
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · 映画
51 Chs

sorting ceremony

Alex then moved forward after advicing Harry while Harry nodded hearing his words. Nevile on the side looked at him and said," if only I'm half as good as Alex I don't need to be scolded everyday by grandma".

Nevile deopped his shoulders while the students moved forward. Alex catched up with the girls and discussed which academy they want to go to. Susan is interested in Hufflepuff rather than Griffyndor to his surprise.

As usual the other 3 are to Slytherin, Alex is in a decision to consider the house. He wants to go to Slytherin as in there he can have a private room after winning the duel but the thing is he don't want to a leader to some brainwashed pure blood philosophy minded idiots who are very irresponsible especially someone like Malfoy.

Alex will discuss it with his girls and ask if any of them are interested in this if he is chosen for Slytherin. Anyway he also wants to explore Hogwarts and have strength to break the bones of this hypocrits so he didn't think much as even Lily and James won't say anything even if he is Slytherin.

The care they have him during the years andbthe question he asked is this,' what if I was sorted into Slytherin?', to which Lily and James replied," Alex you're grandfather and grandmother are in Slytherin house before. So don't think too much we love harry and you equally no matter what. You're our son and we'll take good care of you until you grow up with our love".

It's the answer he got so he didn't have much opinion even though he is sorted to Slytherin. Mainly it's the only house which provides him with a separate dormitory. So he wants to go there to achieve his things and do romantic- * ahem* get along with his girls.

So he didn't think much while a voice sounded," hello, newcomers. Before the great hall I have something to say and you must follow. Hogwarts has four houses Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Before studying here in Hogwarts you'll be sorted into one of the houses".

She looked at the students and continued," in your time at Hogwarts your house is like your family. Hogwarts has a house cup which will be rewarded to the house with highest points. The points can be earned through your hardwork and given by professor's. Good deeds earn points while mischief and rule breaking will deduct those".

McGonagall continued," so at the end of the year the house cu-", Nevile who saw his toad that went missing again after the boat picked it up while yelling," Trevor", McGonagall looked at him with a stern face while he apologized and goes back to the crowd.

Alex shook his head at this and looked at McGonagall who again said," so at the end of the year the house with the highest points will win the house cup. Now in a few moments the sorting ceremony will begin and you'll be sorted into your houses".

She said while the crowd of the young ones began whispering among themselves, they are discussing," I heard we have yo battle a troll to get sorted from my brother's", its Ron who whispered to harry while students shook.

Another one said," I heard there are ferocious beasts in forbidden forest maybe we have to defeat them", then outrageaous reasons like mummies and others came which made Alex feel more outrageous.

He sighed and said loudly," hey, use your brains we're first years without any magical knowledge sending us to them is like sendjg food to the beasts. I'm guessing it maybe like an ancient stele or something that will tell your character or behaviour then sort you to a house when you placed your hand".

Alex looked at the crowd and said," I read it in many story books. So I'm guessing it may like this", the freshman breathed a sigh of relief while the girls in the crowd started to admire Alex. Harry, Ron and Nevile looked at him in admiration.

McGonagall smiled at his almost accurate answer while Alex is laughing inwardly. McGonagall coughed and said," tidy up yourselves. In a few moments were going to the sorting ceremony".