair that sometimes formed purple lines, highlighting his style.

His dark purple eyes hid an unknown depth inside, giving him a touch of mystery, along with a certain predatory air, due to his mostly vertical pupils, like those of felines or reptiles.

However, even if we ignored his hair and eyes, his face alone could be considered handsome and charming and that was already considering his young age.

His name was Extimum Enoch. 

[Previously Shadowless, now Enoch, in the last unedited chapters you can still find "shadowless"]

Extimum was currently reflecting on his life, on what he had been until now and what he would probably be in the future. At first, he lived a fairly 'normal' life until he was 5 years old.

On that exact morning of his fifth birthday , his mind experienced a shock, as if two orchestra cymbals had hit his head and from one moment to the next, he gained memories of a past life.

The memories were vague and full of gaps, but there was some information that, when merged with his mind, gave a completely new meaning to his life. It was almost as if I had woken up from a dream.

His reality became clear and at the same time confusing, but... he was sure of one thing and that was... that he had been reborn and according to the few memories he kept, he knew where, on the other hand, the memories did not affect his mind or his personality too much.

He was a person from this world, he had been born and raised here, and his memories had so many gaps that he could barely patch up what he had learned in his current life.

But putting that aside, he had been reborn in the world of Harry Potter, only… there were some differences.

Some were quite obvious and he could tell given his current situation, others, on the other hand, were unknown until he explored them for himself, but if there was one thing he did know, it was that his family or family clan did not exist in the original story.

The Enoch family in this world was very recognized and was part of the sacred 28, although more than a family it could properly be called a family clan, since the Enoch family exists in every large country with a magical community in the world and although they had their historical origins in Britain, the family currently residing here was just another branch of the family.

A branch that, like the others , were distant from each other, but strongly united, forming a self-directed and independent network among its links and that did not have a defined general leader other than the consensus of each head of family.

Thus, the family had great military power and political influence locally and globally, however, they are also one of the most discreet and generally neutral families, thus leading to a powerful and influential, but low-profile existence.

However, although the branch of the Enoch family in Britain enjoyed great prestige, it cannot be said that the Extimum family circle was very close.

Since birth, he can almost count the times he had seen his father, not to mention having seen him; even having him speak a word to him was rare.

His mother on the other hand, was a little more approachable, but by 'a little' we mean that after she made sure to teach him enough so that he wouldn't embarrass the family in the face of basic knowledge and etiquette, she became almost as elusive as his father.

Although, at least he got to see her more regularly than his father or it was like that at least for the first few years, until she simply stopped coming.

Because of this, Extimum grew up under the care of his family's house elf, Bob, who attended to almost all of his requests, but who was equally short of words.

Thanks to Bob, he was able to access the mansion's library and dedicate himself to learning more about this world.

Some tough times those were, but having certain memories of his past life, although sparse, still gave him a broader perspective of the world.

So he concentrated on what he had and focused all his attention on reading and learning, ignoring his situation and the cold treatment of his family, after all, ignoring their treatment of him, at least they provided him with everything he needed: a comfortable place to live, food and everything that the mansion and money could get under certain limits.

At the cost of his young heart and feelings, his personality slowly became colder and more callous, stunning his very ability to understand them, as he focused all of himself on magic.

However, his rebirth was not so simple, similar to the fragments of stories he remembered, his rebirth came with a gift.

He was a holder of the bloodline of the celestial fox

A fact that clarified some unknowns in his mind.

The reason for the difference in his features and appearance compared to his family and some other strange quirks that he had dismissed before, such as his enhanced senses (sight, smell, etc.), along with the fact that he had noticed that his physical strength He was much stronger than children his age, as to whether there were any other advantages, abilities, or implications of having this bloodline, he did not know them at the moment.

The memories he obtained only contained information about the movies and some things about HP's books. Based on this, Extimum had reflected on its situation and its future.

It was only until he ascertained the date in a newspaper that he immediately knew that he was likely to be the same age as Harry Potter, so being a victim or being involuntarily involved in difficulties by going to the same year as him was a strong possibility.

On the other hand, he still didn't know if he would approach Harry Potter, after all, he didn't know him personally nor did he know if it would be worth being his friend, but getting along with him was also within the possibilities if he found him to his liking, even trying to help him might not hurt.

After all, this is his life and he wouldn't carelessly go into trying to be a hero or help everyone, adding that he was a little interested in Hermione, although her character was quite annoying at first, it's not like he couldn't try to tame her. ahem help her improve her character.

It was only after some time of pondering his plans that he had decided not to complicate things too much, he was only 5 years old at the time and there were still 6 more years until the plot began.

So he had enough time to discover his abilities and the real difficulty of magic, plus he didn't know the reason for his rebirth and since he didn't remember anything about who he was in the past, there was no point in thinking about it too much at the moment.

In fact, the knowledge and memories he had gained only made him wiser and more mature for his age, but he was still a child.

By having free access to his family's resources and Bob's assistance, he was able to begin to establish his knowledge bases about magic, naturally, as a good connoisseur, he organized the different topics that he remembered and that would be very useful.

Such as legilimency and occlumency, as well as books to help him understand the perspective of magical society.

This study lasted for a year and a half in which he would study everything that could help him better understand the wizarding world and the first year of Hogwarts studies.

He didn't have much interest in getting too far ahead and then doing nothing in school, plus even if he could, he wasn't sure he could learn everything on his own, especially the later years and more so with the large number of useless books that portrayed all in ways too complicated for simple topics.

That said, while studying, he discovered that he had an eidetic memory, although that didn't mean he understood everything, at least he could remember it perfectly. In between that time he also had rare classes with his mother about manners and family history.

He also accompanied his father to some political meetings, mainly because he was the current heir of the family.

From these meetings he came to know that he had an uncle (paternal), Rhys, who, unlike his parents, treated him kindly and was willing to communicate normally with him, something a bit refreshing. However, he didn't see him very often either and they weren't very close.

Over time, in addition to just studying magic, he also added a gentle routine to train his body, although he said gentle, it was actually quite intense since, although his body was young, thanks to his bloodline his limits required more work to develop.

Among his studies, he discovered that in this world in order to perform magic, two things were needed.

The first is the lineage and the second is the nucleus.

The lineage part didn't say much, just that it requires magical blood to perform magic and as for the core, it is a kind of extra muscle that all magical beings have, which develops over time and training.

However, according to various situations, the core has a better development or remains stagnant at a level, although the levels are more theoretical, an approximate classification would be five levels from the awakening of magic to the current peak of power (more info in data).

After learning about this, he even wondered if wizards were really humans or the same species as the so-called muggles; after all, a certain lineage is required to perform magic, so wizards could be a species derived from humans, thus also being magical creatures.

Or on the contrary, just another magical being that looks like humans but is not human, however, then he stopped thinking about it anymore, he realized that there was no point in knowing the answer for the current him anyway.

The following years he continued with his studies and physical training, in addition to trying to test if he could gain some control over wandless magic and having Bob get someone to teach him fencing or swordsmanship. Although it differed depending on the type of sword, he didn't know if he could really get an instructor for it, especially since he couldn't leave his house, except when his mother came over.

On the other hand, he had never handled a sword, but he had a certain fanaticism for swords and although it was unlikely that he would have one anytime soon, perhaps in the future he could get one.


*Knock Knock*

At that moment the sound of someone knocking on the compartment door was heard, waking him up from his memories.

Shortly after knocking, a boy opened the door. He was a brown-haired boy wearing a rather ordinary gray suit. After opening the door, he looked inside as if looking for something or someone and after not finding it, he left, closing the door and leaving without saying anything.

Extimum didn't think much about it and turned his attention back outside, realizing the flow of people boarding the train and families saying goodbye was larger than before, probably approaching boarding time. Since he had arrived early, he had taken his time resting and sometimes flipping through a book in his compartment until he was lost in thought.

As he looked outside, his door opened again, this time a boy who was a little skinny and short for his age entered, he had black hair, green eyes, he was wearing clothes that were clearly too big for his size and round frame glasses accompanied by a slightly nervous look on his face.

???: "Hello, is this place unoccupied?" Even though there was clearly no one else in the compartment other than Extimum, the boy still asked.

Extimum: "oh, hello, go ahead, it's free." Extimum was surprised to meet Harry Potter so soon, it's not like he hadn't thought about meeting him here, but he didn't think there would be such a coincidence.

As I said in the synopsis, this version is translated by google translator and the quality may not have been very good, I don't know much about English, so the reviews are rather superficial.

On the other hand, if someone wants to help or detects an inconsistency in the text, they can mark it for me to review it, you can also look for the Main version in Spanish or if you want to help leave me a comment.


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