
Harry Potter: The Beast Whisperer

Note: The world is not exactly the HP world. You will find multiple differences for example some dragons in the story are actually intelligent and comparable to gods. The story follows a child who was abandoned on a magical island as a baby and has the power to communicate with and understand the island's magical creatures. He is isolated from the outside world due to the fear and prejudice against magical creatures, and his only friends are a lethifold he wears as a protective cloak, a Nundu who raised him as her own, and an adopted dragon named Blaze. One day, the child discovers a secret that threatens to expose him and his friends to the world. With danger looming on the horizon, the child must embark on a journey to discover the truth about his past and his connection to the magical world. Along the way, he will encounter new friends and foes, face challenges and obstacles, and ultimately uncover a plot that could change the fate of the wizarding world forever. As the child and his friends navigate the dangers and mysteries of the magical world, they will learn the true meaning of friendship, courage, and sacrifice. Will they be able to overcome the odds and save the ones they love, or will they fall victim to the forces that seek to destroy them? The story used narration at the start but will have chapter where POV is used.

StoryBeast · 映画
18 Chs

Chapter 7: The Three-Headed Evil

In the afternoon, they had Charms with Professor Flitwick. Lewis found this class to be a bit more challenging, but he still managed to make his feather levitate for a few seconds.

After Charms, they had a break before their final class of the day, History of Magic with Professor Binns. Lewis found this class to be incredibly boring, and he struggled to stay awake as Professor Binns droned on about Goblin rebellions and Giant wars.

Finally, the classes were over for the day, and Lewis and his friends headed back to the common room. He heard a sinister echo.

As Lewis walked towards the common room, he noticed that Harry and Ron were a bit confused as he suddenly came to a stop. He quickly assured them that he would meet them in the common room and that he just remembered that he had to check on something. With that, he turned the corner and made his way towards the sinister echo.

As he approached the wall, the echo became clearer, the echo seemed to be coming from behind the bricks, and it sounded like a cat wailing. The corridor suddenly became dark.

Lewis cautiously placed his hand on the brick that was whispering to him, and suddenly he felt a strange sensation of being pulled forward. Before he knew it, he found himself in a dark and eerie place, with everything around him blurred and distorted. He felt a sudden pang of fear, but quickly gathered himself, knowing that he had seen worse.

He started walking down a path, not sure where it was leading him. The surroundings seemed to be shifting and morphing, as if the very fabric of reality was bending to an unknown will. He walked on, feeling more and more uneasy as he approached the end of the path. And then he saw it.

A large creature with three heads was staring directly at him. Each head was that of a different animal - a toad, a man, and a cat. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It looked like a monster straight out of a nightmare.

The creature began to giggle, and Lewis took a step back, ready to run if necessary. But then he remembered his life on the magical island and the creatures he had defeated he knew if he shows his back here the creature would kill him. So instead he decides to face the creature and defend himself.

"Hello there," he said, in a voice he hoped sounded confident. "My name is Lewis. Who are you?"

The creature continued to giggle, but did not attack. Instead, it began to pace back and forth, as if playing with him.

Lewis, feeling a bit eerie, pulled out his wand and took a step forward. "I mean you no harm," he said. "But I will defend myself if I have to."

Suddenly, the creature stopped pacing and began to snarl. Its three heads lunged forward, and Lewis raised his wand, ready to defend himself. But before he could cast a spell, the creature disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving behind nothing but an acrid smell and a sense of unease. And then a voice from behind his head shrieked "I hope you entertain me!"

Lewis stood there, panting and sweating, his wand still raised in defense. He knew he had just encountered something far beyond his understanding. He wondered if anyone else knew about this place, or if he was the only one. He decided to keep his encounter a secret for now, but he knew that he would never forget it.