
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · 映画
51 Chs

the maledictus

Alex met with his parents near the case shop. His father bought him and Harry a trunk and aslo a storage ring with the space of 3 rooms in it for both of them. Alex is very surprised when he saw storage rings but then realised they're very expensive 40 galleons for one.

But James who is now immersed in profits of many companies did care about the galleons as potter's inheritance contains millions of galleons sitting in gringotts along with the profit steady stream.

Sirius is the same, he is waving his hand showing he already purchased one for Susan while she smiled at him. Then they all goes to a pet store. Alex saw many owls, cats, Ravens and even toads.

He felt uncomfortable actually as he didn't lie them. He is looking around for the snow owl that he is here specially for, while all the pets looked at him making everyone wide eyed.

Lily has an expression like here we go again. She gazed towards the culprit none other than her son Alex, who is looking around the shop searching for something which amde her frown. Her son have her many surprises now she wants to see what's more he can give her.

Alex suddenly froze looking at a snow white owl with his eyes wide and has a look of shock. He immediately snap out of it and then moved towards the snow white owl cage. The snow white owl looked at Alex curiously and after a few moments it sits obediently in the cage while looking at Alex.

The things that shocked Alex is Hedwig's status :


Un-named owl / Melinda Gryffindor

Race : human-maledictus

Description : The descendant of Gryffindor from 12th century who is cursed in a tomb by an ancient mummy and became a maledictus.

Status : currently interested in host as she felt a closeness from you.


Alex immediately grabbed the owl. It's Hedwig no doubt about that. But he didn't expect Hedwig to be a maledictus. The snow white owl attracted him very much after he found the truth about her.

So Alex planned to let her be by his side and then cure her and wants to win her over his side. She is from 12th century which isn't very far from the golden age of magic so he wants to win over his side.

Alex asked his mother excitedly," mom, I want this owl please", Lily frowned and asked," what's so special about this particular one? There are many owls in this shop? Although it's looking beautiful I want to know why this one?".

Alex smiled and said," I felt this owl has magic. I felt it when passing by this owl. I want this owl please", he looked at her with pleading eyes while the owl looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Lily nodded and asked the receptionist who said it is 5 galleons. Lily paid it while Alex smiled and said to the bird," you're my companion from now on. Let's take care of each other from now".

He smiled while Susan for some reason felt something wrong and looked at the owl in the cage with suspicion. She ignored for now and looked at Alex who is chatting with Lily.

Harry bought a grey coloured owl while Susan selected a snow white cat. She selected it because it is more friendly than others. As soon as she got it the cat started lick her and show it's affection which made her giggle.

After getting their pets tehy returned to the manor while James invited sirius for family dinner. Sirius agreed and then used the house elf to apparate from there while Alex comes to his room.

He placed the cage in a corner and used his fingers to play with the owl which gave him an annoyed look. Then he gave her the soup which he asked a house elf to brougut to his room.

Alex then placed it infront of her and let her eat it while he started reading the books about runes and after sometime he looked at the owl who finished the soup and is looking at him while he smiled and goes downstairs to eat dinner with his parents along with susan and her family.