
[1985 Pt. 3]

[*A few months later*]

[12 Kennington Road, London.]

The registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects was an interesting law. It was a law that could be described perfectly as a prosecutor's nightmare.

'Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects listed all magical items forbidden from modification with magic. It covered Muggle artifacts, historical relics, and items of cultural, historical, or magical significance. Any attempt to modify or enchant the listed objects was strictly prohibited, and violations were enforced with appropriate penalties.'- This was a law that all member states of the International Confederation of Wizards had to enforce.

The history behind this law was equally intriguing. It was implemented after the conclusion of the Wizarding World War, spurred by a dramatic incident involving remnants from Grindelwald's forces. They had astonishingly enchanted a battle tank, transforming it into a flying, spell-shooting machine capable of housing the group of twelve muggleborn American witches that crafted it.

The International Confederation of Wizards had acted swiftly, dispatching a force of a hundred MACUSA hit-wizards to track down the airborne tank. A harrowing battle ensued as the heavily magically-reinforced tank proved a formidable opponent, causing dismay among those tasked with its capture. In an alarming display of power, the tank had apparated high above the broom-riding wizards, ruthlessly opening fire with an enchanted machine gun.

The conflict raged on for an extended period before the wizards managed to subdue the tank, yet the witches on board still managed to escape. This single event left an indelible impression on the ICW, solidifying the necessity of the law to prevent similar dangerous incidents in the future since it was quite clear to the Confederation that had the tank been used before Grindelwald's defeat, it would have led to the man winning.

Nathan was fascinated by the way the magical world operated. It was very different but also very similar to how the non-magical world worked- The bureaucracy was unnecessarily complicating its own work on both sides for one. Record keeping and finding were easy in the magical world while until the creation of the internet, both those things were the nightmare of a public administrator like Jason in his previous life.

Nathan as a seven-year-old was so interested in this law because he wanted to see the possible consequences of the crime, he would be committing if he ever enchanted a muggle weapon.

The sentence for breaking the Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects he found depended on the item it was broken because of. Create a shocking doorknob or a regurgitating toilet and you get a fine. Create a biting doorknob or a cursed dress and you will get a small sentence. Play around with guns and end up using them on a wizard and you will find yourself in Azkaban. Play around with tanks, missiles and planes, and you will find yourselves either in the embrace of a dementor if the wizengamot was ruthless or headless if they were kind.

'So its Azkaban if they ever find me with a gun, huh?'- He would have liked if the wizarding community were ignorant of guns but there were intelligent people among them as well, as sad as it was.

Not like it mattered much, he was getting a gun regardless. The question was how to get it.

Stealing seemed the obvious choice. He could steal it and then enchant and engrave runes on both it and the ammunition. A concealed gun like a Glock or 1911 seemed like good insurance to have.

'Not that it would do much against a wizard if they get a protego up especially if I am shooting one-handed and don't get a headshot in the first exchange.'- Protego could stop nearly all non-magical projectiles thrown at it if the wizard could get it between himself and the projectile. There was a reason that during duels knights and wizards alike preferred swords and spears. A goblin steel or mithril blade that was enchanted could cut through magical shields like butter.

Only arrows with heads made of magical metals or magical wood that were enchanted could get through the wizard's shielding charm. And neither of those two things were cheap to come by. No, he would enchant each bullet to make them lethal to wizards.

Nathan wanted to be a spellcaster. A wizard that was specialized in using wanded magic to a competent degree. Nathan would rather focus on skills like transfiguration, charms, runes, dark arts, mind arts and arithmancy.

Each branch was chosen carefully after placing a lot of thought into them. Transfiguration was a great skill for crowd control and territory control. Charms were ideal for adding versatility to his arsenal. The dark arts seemed perfect as a skill for war. Arithmancy could be used to craft spells and could be used when placing either large wards or enchantments. Runes could be used for enchantments that could help in both transfiguration and preparing for a fight.

He was not interested in fields like Astronomy, Herbology, Potions or Magical Creatures. The only field that was purely theoretical in nature that Nathan liked was History and Civics whether it be magical or non-magical.

'But that can be used for leisure.'-- Honestly, the lack of entertainment seriously disturbed Nathan, any self-respecting government would promote their entertainment method, but the only things Wizarding Britain had in the name of entertainment were Quidditch, Duelling, Gossip Magazines, choirs and books. There were no proper plays, songs(that weren't actively cancerous) or games that were different variations of jumping on a broom.

"Maybe there is an opportunity there." Nathan shook his head, maybe as a hobby in the future since he did not have much time at the moment. He was busy trying to become a future killing machine for the future of Wizarding Britain.

'I should get an Order of Merlin just for having to sacrifice my leisure time for this sacred nation,' Nathan smiled at the thought before he focused his thoughts on the book in front of him.

'Magical Laws- Misdemeanours and Felonies.'-- It was something he had bought using the money he had saved in the last two years. His family was what Nathan would describe as an Upper Middle-Class Family- they had enough money to splurge on things like brooms and enchanting kits but they were neither connected enough nor rich enough to get an out-of-Azkaban pass like the truly rich families like the Malfoys or the Bones.

'We deal in luxury items which the older families are willing to spend a fortune on.'

It also meant that his family relied more on the pureblood faction than he would have liked. However, that was exactly what had allowed his family to stay out of the conflict between the Dark Lord and the Ministry in the first place after all. They were neither rich enough nor influential enough to go after.

'A problem for my future self'-- Nathan decided dismissively as the book on his study table shut itself magically with a 'clap!'

He maintained his focus on the book as it slowly floated from the desk to the bookshelf where it aligned itself perfectly between the books.

Nathan sighed as the warmth covering his solar plexus and arm slowly receded just like it always did when he stopped using magic. This was his second-greatest feat after months of training. The first one is setting his bookshelf on fire without burning anything as a way to intimidate others.

'And that will probably be the greatest one as well,' Nathan was sure that this was the most he could get out of wandless magic. He shook his head shifting his thoughts to the book resting left of the book on magical law.

He summoned the book before opening it and placing it on the reading table. The book was named Syncographian Numerology.

This was the second of the three books he had bought, the third one being Glyphs and Runes.


A|N: Nathan gets started on Arithmancy and Runes. The registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects is canon and I have only increased the history behind it in an effort to worldbuild.

Sorry for the delay in updates. I have been busy with the news of the LK99 Superconductors(To those that don't know, it's world-changing stuff if proven true and feasible. We are looking at efficient nuclear fusion reactors and efficient power grids. Electrical conduction will completely change IF the patent turns out to be true.)

I have been looking at stocks related to renewable energy generation, copper and zinc mining and grids due to this. To anybody that is reading this fic, read up on investing and if you have money lying around that you can spare, invest lads. (Though don't buy into the hype too much, even if LK99 is true since things like these tend to lead to newer discoveries and patents.)